Friday, July 30, 2010

causing trouble possibly


It is morning and I think I am functional.

Wow, talk about wacky dreams. Let me see if I can remember all of it. I know that the objective was to get to Vegas. It took a lot to get there, and we never made it. I wish I could figure out what Vegas means in my dreams. It seems to be a common goal lately.

A military helicopter showed up at one point to drop off two kids to us that were not ours but due to some kind of paperwork, they were our kids, and the kids knew this. Bobby and Dax were thrilled.

A man stole Dax’s red fuzzy backpack. Security was horrid. I am sure that was a concert flashback.

There was a flood. One of the adopted kids lost his retainer in the flood. I had to hold Dax’s dinosaur cards to keep them from getting wet. And some meds, I don’t remember whose those were.

We were supposed to leave like 100 times, but people kept sleeping or doing weird things.

There was a donkey.

We ended up in Venice, or something that I knew was Venice but looked nothing like it. There was Mexican food.

On the way to Venice, there were things on the side of the road that consisted of random giant ads for the movies Toy Soldiers and Toy Story. Lots of action figures yelling at us.

Dax and Bobby had suitcases I didn’t know we had. Dax had a Thomas the Tank one and Bobby had a Star Wars one. They were cute.

So needless to say, it was a crazy night. I know that it effected me so much that when I woke up, I was sure I was in a hurry.

My day ahead of me is busy. I have to finish this spreadsheet. I ended up having to work on a different one when I came in because the boss needed it right away. I also dinked around with co workers. That’s right, I am taking full advantage of the relaxed Friday atmosphere.

There was a lot of colonoscopy talk. I am sure Ken will not be thrilled. I was pleased with myself when I got Bobby to ask Ken if he was really getting a picture of his butt at the doctor’s office. Bobby was quite interested in the whole procedure. If I knew for sure he and I could be in the procedure room the whole time, I would so bring him along. But as of now, I am going to see if my mom wants to spend the morning with him.

After work, I am getting the boys (one from daycare, one from Camp) and going to see my folks who have been in Seattle or on a train all week. After that outing, we are going to meet Ken at the mall to get him some cheap shorts due to gift cards and a coupon. Woo hoo! I have not decided on dinner at the mall or if I will use another coupon and go to Hometown Buffet.

I am thinking of doing the all liquid diet with Ken on Monday. It is like when cancer patients lose their hair and their family shave their heads for support. I am so not shaving my head, but chicken broth all day seems doable.

OMG-They were talking about Chelsea Clinton getting married, and how she is “royalty”. Bean then says, “well, if she is our royalty, let’s direct her to a Paris tunnel.” I almost died laughing.

Its funny, I don’t feel stressed this week. Yet my dreams were very stressed. I think perhaps I am not handling my stress correctly.

I had a crazy allergy attack last night when I was cleaning Raticus’s cage. Not fun. But it was worth it to see her so happy! She is such a good rat! She hung out on Ken’s shoulder, all kinds of happy. Then when we put her back in the cage, she was so excited! Love that!

Is today over?!?!?!?!

When I say today, I mean work day today. I am so ready for a weekend. Although, I can’t complain too much. This week flew by!

Yay! Doug might come over Saturday. That will be cool. He promises lots of juicy entertainment dirt for blogging purposes. Can’t wait!!

I am upset. iTty is dead! The battery just needs charging. It isn’t the end of the world, but man, I am missing music of my choice!

I am feeling way too groovy today. I am chipper, I am happy, I am rockin! I suppose this isn’t a bad thing. It is just one of those things.

Ok, look, Ken, I love you, but I am tired of my sympathy butt pains. I have been ok since my issues in the beginning of the week. Just now, more blood. In all fairness, I noticed that my booty be burnin (that was for Ken), and I am not starting to be concerned that I may need to check things like my blood pressure. Sheesh.

Ken is thinking he may be done with cleanup at the camp and may even be home when I get there. This means I might not have to go to the school to pick up Bobby. That will be nice if only because the traffic down there blows.

I am causing trouble at work I think. We will see.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Crazy morning


Yesterday work was good. At the company meeting, the head boss actually gave me kind of a shout out. He said that one employee told him that the meetings were too long, boring and that we should serve lunch during. He said he decided to take all my suggestions and ran with them. YAY! He didn’t say my name, but I will see him today in another meeting which is keeping me from going home on time. I will have to thank him!

In the afternoon, I found myself in the midst of a semi challenging report, which I love. I managed to finish it before I went home, so I was all kinds of proud of me.

I was still tired, though, and it occurred to me that it was gorgeous out, and there would be no children home for a bit, so I could take my nap out in the beautiful sunshine. It was awesome! I laid out and listened to some tunes, all the while, soaking up the wonderful sunshine. Occasionally I did get a dog shower since Luna would go and swim for a bit, then come over to check in with me. Lycos simply hung out near me, chewing on some toy that sounded super nasty. It was perfect.

Ken and the boys got home and I told them they could strip down and swim. This pleased them, so the three of us went in (no way was Ken getting in that water. It was only like 70 degrees!). I warned Bobby to be careful a couple of times since he was jumping into the pool without looking to see that he wasn’t going to land on a person or dog. He clearly wasn’t listening to me. I swam along and then found myself dunked under as a 50 pound kid landed on my head. Holy fuck that hurt. I jumped up and Bobby apologized. I was not having it. I told him he was done. See, the thing is, I have told him this before. Plus, he has already jumped on me before! I was done. He was super upset, but I needed him to understand that sure, it was me this time, but had it been Dax?

I was in gobs of pain. It hurt my head and neck. I had to get out of the pool. Dax swam for a while more with Luna. They chased each other and seemed to have a good ole time. Eventually the wind picked up and it was chilly, so Dax went inside. I had to make dinner, anyway.

The boys spent the evening naked. Ahh, summer time when you are young!

We put them to bed actually right on time, which was awesome. Dax, who tends to yell out a lot, managed to settle when I handed him a cat book. He had been telling me he wasn’t tired, so I told him to look at the pictures in this book, which contained only pictures of cats doing funny things. It is like 200 pages, too, so I knew it would take him a while to go through. Occasionally I would hear him laugh, but before long, he settled and fell asleep.

Bobby was a little more restless. It was a shame he didn’t swim more since it would have ensured his sleep. But all in all, it didn’t take him too long.

I am tired this morning, but I am managing so far. I expect that once I get this one spreadsheet I will wake up. Until then, I am dinking around, hoping the day speeds up.

Sigh. I really wish people would do their job correctly. I have an account that was just set up that has written on it that it is approved for a credit line of $70K, yet the broad who did it set it up for $50K. So now, when the orders total $70K, they are held up. Sigh. Just do your job, people. Don’t make it up as you go. Sheesh.

Groovy 60’s event at the Kidgits event at So Fresh Market on Saturday. I know where we will be at 10 am on Saturday. I know the kids will not appreciate a lot of the freebies, but their mother will. YAY!

Ok, I am half way done on this mega spreadsheet. At this rate, I don’t anticipate it being done until tomorrow. I have stop for other accts in between it and it is super time consuming. Oh well. At least I know it isn’t due for a week.

I am wondering if it wouldn’t just be easier across the board to require 3 things when you are pulled over. Driver’s License, Proof of Insurance, and Proof of Citizenship. That way it isn’t just Hispanics feeling like they are being picked on. Everyone needs to have all three things. I would be more than willing to carry that sort of id.

Sorry, I don’t want to really get all political, but with the Arizona thing in full force of the news today and all week, I had to mention it. I still and standing with the Arizona law makers on this. I think that it is a law that is needed. I understand that it is a federal issue, but the federal government doesn’t nearly as much involvement as the states do.

Ok, I am done.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Had a meeting-this is posting late!


I feel like this has been “responsible adult” week. Monday afternoon I got the dogs over to the vaccination clinic for their shots. Yesterday I went to the bank and opened up my new bank account. What will today bring?

In all actuality, I am hoping that I actually follow through with that nap idea today. I want to get home and sleep for just a little bit. I am tired of being tired. Of course, I don’t see it happening since I have 100 things I really need to do. Laundry, some light cleaning, etc.

Today I have some busy work to accomplish. I am kind of dinking around as I am very uninspired. It is a 2 hour project that I don’t have to have done until tomorrow morning at 10. It also is a report that if something came up, the boss would deal with it being a little later. This doesn’t help the procrastination.

I hate that I can’t keep my eyes open. It is getting really frustrating. I get 7 hours of sleep. That really isn’t bad. It means my sleep isn’t good. I really need to talk to a doctor.

Bobby only has a couple more days of camp. After that, I would imagine he is going to get to help Ken with garage cleanup and Lego sorting at the house. It will be kind of nice to have those things done.

I think that I want to load the car this weekend with the computer waste and take it down to a drop off location. I want to get the driveway cleaned up so that when we have Dax’s party it looks nice. It means this weekend, which is a free weekend, will be spent out back working.

Why doesn’t lipstick want to stay on my lips? Is it a crappy quality lipstick? I have Maybelline, shouldn’t that be nice enough?

Dax is going to camp with Ken and Bobby today. I guess Bobby has Ken’s class in the mornings, so Bobby’s assignment this morning is to teach Dax how to build some Lego. Too cute!

I have a coupon for Hot Topic for 50% off of any regular priced item. I have $20 in mall money. I think I may need to go by the mall in the next couple days to see about getting Ken a new pair of shorts. The ones he likes are $42, so I can get a pair of shorts for like $4! YAY!

I have made a decision. It sounds morbid, but when you come up with a plan, it is good to get it in writing. Recently, I read this article of interesting places human remains have ended up. Specifically what people have done with ashes. I have never been a big fan of cremation. It always freaked me out a bit, but my practical side has convinced my spiritual side that rather than have my family spend gobs of cash on a burial, I would much rather them spend it on something interesting. Specifically, I would like my ashes to travel.

If I am lucky, I will live to a ripe old age and this will fall mainly on my grandchildren to accomplish, but whatever age I end up passing on, I would like my loved ones to celebrate me by going on a trip with me. I will come up with a list of places I want to visit. I would like a small portion of my ashes to go there. Whether Ken takes the trip, Bobby, Dax, any one of my friends or other family doesn’t make much difference to me. If you loved me, you should have a small amount of me to take me somewhere cool.

I know I won’t get to see the place, but by having people take me some place, it means that it will force them to go some place awesome. Maybe it will inspire my kids to go to London or just to see the largest ball of twine. I have to come up with a fun list and hopefully people will look at it as a way to pay tribute, and still have fun with life.

Ok, back to the living.

One10 has a bb sized lump between her shoulder blades. I noticed it last night. I was scritching her when I noticed it. Ken shaved the area and it doesn’t appear to have anything external to worry about. Of course, it does mean we need to keep an eye on it. She is about 13 years old, so some kind of cyst doesn’t seem unheard of. In reality, we have 3 older kitties we have to keep an eye on for those sorts of things. IO is 15 and Ittles is 9. Hopefully it is nothing.

Our neighbor, Mike, is in the hospital. Maria was with him all day since he showed up on her doorstep yesterday morning, pale and shaky asking her to take him. Turns out, he has pancreatitis. They think it is caused by his drinking with his meds. We didn’t realize how much he was drinking. He has 3 or 4 shots a night! He is on blood thinners and gobs of other pills. Plus, he had a blood clot in his lung just last week! Dude is crazy! And he keeps riding his bike when he needs rest. He just had surgery on his leg for some kind of condition. He needs to not drink, to give up smoking and to let his body heal. The hospital will allow that since that is a bad kind of pain and he will be drugged up. It will be good for him. Scary stuff, though.

Monday, July 26, 2010

A good trip


Running on fumes this morning. I need sleep badly. I am using coke to supplement my energy requirements. It isn’t the best thing, but it will have to do

My trip is going to be documented in two journals. One is a piece I was inspired to write about an incident at the concert. Let’s just say trailer trash plus ignorance equals a lot of unhappy concert goers, all of whom were in the car I went in.

The trip itself was uneventful. Our flight was pretty easy out there and Andy and Scott picked us up. I rode with Scotty, Bob and Paul. Bob and Paul are old friends of Andy and Scott and they were up for the concert. I have met Bob many times and he is a sweetie. Paul was great and seriously, looks just like Dr. Cox!

Saturday was lazy. We played around the house, I took the boys on an adventure. We went into town at one point, but it was a quick trip. We had to get back since we were having an early dinner.

Grandma and Grandpa took the boys to go see Despicable Me. The original suggestion was that they were going to take them to see Toy Story 3, but I was concerned that they would not be able to handle Dax getting freaked about the evil monkey. Despicable Me seemed like a much more light show. They loved it, but I am pretty sure they loved playing at McDonalds even more. They got to go there after the movie. It was there that they met a little boy named Dante. Bobby had told me he met a new cool friend whose belly button lit up. I wasn’t sure if this meant an alien or an over active imagination. I opted to check his sources. There was in fact a little boy named Dante, and he had this little flashlight on his belt that was under his shirt and made his belly button light up. Too cute.

Any hoo, Dante and Bobby bonded. When Bobby and Dax had to leave, Dante broke down sobbing asking if they could come over later. TOO CUTE! So phone numbers were exchanged and next time we come up, we might need to give them a call to go play at McDonalds again. I am a little bummed I missed this!

While they were breaking little boys’ hearts, we were concert going. It was Ken, Andy, Scott, Lyn, Bob and Paul.

Ok, breaking news. I am not ok right now. For a little graphic TMI, keep reading. I am spooked and freaked out, so forgive me if I am being a little too forthcoming. I just went to the bathroom, and I pooped. Not unusual activity, and to be honest I was mostly in there because I wanted to nap. LOL! Any hoo, I have been a smidge backed up since the trip. It happens when I get up there. Altitude messes with my nose and bowels. Super annoying. Dax gets the same issues. So I got up, and I looked into the bowl to see blood everywhere. It was as if I had started my period, which seemed reasonable to me until I determined with a quick wiping that the blood in fact was from the back door, not the front. Holy hell! It was bright red, and there seemed to be tons of it. My ass doesn’t hurt, nor does it feel like I have a cut or something like that. My stomach feels ok, and when doing stupid net searches for cause, my rational side is telling me to stay calm. It seems like it is probably from some straining when I pooped and rather than panic and call the doc, I should give it a couple of times this morning to see if it is still there. If for some reason it doesn’t look better, then I should call the doctor. Of course, I am spooked and my ass is hyper sensitive to things probably not going on right now.

Ok, back to the show.

It was at this Indian reservation called Thunder Valley. Man, so many problems there. Security would not help us when people were smoking in the stands, even though it clearly stated on the ticket no smoking. Plus, the ticket time said 8:30 start time, yet we got there at 7:30, and someone was already playing, and what made it worse was that it was someone we didn’t know was playing, and someone we would really want to see!!! Allison, who was another person from Adam’s season, was rocking out and AWESOME. We only saw like 3 songs. She was added last minute, but fuck you Thunder Valley. They started the show early. Plus, they have our email addresses. Why not send out a text or something? I have more stories to share about a trailer trash whore calling Ken, and really the rest of the guys, fags and went off on them about stuff. It was horrid, but like I said, that has inspired a tolerance piece I will work on when I am more awake.

Adam himself was amazing. The show was outside and we had a nice breeze in the bleachers. He sang wonderfully. I wish the place would have used the giant tv screens so that we could have seen him closer up, but they sucked on so many levels we could not possibly expect anything good from them.

We went into the casino itself after the show just to look around. I also was hoping to find some kind of phone number or web site to complain to. We went into the non smoking section where there were nickel and penny slots. Ken gave me 3 dollars. I put one in a machine that annoyed me. I went to the next machine, and I was not impressed. Last machine was more traditional, just looking for 7’s and BAR’s. I got bored after a little while, and cashed out. At this point, my winnings was $16! Woo hoo! I hate gambling, so I was pleased to be able to walk out with a profit.

We got back late, about 12:30. The boys were passed out asleep, which was great! We were able to sleep, and even sleep in since they had also been run ragged. YAY!

Sunday was not nearly as hot, and it was awesome that while we were sitting out on the deck, the clouds rolled in and it started to rain. It was still warm out, so the rain was amazing. The boys ran in it, we all sat in it. We even opted to take a walk in it, all of the household hiking through the woods, getting wet and having a good time. LOVED THAT! Honest, that may have been my favorite part of the whole trip.

The boys crashed out in a nap and really most of Sunday was Ken being asked to help on some computer stuff, and myself and Lyn hung out in the living room chit chatting and trying not to fall asleep. LOL! It was really nice.

Ann came over and gave us the scoop on George. It doesn’t look good. He is having to use the restroom every 2 hours, and his backend is raw. He is tired and sore and is not allowed any pain meds stronger than Tylenol. He has to take these certain pills (that cost like $3K!) that are making things better, but they take their toll. On the positive side, he is hydrated and keeping his demeanor. Ann called him a perfect gentleman and I could see the tears behind her eyes as she said this about her soul mate. I know she is scared of losing him, and I really don’t know how she stays so strong. Not that I ever want to go through that, but man, I don’t know if I am a strong enough person. I would be a mess!

Our flight home was a pain in the ass only because Dax had the ear issues again. We had even given them Benadryl hoping that would clear up Dax’s nose so that the popping would not be as bad. I had lollipops since he doesn’t chew gum. Nothing really helped and he has issues. I feel bad since I get frustrated with him not listening to my advice on it and all he does then is cry. Of course, once it was done, he was mostly fine. The guy next to us in the plane was impressed with how much Dax loved the plane ride (aside from the popping). He asked me about the gum, and I mentioned that since he was only 3, I thought gum wasn’t a good idea. He looked at me dumfounded and says, “He’s only 3????” He proceeds to tell me how his niece is 3, and she seems like an infant compared to Dax. And he wasn’t talking about size. He was super impressed with Dax’s intelligence. He even asked me if he was advanced. I feel so proud.

Luna about crapped herself she was so excited I was home. Hopefully it is nice out today since I think I need to take her into the pool tonight.

Of course, all of this is dependent on my ass.

A nice swim would certainly wake me up.

Soda not doing it, and I would imagine it is doing more harm than good with the poo issues. The fan also is not keeping me awake, which is frustrating. Not sure where to go from here. I am bothered that a tiny part of me hopes the blood is more serious only because if I am in the hospital, I will get some sleep.

Ok, good news is there was no gobs of blood this last visit to the restroom. Only a smidge, so it must mean that it is something minor. I will keep an eye on it, but I think I am in the clear.

I honestly wonder how long I could stay in the bathroom here and not be noticed.

Friday, July 23, 2010

In the air again


I am rockin the kicky beret I got today. It looks pretty good, although I am always worried that wearing a beret makes me look like Patty Hearst.

I managed to pack the suitcase with my hairdryer, so I only have my purse as a carry on. Woo hoo! I have not decided if I am going to take Bitty or not. I really don’t know if I will need a computer at any point. I figure all day Saturday is going to be busy and Sunday I should visit, so I think it is a good plan to not take it. I may have to hop on someone else’s at some point to check Facebook, but that is easy enough, even if I just use iTtty.

I am hoping to get out of here at 2. That will get me home in time to do another run through of the house and to be ready to go when Ken and Bobby arrive home. I may go get Dax right away since I need to get his backpack packed.

Yesterday I took the kitten to the shelter. He was pretty annoyed, but the guy at the shelter seemed positive of his adoptability. They didn’t have too many kittens there. One, though, was so cute and friendly I almost just did a straight exchange. LOL! I still would love to get Bobby his own critter, but I think it will wait for a while more.

Dax and I stopped at the Pedro Target where I found him some $5 shoes, and I replaced my broken sunglasses. They had some interesting shoes that Ken might like since that man is really hard on his shoes. These were on clearance so when Ken and Bobby got home from the school, we all went over there. They turned out to not be what he would want to wear on a daily basis.

I was grouchy all afternoon. Work people were finally starting to get to me so I was frustrated. Plus, Dax has been whining all week, so my nerves were fried.

Not sure if I already mentioned this, but it cracks me up so I will mention it again. Bobby keeps doing the lip, which is his pout face. I have been trying different ways to get him out of these funks, when it occurred to me what the lip really is. I looked at him and said, “Oh, Bubba, tell me about the shrimpin” in my best Forrest Gump. He cracked up. Every time he has done the lip since, I have called him Bubba. In fact, he has now even taking to telling me how to make shrimp! Cracks me up, and gets him out of the pout.

I enjoy retelling my story of the party plane with people. I just got to tell my coworker about how I got free drinks on a flight once going up to see Ken in Sac. Awesome! This comes up because when I printed my boarding passes last night, I found that there were 4 free drink coupons. WOO HOO!! I am thinking a couple glasses of wine will be good for my flight. Get this party started people!

It is going to be a slow going day. I am anxious to get out of here, so I am sure I will not be able to pay attention. It is also the last day of the month so it means my boss will be a little stupid today. I need to do this report for him this morning. I will get to work on it shortly. He drives me nuts.

That is bothersome. Our neighbor, Mike, seems to have gone missing. It would not be odd for him to not be home, but he would never leave for a long period of time and leave his back door open. He is the man who is always home. He goes out on his bike all over, and he has not gone to the desert (he goes to vacation) in a while due to his health. But since I got home yesterday, his truck was gone and his back door was open. Now, his garage is closed, which signifies he is gone for more than his bike ride, but it is all a little worrisome.

In the spirit of thinking about Patty Hearst today, I often wonder if I would have been a hippie or an activist or just some angry housewife had I been 19ish during the 60’s and 70’s. Of course, I would have been brought up way different, so my experiences that make me who I am today would not come into play. It is possible I would not be as interested the things I get excited about now. Plus, based on how I tend to like things from 30 years prior to the current time, I would have liked the 40’s. Hmmm…

Wouldn’t it be cool if the reason I feel so interested in that era is because I am the reincarnated soul of some dead hippie? LOL! It would be cooler if I was someone important. But I don’t know that I have done that soul any justice if that was the case.

Maryann said I look sexy today. Yay!

Rawr!!!!!!! Sorry, co worker annoying me.

Boy, if I can rock this knit hat, I may be able to get away with some other cute ones when it is winter time!

It is an annoying day already. I am hoping that I don’t get all irritated.

It smells like ramen in here.

What is more important; Justice or Money?

I wonder what people like Mama Cass or Jim Morrison would think if they knew about the things like fan pages and things dedicated to them years after they died.

Ken and I were doing our banter last night when I indicated I was “angry” at him. Bobby pipes up from the back seat and asks in a stern voice, “Mom, why are you mad at our daddy?” I explain that Daddy was making fun of me. “That is not very nice! Daddy! You be nice to our mom!” Awesome.

I feel very geeky today. I am actually wishing I was at Comic Con.

I think I may leave at 12:30. Or even closer to 1. It will allow me enough time to make sure everything is in order. I am traveling light enough that it makes me sure I have forgotten something.

I am about to be pissed.

Customer always pays way late. Has only a $10K credit line. Only just now sent me $500 for some items over 60 days. Still owes $3K. They had the gall to place a $200K order. I tell sales team not a chance in hell. First off, sales rep actually has the gall to just have arrogant dude in my dept to call them to work out past due. It took everything I had to not tell him to fuck off. I did say it was not arrogant dude’s acct. It is mine. Plus, even if all the invoices were paid off, they don’t warrant that kind of a credit line. He tells me it is good money that it came from the government. Can anyone say with a straight face those two things together? Jackass now called my boss. Found out that not only is he wanting the order, but $26K of said order is already delivered. Are you fucking kidding me????? My boss gets all nervous about me saying no. He just can’t stand up to a sales rep. It drives me nuts. I am this close to emailing the CEO. So fucking frustrating. Yes, noon thirty is a good option.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

New hats!!


My quest for the knit beret was successful. I found it at the Carson Target. It was not on clearance but I opted to pick it up anyway. I also found an uber cute pink knit cap that I am loving, too. I also found a super cute white tank top for $5! It was a good shopping trip!

After Target at Carson, I went home and picked up Dax for an outing to the Compton Target. We were still looking for containers for Ken’s work. While there, we found a dot to dot book for 90 cents and 3 caps for the boys on clearance. One was a green hat with SpongeBob for Dax, and the other two were for Bobby. One of them had Lego Star Wars on it and the other was a clone. Super awesome. When Bobby saw them later, he lit up and almost couldn’t speak. The words that finally made it out were a breathless, “THANKS MOM!”

I also got Ken a Star Wars shirt. He wears Star Wars shirts all this week for Star Wars Week at Lego camp, and he seemed bummed about most of his shirts being a bit faded. So I thought that a new one would be good.

I had planned on picking up Del Taco for dinner since I had a craving after Brandy mentioned having it for lunch. But instead I went home and intended on being good and making dinner. I texted Ken to let him know it was FFY and mentioned the Del Taco. He then offered to pick up Taco Bell, which is all kinds of happy making.

We played out back after dinner with some of the sparklers that Ken had found in operation clean the garage up. There was a point in which Lycos walked away from one with what appeared to be smoke coming from her fur, but I am pretty sure no one was injured in their adventures.

The boys went to bed and Ken and I watched AGT. We were maybe 20 minutes into it when I started feeling really ill. I was a bit dizzy and nauseous, but no stomach ache. It was very odd. I think I had been staring at the screen of the computer too much, so I went and sat on the recliner. The ick eventually subsided enough that I fell asleep. I am still rather tired this morning, and still a bit icky, but nothing serious. I do have a raging headache, so I may be taking some generic Tylenol soon.

I have opted to record my look every day this week. No real reason. I just thought it might be fun. I have also considered taking a picture of myself every day for a year. I love all those art projects where they do a picture a day. I could of course do a pic a day of the boys. But it is a wrong time to start that. What I am going to do for Dax is on his 4th birthday, I am going to take a picture a day of him in the same spot every day to show how big he has gotten when he hits 5. I may do the same for Bobby starting on his birthday.

I managed to pack all of our clothing for the trip into one carryon bag. I am so proud! I have not packed the ever important hair dryer yet, but I think I can still shove that in the suitcase tomorrow morning after I do my hair. There are a few more minor things that need packing, but my plan so far has been to limit it to one suitcase, a backpack for each kid, my purse and Ken’s laptop bag. So far so good!

Dammit! I picked up some new gum in my shopping adventures and I left the pack at home. Grr!

My hat today is getting rave reviews so far. I am super pleased with it, so it is a nice bonus when others compliment my style. I am liking this wearing white thing, too. I noticed that it really brings out the tan in my arms.

I had a strange parenting epiphany yesterday. I had gone to pick up Dax this week when I stopped to talk to Tony, the man of the daycare house. He had dug up some of his lawn and I asked him what the plan was as I was walking up to his door. He told me of the plans to fill it in with concrete. He and I talked a bit about how the city is lame and just standard grouching. I told him it sucked he had to do this in the heat of the summer. He then laughed and pointed out that he really was not doing much of the work that his 17 year old son was earning his keep. We laughed and the conversation was over. Last night it hit me. I had been conversing with another parent about having our children do chores. I was no longer the child that the parent was having do said chores. I was bonding over the mutual knowledge that kids are really little cleaning minions. It was a strange thought all around.

I stepped on the helmet of Captain Rex last night and I pointed out to Bobby that perhaps it should not be on the floor. I looked briefly and came across the carcass of the good captain on the floor. I went to put the helmet on when I noticed the poor man had no head! I pointed this out to Bobby who then says to me all serious, “That’s the bad news, mom. The good news? Well, I have all the guys in a pile over there and I know we will find Captain Rex’s head tomorrow.” Oh my goodness, he is growing up too fast!

I am looking forward to my trip tomorrow. It will be a whirlwind of travel and chaos, but I think it will be way worth it.

Ok, that may have been the best bad taste joke ever. Show biz beat mentions that Christina Applegate is preggers. Ralph then quips that it is too bad the kid will end up starving. This was a joke referencing her double mastectomy last year. I almost peed I was laughing so hard.

Ken’s colonoscopy is scheduled. Woo hoo! It is August 3rd. I am going to need to go with him since Bobby can’t just hang out in the waiting room for him. Although, I may hit up my mom to use that day as her hang out with Bobby day. Either way, I need to drive Ken home. Plus, you know me, I need to document the entire procedure. LOL!

I am actually bummed there are no photos of me in the hospital. I have been in there like a million times now, and yet no one has documented it. I need to make sure I have my camera in my pocket. It is my own reality show.

I hate my desk at work. When I lean over my desk for any reason, I end up bumping my desk and it ends up stretching out my shirts when it rubs. Of course, I know this isn’t my desk’s fault, but I have decided to blame the desk. LOL! I just need to not sit so close to the desk. I just moved my keyboard back enough so that it hangs over the desk a little so I can’t bump the desk itself.

Glenn Beck is going blind. I say it is Karma kicking his ass for trying to whip people up into a needless frenzy about crap. Asshole.

Look, I won’t get into a political thing here. At this point, I think every person in office from small town up to the president himself all needs to step down. I also think that all the people that are really vocal about wanting to be in office next need to go away. I would like to see brand new people in the office. People who have never had any experience in politics before. I don’t know that the jury system works, but perhaps the senate needs to be done the same way. We need to have each bill discussed by a counsel of peers. Let the people decide, not the retarded people that are doing it now.

Ok, I am done.

I hate the day before travel. I get all worked up about making sure I remember everything. Plus, I tend to over think (me, over think something??? LOL!) what kind of things I can skip tomorrow morning like drying my hair, etc just so I can get everything in the bag. It is getting to the point where I almost need to start investing in the travel kit. I can have a travel size hair dryer (or even better, I can leave one up at the Compound), all my toiletries in a bag that I can always just grab. The only problem with all of this is that my needs seem to change too frequently. LOL! I need to just chill.

It was a bad idea to get solitaire on iTty. I can’t stop playing it. Luckily it just looks like I am sending a text or something when someone comes up, so I have been able to hide it well.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Man, I have been busy this morning


Dax and I went in search of my knit beret at Target yesterday. I was sad to see that it was all sold out. They did still have the cheesy cowboy hats, marked down to $3 now, and I found a light blue knit beret (which Bobby pointed out looked like his blanket when he saw it) for $3 which I did get. I told Ken that I didn’t get the cowboy hat, which he ordered me to go and get today since I had been looking at it for weeks now. So Dax and I are heading to a couple of Targets today to see if perhaps they didn’t sell out of my knit beret and to get a cowboy hat. Plus, I am hopefully picking up some containers for Ken’s Lego.

Until then, I am working as normal. I earned some extra cash this morning by doing a coworker’s accounts and there is some hint that the deal in which I get some big money from my super generous coworker may happen next week. Even she isn’t counting on it since she has been told this and in turn has told me this for some time now.

There is also a company meeting today which should be interesting what with some new departments being possibly announced.

The girl that I think ratted me out about the cat yesterday has been quiet this morning, not even saying good morning to me as she normally does. I think I made it pretty clear that I was pissed at whoever felt the need to tattle on me. I mentioned it to another couple of coworkers and they were shocked that this happened. I wonder if word got back to the perpetrator.

I have been given the inside scoop. The person I think told on me did. She told her supervisor, the cranky ass dude here in my dept. Both of them can go straight to hell as far as I am concerned. Neither of them are to speak to me unless it is work related and even then, I would prefer an email. I am pissed.

Well, talk about a busy morning!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Grrrrrrrrrrr!!! Why do people suck??????


Something is wrong. I don’t have any black on again today. In fact, not one piece of clothing is black today. People are going to worry.

Another pretty pleasant afternoon for me. Dax and I did some laundry and cleaned up the backyard. Luna was excited that we were out there since within seconds of her being unleashed, she jumped right into the pool. Silly dog swam for a good 20 minutes before getting out for the 3 minute break. After the break, dog was back in. She was a swimming fool.

I am pretty sure Ken was up most of the night. Not only was Dax restless, but Luna felt the need to start whining around 3:15. At 4 I finally got up and let her out. She peed for like 5 minutes straight. My fault, really, since I am sure most of the water consumed was from the pool.

My shirt is a crisp white. I never wear white. Not because I don’t like the color, but because I am sure that I can’t go a day without spilling something that will stain it.

It is meeting week for me. Today at 10 I have one that I am sure will be annoying. Of course, it is always entertaining to watch people in a meeting about procedure. Even though we are the ones coming in to complain, it ends up being the other departments that clash with one another.

Crap. I am having another bout with uber sleepy. I wish I could figure out what to do. I wonder if I should get some vivrin.

Of course, the one day I wear not so comfy shoes and a white shirt is the day I may have to dig in a dumpster. The warehouse guys just came and got me because there is a kitten in there. Kitten looks about 5 months old. No way in to dumpster really, or more specifically, no way out. Ken is in route to help out.

Sure enough, my white shirt is now soiled. Not too bad, though, but it is annoying. On the plus side, Ken jumped into the dumpster and got the kitty and put him in a carrier. I actually have no idea if it is a boy or girl, so for now, it is a boy. LOL! I have him at my desk in the carrier. I have offered some food, but he seems too scared still. I didn’t want to just put him on the floor, so I have him facing me so that he gets used to me and sees I mean no harm. I will keep talking to him today and when I get home I will hopefully be able to transfer him into the giant cage so that he can stretch out and maybe have a little privacy to eat and drink some. He is clearly spooked, but I am not sure if he has aged too much to make him shelter ready yet. Ultimately he will go there, but I want to see if I can get some socializing in first.

Let me tell you, though, when you feel sleepy have someone come and tell you there is a kitten in need and it will wake you right the heck up.

I just slid the whole can in the carrier. I had just tried putting a little in there, but I wanted to push the food closer to him so that he wasn’t as nervous eating if he had to come closer to the door.

Ok, I covered up the carrier so that perhaps that will offer some calming. My one coworker is allergic and I think she is getting nervous that she is going to break out. I highly doubt it, especially since she doesn’t come to my desk and it isn’t like the cat is out and about. Hell, she comes in contact with more dander on my clothing when I am standing at her desk. She is drama, so I just let it go. It is especially amusing, though, since this is the same broad who didn’t want to take down her gobs of flowers despite the allergic reaction another coworker was having to them. Sheesh!

Poor kitty will need to hang out under my desk while I go to my meeting. He should be fine. No one comes in my area, and he has food and privacy. Plus, I will only be gone maybe 90 minutes.

Bobby had interactions with a guinea pig yesterday. Ken sends me a text asking me how I felt about them, to which I replied I was not a fan. This is when Ken had texted me back telling me Bobby had just played with one. Crud. I told him I was ok with a one for him, but I still wasn’t thrilled. I then started to worry that perhaps this text was telling me we now had a new member of the family. Thankfully, this was not the case. Plus, when I asked Bobby about it, although he said it was cool, he wasn’t jumping up and down asking for one. Phew!

Bobby is obsessed with the cats, though. He adores the shit out of Monarch and Ittles. Luckily, both of them seem to be just as smitten with him. They let him carry them all around, dragging them around like rag dolls. It is super cute to watch. I am amazed at the patience these two cats have for this kid. They both love sleeping with him. Monarch has even taken to climbing up on Bobby’s head, to which Bobby will often body slam him over, which is totally happy making for Monarch. It is cool to see Bobby turning into such an animal person.

I fucking hate people. I just got a call from facilities saying that I have to get the cat out of here. So I am going to put him out near my car in the shade with some water and take him home later. I may just leave after my meeting. My facilities guy was awesome, but he wouldn’t tell me who complained. I will find out, and I would place cash money on who I think it is. FUCK THEM. Look, the cat will be fine outside. It is in a shaded area with food and water and lots of ventilation. That is not the point. The point is that whoever complained should have had the common decency to approach me and ask me for the solution instead of complaining to facilities. I am pissed. I am so fucking pissed off right now I can hardly see straight.

Why is everyone so fucking surly today? Look, I am pissed off, but I am still chipper. People, don’t act as if you are the only one in fucking world? I was in a meeting where 2 of the people just acted as if we were out to get them. Then, they bailed on the meeting before it was done (never you mind that our meeting was scheduled weeks ago) to go to a different meeting. They should have said they couldn’t make that one! Now, I just got a note on my desk while I was gone asking me to do some procedure different. Cool, no problem, but I needed one quick clarification. I was chipper when I called, and he is all pissy pants. WHAT THE FUCK????????????? I am not out to get anyone. Don’t jump down my throat when you are having a bad day. So between a-hole chicken shit and the surly triplets, I am pretty annoyed. It is funny, though, it is making me even more chipper. I feel like singing! I am an odd bird, right?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Tired, sore, and super happy!


I am exhausted and sore. But it is a good exhausted and sore.

We had gobs of errands this weekend including a trip out to get Lego for Ken’s party on Sunday, some groceries, and I know we went to Lowe’s, but I honestly don’t know what we ended up getting there.

Some of the prep was for my afternoon on Saturday. Stephanie and Sabrina came over to hang out with us. It was a lot of fun!! We went in the pool with the kids. They had a blast. Sabrina is almost as fish as Bobby is. Even Dax hung out in the pool, I think inspired by the fact that the water was quite warm, and his favorite people were in there.

Ken made us daiquiris with real strawberries, which was cool. They were quite tasty. I was hoping for a little bit more of a buzz, but thinking about it now, I found myself quite dehydrated later, what with drinking and sitting in the sun for hours, so perhaps it is for the best.

Stephanie and I were able to get some sunning in while the kids played, and they even went in the pool a second round while we watched from the side. I didn’t realize how late it was because it was such a good time. Stephanie and Sabrina packed up around 7! LOL! I know, that isn’t traditionally late, but when your kids tend to go to bed at that time, it seems late.

During the day on Saturday, we got an invite to go to this cool bounce place in Huntington Beach with Alyssa and Logan on Sunday. The boys and I headed out there in the afternoon for a 90 minute free bounce. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Alyssa had told me that she took Logan to 6 birthday parties there last year. She said the free bounce is pretty cool.

The place was in an industrial looking area. It was actually in a warehouse looking place. There was maybe 8 other kids, aside from mine, Logan, and Logan’s three cousins. It was a perfect amount. The way it works is the kids go into this one room that had 4 giant bounce houses in there. One was a basketball one, one a smaller jump/slide combo, one with balls inside it and other basketball nets, and one giant 10 foot climb wall complete with two slides. They are in there for half the time, then the other half is in another room with an obstacle course one, a boxing ring complete with giant Dax sized gloves, a t-ball one with air powered tee, and the spider climb that was like 12 feet of elastic and tower that you had to climb up to a slide.

The first room was cool. The boys managed to do all of it pretty easily. The place had a “pirate” that was our helper, and he was great. He helped all the kids out when they needed assistance to climb things. Plus, he was not only helpful, he was super cheery about it! Who knew??

They really enjoyed the climbing one. Once they figured out how to do it on their own, they were up and down that thing a million times. I tried to convince Bobby to go down head first on the slide, but the only time he really attempted it, I watched him go down head first, holding on for dear life so that he really only semi went down.

Dax asked me to go up to the slide with him. I am sure this was inspired by this one cool dad who was sliding with his kids. The cool thing about this place was that grownups are free. So I emptied my pockets and bra, took off my shoes and went in.

My first fear was the inflated tube thing you had to climb through just to get to the climbing wall. I felt like I was going through a birth canal. I was sure that I would end up getting stuck. Luckily, I had determination to get through it.

I set out to climb that wall. It was straight up, covered in steps. It wasn’t sturdy, but I managed to go up the first part of it. Then you get to this point where it slopes a bit then up some more. No problem, right? Uh, yeah, this sucked. You could step up to a point, but I couldn’t reach the next set of stairs. You could lean against part of this one inflatable part, but I could not pull up my massive body to the next level. It sucked, too, since this was the last stretch before slide land. The one cool dad was sweet and tried very hard to help pull me up. But after 10 minutes of struggles, I gave in. Luckily Dax was not upset. I felt defeated, and I now have a goal for myself since I am determined to go back, and go up that damn thing.

Bobby played with the basketball thing, and did amazing! He has a hell of an arm and could toss the ball really well. The hoops were pretty far away, and he was making baskets. Way cool!! He was all proud of himself.

The second half was good, but I think I preferred the first room. The obstacle course, although awesome, was not as intriguing to the boys as the spider thing, which kind of was bad. It is a tough thing to climb. All the kids, even the older ones, were struggling a bit on it. Bobby did great, and was very determined, which I loved. He didn’t whine, and he just tried very hard. He made it up almost all the way to the top, and the pirate helped him up there.

Dax had more struggles on the climb, but he was almost as determined as Bobby. He tried very hard, but was frustrated. The pirate helped him out a lot, and he did make it to the top. Another parent who was in there also helped him, so he got to go down the slide twice.

Since that was not something they could really keep going on, they got a little bored, but I got them running in the obstacle course and playing some t-ball. Then, I had them go in the boxing ring. They couldn’t really pick up the gloves, but I told them they didn’t need to. They could just bounce in there. So they did, and that was happy making. They told me to come in, so the three of us bounced. Wow, that was gobs of fun. I ran around after them in there, and they were shrieking with laughter. I hurt from using so many muscles that I don’t use, but I had a blast. I have decided that if I win the lottery, I am getting one of those big bouncing houses for our house.

Ken did a fair amount of shoplifting this weekend. Ok, none of it was on purpose, but then again, we certainly didn’t call it to anyone’s attention. At Petco, we were getting some basic items and I found in the clearance section these doggie booties for the water. We had used something like this before with Lycos, but these looked a little better and we figured we could put these on Luna so that she could go into the pool without popping it. They were I think $15 or so. When we got home, Ken noticed we didn’t get charged for those. Oops.

Then we were at Big Lots to get some pool toys. They had these folding chairs we had been meaning to get at some point. They were $10 each, so we got two of them. Ken had them slung over his shoulder with the straps that are designed for this. Ken was also holding many other things. We went to the register to pay. As we were walking to the car afterwards, something told me I should ask if we paid for the chairs. He said we had not. Ok, no oops here, just badness. But seriously, how cool is that??

We are now flying up to the compound on Friday. Out flight leaves at 5:30 on Friday, so Ken is hopefully getting out early enough to get us there. He and Bobby may be able to leave at 1:30, which means that as soon as I get home from work, we will head over to the airport. I have to pack this week as light as possible. Fun!

It is Star Wars week this week at camp. This means all Lego is Star Wars projects. It is Ken’s favorite week, and I am sure it will soon be Bobby’s. They are going to be getting home late and tired is my guess.

It has been recommended that I take the boys to the OC Fair. I am now planning on taking off some Wednesday in August once Ken’s classes are done. We can go when there are less people and early so it isn’t as hot. The kids get in free, and it is filled with stuff to do, so it should be interesting. There are elephant rides, which make it worthwhile. The boys saw pics of me on one at grad night and they wanted to go on one, so this will be awesome.

With the recent annoying circumstances surrounding my closed Wescom account, I am starting to wonder if perhaps I shouldn’t just open an account with our other credit union instead. I figure we already have accounts there, and this still accomplishes me having my own spending account. It also sounds easier. I went online this morning to see about maybe setting up an account online at Wescom and they are saying there is a minimum $100 balance needed. That seems excessive. Of course, the people in the branch didn’t mention this, and maybe they could wave it, but they also told me that my work check for $40 would be held for like 10 days. Not that I needed access to that money right away, but a payroll check being held for 10 days for only $40 seems crazy to me. I am also getting annoyed with the gift cards. So, I think the new plan is to set up one at a place that seems happy with our business.

They are doing a segment of bad tattoos. Someone has a Captain Crunch playing the electric guitar on his butt cheek. AWESEOME.

It appears that when I had my meeting with the prez at work, he actually listened to one of my suggestions and implemented it! Our company wide meeting which takes place on Wednesday will have us eating lunch during the meeting, not getting food afterwards. YAY!

Stephanie and I discovered we have the same sunglasses. Mine do have the silly sparkles on them, but they are the same frame and everything. It made us laugh.

I am loving the locket Stephanie got me.

My only problem with this locket is that I will want to wear it every day and my other necklaces will get jealous.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Damaged Goods


I think I may be damaged goods.

I got home yesterday and managed to walk past my oblivious boys (thank goodness for a certain sponge who lives under the sea) and crawl into bed without detection. Ken ran a bit of interference, but really, since they were heading out soon, it was not a big deal. I fell into a nice sleep for 3 hours. I had KROQ on, and DR Drew must have been on since I had him in my dream on a run away train in an old west setting. He looks pretty damn good in western wear.

I woke up to Lycos barking at, well I have a feeling it was just air. I went and played around on Facebook for a bit and checked email. I determined that I was going to just vege out since it was already hot.

The dogs joined me in the living room and we watched some Kathy Griffin. Ken called me a little after noon to ask me if there were two checks on the desk, which there were. He had needed them as he needed to deposit them. So I volunteered to come down to get his John Hancock and deposit them. So the dogs and I set out.

It has been a little while since the pups have had full run of the car on a trip. Lycos sat shotgun all proud and pleased with herself. Luna ran around the rest of the car, enjoying her freedom.

We went to the school where Bobby was sitting on a table with Ken, finishing lunch. He was all pleased to see me, but what was even better was that he didn’t get upset when I left. I walked past him and his classmates on the way out and he looked like he was having a blast. I loved watching it unnoticed.

The dogs and I went by the bank, then home. By the time we were driving home, Luna had claimed shotgun and Lycos went into “driving position” which means the foot space under the passenger seat. They both were thrilled.

When we got home, I set to cleaning up the mess on the desk that I had made looking for the checks. I ended up doing a much more thorough cleaning than planned. There had been ants on the desk and I was determined to find out what they were going after. After I cleaned, scrubbed, organized and made the whole entry way, desk and work area nice, I couldn’t find anything these little fuckers were going after. Turned out this was just a cooler place than outside. Dammit I hate these ants.

During this time I also noticed we were without net access. Sigh. Not good. I am home, needing to rest, and I had no net??? What is a girl to do? Apparently cleaning house was my option. I was pleased with the results, and actually, I figured this was good physical activity since I was nervous that a 3 hour nap would throw off my sleep schedule last night. So I did the kitchen, living room, and when Dax got home, we did a quick job on their rooms and worked on the yard. I then slow cooked some teriyaki chicken on the BBQ and all was pleasant.

Ken and Bobby got home way late due to traffic. Bobby was clearly tired, and having mini breakdowns here and there. Ken was frustrated as he had dealt with it the whole way home and was on his last nerve. So I went into uber patient mommy mode and managed to keep my own cool longer than normal as I got them fed, washed and put to bed with only a few minor incidents.

Ken and I talked about my exhaustion and there is some feelings that apnea may be to blame. He said that it has been worse in the last couple weeks, which I can so see since I have noticed my throat feeling tight lately. I have always wanted to get my tonsils out, but doctors have been against this. My dad had to practically force them to take his out. Jenni said she had hers out and it helped her apnea quite a bit. I have always had giant ones (this is what doctors have told me, mind you) so I think that removing them is a reasonable way to help me out. I am going to make an appt next week to see the doc. I figure Dax and I need TB tests, so we might as well do those and talk to the doc about the tonsils at the same time.

Last night was hot, and I could never get comfortable. Monarch didn’t help matters. Every time I rolled over, he would attack my feet, which pissed me off. I tried to kick him off, which only resulted in more scratches. Stupid cat.

This morning I am thrilled that I have a weekend only a few hours away. We have to go out to Anaheim tonight to get Lego, which only sucks because out Disneyland passes are in a blackout time right now, and it means that we can’t go into the park, which will piss off the boys. Oh well. I get to go check out the Build A Bear since they have some awesome alien now, and I need to go to the Disney store to price out Dax birthday presents. Hopefully the boys just are happy with the adventure.

Stephanie and Sabrina are coming tomorrow afternoon, which will ROCK! I am way looking forward to some girl talk and letting the kids run around. Plus, it is an excellent excuse to update my now fading tan. I think I need to have Ken make up some margaritas.

I suppose I have work I should be doing today, but I am laying low and just kind of dinking around this morning. We have already had 2 black outs, which although only last like 15 seconds each, is still going to end up being fun today.

It looks like we are flying up north next week and not driving. I will miss the pups, but it is such a quick trip, they would have been locked away too much. I think our flight out on Friday night will be hectic since Dax and I will be picking up Ken and Bobby from the school and then running to the airport. Woo! But on the plus side, we will get into Sac at like 7:30 which means we get to the compound around 8:30. So this is nicer over all. Plus, we will get to stay on Sunday a little later. It means I will pack light so we only have a couple of carry on. I need to get the mini seats from my parents since those worked well.

Squeeze is playing in 2 weeks at Universal. I so want to go! Of course, I don’t know a whole lot of people who would want to see them. LOL!

I think that I need to go get this wonderful knit beret I saw at Target. I am guessing it is already sold out, but hopefully I can luck out if I run over there this weekend. I also really want one of these cheesy cowboy hats, but I may come to my senses before I purchase that.

Would a skull and crossbones with a girly bow on it look silly on my foot?

Of course, I love the idea of a red bow, not pink. I also kind of think the black skull is kind of cool, but I am wondering if a white skull is best. I like number three on these, but picture it in white, with black heart eyes?

If I keep talking about tattoos, perhaps Ken will get used to it. I have a list of things I want now. The skull, the Dax Skeleanimal, and a star. Let’s all cross our fingers that Maryann gives me gobs of money and maybe I will need to do a tattoo weekend!

It was hot enough last night that I may need to turn on the fans in the boys’ rooms. I think even they were uncomfortable.

Crud. The boss is here.

If Taco Bell had margaritas, they would be the most perfect place ever.

I need a black tank top that is low cut in the front and back.

I have been busy harassing customers all morning, and luckily time seems to be moving at a brisk pace. Of course, as I type that I realize the jinx monster will come out and bite me in the ass. Oh well. What can you do, right?

Jenni just told me you don’t get ice cream for a tonsillectomy. You get soup! Hmm, how interesting. Of course, it makes some sense. The ice cream will make phlegm which isn’t good for a recently operated on throat. But I still wonder if something like sorbet or sherbet would work. Mmmm…rainbow sherbet. That sounds nummy.

Have I mentioned how much I miss Tammy? I get days where I feel so lonely in my cube.

Wow, that could be dangerous. I put solitaire on iTty. I just started playing a game for the hell of it. Sheesh, I could sit there and play that all damn day. Luckily, someone would not see what I was doing. They would assume I am sending a text. Of course, this is all if someone even comes to my desk!!! I can turn the thing off in a second. I am tempted!

Ok, I played a full game, and I won. No one came to my desk. Sheesh, I realize I have like a half dozen games on there I could easily play with no one knowing.

Crud. I had downloaded this app called Talking Carl where you talk to it and it repeats you. Turns out, I don’t have a microphone on the iTouch. Dammit!!

I have now been playing around online to see if I could find any random cousins online. It turns out, most of the cousins on my mom’s side don’t play on the net. I don’t know the ones on my dad’s side well enough, but I can’t seem to locate any of them, either. Sheesh. You would think at least one of them would have Facebook. I may need to tell my dad to ask them next time he speaks to his sibs. It seems like an easy way to keep in touch.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I thought I could--I was wrong


I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I will have to repeat this over and over today to see if I will stay at work today. I have considered using today as a “me” day and going home and sleeping. I have about 30 minutes to make the decision. It is 6:30 now.

I was swamped all day yesterday. Today looks like less crazy. It is part of the reason I want to go home.

I went to bed at 8:30 last night. Yay me! I keep being super sleepy. Ken says that I have had sleep apnea more than normal. We are talking about me trying one of those mouth things to help.

The only real problem right now is the balance of timing. If I leave, it has to be before the boss gets in, and really when minimal people are here lest I have come up with a more elaborate excuse, and I can’t go home until the boys have left unless I plan on keeping Dax with me. Sure, I can walk him across, but there is always crazy involved.

I think I will leave.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Talk about a busy day!!!! I have been swamped since 7 this morning!


I am pretty sure I fell asleep in my training yesterday. I woke up when I bit my tongue since I was chewing gum at the time. Not good.

I tried to rest when I got home but I just never was able to get any kind of sleep. Instead, I hung with Dax and the dogs and watched Bolt.

When I got up to make dinner, I asked Dax if he could run get me my cat ears which were on the chair in the living room. I have taken to wearing my cat ears as a headband, which serves two purposes. One, it keeps my hair out of my face, and two, it cracks up the children.

The cat ears I had requested were fuzzy ones, and Dax promptly asked me to make them light up. He had been hoping I had put on the pair I have that light up. So I sent him for those and I put those on. I then put the fuzzy ones on Dax. We decided we were a mama cat and kitten.

I was making French toast and Dax was “helping”. He then started singing, “No Sleep Till Brooklyn”. So I went into the other room and pulled up the song on the computer. He was thrilled. We danced a bit, still wearing cat ears, while I flipped French toast. It was wonderful!

Ken and Bobby got home later than I had hoped. So we let the boys run around out back for a while, and Ken and I played with the dogs. I really needed sleep and should have had the kids go to bed, but I knew that I needed to suck it up.

I got to bed around 9. I think I fell asleep at 9:02. I know that the M*A*S*H episode had the crazy character in it and he was interrogating Charles about Hawkeye being a spy. I must have dozed off at this point.

I did have funky dreams. At one point I was going to some wedding and the nice Oppe’s I met in Ohio were there. I had bumped into them in a Denny’s bathroom. They wanted to know if they could go to the wedding since they knew the person. They didn’t know they were not invited. So I told them it had been canceled because the bride got Chicken Pox. It was a lot of discussion, but they were convinced.

I also had part of a dream in which I lost the boys. They were to walk to school, and I was getting stuff ready for them. Then they were gone. I ran around the neighborhood, looking for them. At one point I was on a bicycle, crying, and some random lady tried to help me find them. I found them, after I went back home and woke up Ken. A friend (I have no idea who it was) was with them the whole time and told me that Bobby had fallen asleep. Sigh. Nothing like a freaky dream. No wonder I am so tired these days!

Once again, I have a swamped day ahead of me. I have yet to finish my one project since about 20 were piled up in front of it yesterday. Plus, I have a meeting at 1 again today, so I only get a partial day. Hopefully I can complete it all before I go home since I hated leaving so much work on my desk yesterday.

Holy crap! This tired is getting frustrating. I feel like I really have zero control. I am nodding off in the middle of everything! I am sitting her, enjoying the radio, laughing my ass off, yet I am fighting the sleep. It is getting more and more difficult. I was also just doing some mundane stuff, but still. I have been getting up as often as possible to get my mind functioning.

I just found out my afternoon meeting is postponed again. It is now next week. It certainly means I am considering going home at noon to once again catch up on sleep.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

short and sweet


I hate mornings lately. I just can’t get myself to be awake! I sit at my desk and find myself drifting off no matter what I am working on. It is frustrating. I even have things like gobs of water, my fan blowing on me and everything. Hopefully I can wake up soon.

I am working on a couple of projects today, so this will be short.

My afternoon was a bust. I should have known this to be the case when I set out just based on the frustrating morning I had. Dax and I first went to the bank. My plan was to deposit this small check in my acct there. I don’t use the acct much, therefore it has become one of those nice places to put something like a bonus check into. I also had a couple of their gift cards that I didn’t know the balance of. I knew it wasn’t much, but I figured at the branch I could check on it.

We went in and I found myself frustrated. First off, they had closed my account. I guess when it was inactive for a period of time, and since they changed some things in May, they shut it down. Fine, so re-open it, right? Nope, they couldn’t do that. It would have to be a new account. Fine, whatever, let’s do that. In the meantime, can you check on the balances of these cards? Well, do you have a password? No, bitch, if I did I could check it my damn self on the fucking web site. She was going to have a password reset, but seriously, you can just scan the fucking thing? Nope. Fine. So I try to go do a new account and I just felt like they were discouraging me to do this, too. They were telling me my check for all of $40 would be held for 10 days. I don’t care! I didn’t want the money out right now. I was just putting it there for later. They kind of heed and hawed until finally I said I would just come back later.

On the plus side, we did get my pound of chocolates from See’s candies. I had a gift certificate for it, and being that there is only one local, we drive there. The lady gave Dax some candy, which he was thrilled with. He of course was incredibly charming. I am shocked he didn’t get more candy.

The evening was uneventful. We put away laundry, cleaned, played, etc. Clearly I got to bed way too late. Tonight I am going to aim for 8:30. The real problem right now is that Bobby and Ken get home a little after 5. Bobby’s classes are till like 4:30! So he walks into home, eats, baths and goes to bed. That isn’t right. So I want to make sure he has a chance to unwind, too. So their bedtime is pushed back a smidge. It is only 2 weeks of this, but still, it is a lot to ask of a 5 year old.

I figure if I can get this project done this morning, it means my afternoon will go quickly since I have this training session from 1 to 2. So off I go!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Kaflooey Work Day


My weekend felt so unproductive despite some of the results.

Friday evening we went to Logan’s birthday party. The boys were quite excited since this would be their first visit to Chuck E Cheese’s. I was excited since I knew that they would have fun and I would get to see my friend!

We were the first to arrive (of course!). Alyssa and her family were just pulling up when we got there. We went back to the party area where our tables would be situated. It seemed that we were in the best table since at the end of the kids’ table was the Chuck E Cheese stage where the mouse himself sang songs every 15 minutes or so. When he first started singing, Bobby was fascinated, whereas Dax was a little intimidated. By the end of the evening, all of the kids were anxiously awaiting him to come out again and they crowded around his performance as if they were groupies at a Beatles concert.

The security at Chuck E Cheese is awesome. When you first go in, they stamp your arm and your kid’s arm with a specific number that can only be seen with a black light. The entrance and exit are monitored so that no kid can leave without being with a grownup with the same number. This is awesome for the crazy mommies (read-Gena) who are worried that their kid would be snatched up at a location like this. It allowed me to let the boys run around the place without worrying about it.

Ken and I did follow the boys around per their request in the beginning. Both of them needed some assistance in how to work the games. Once they knew how, it wasn’t hard for them to keep doing it. They both really love air hockey. I am thinking that an air hockey table may be an excellent Christmas gift for the two of them.

The only real issue we had was when it was cake time and the kids were all sitting at the table waiting for the singing and festivities to begin. Dax told me he was thirsty, so I told him I would go get him more to drink. Bobby looked panicked when I was heading out, and I assured him I would be back shortly. I wasn’t gone more than 5 minutes, and got Dax his drink. The problem was, Bobby didn’t see me return. I was now standing off near the grownup table since it seemed more appropriate for all the kids to be at the cake part. Bobby looked worried, and Ken, who had been near by, made eye contact with him. Bobby broke down. He thought I had left. In fact, I was in such a position that Bobby could have seen me had this one chick not been right in our line of vision. I felt so bad!!

They had so much fun! They were beat when we finally headed out around 8:30. I think we were some of the last kids there aside from nieces and nephews.

On the way there, for some reason Bobby did get into a conversation with Ken about who had died. I think someone had mentioned someone dying, so of course Bobby inquired as to who died. We of course, in full smart ass form, responded with several names of people who had died like celebrities, etc. Ken then says very matter of factly, “Jesus”. Bobby then perks up and says, “Oh! Like where were are going? Chuck E Jesus??” Needless to say, I almost had to pull over from laughing so hard.

Saturday morning was entertaining. We went over to Del Amo Mall where they had their Kidgits event which was pirate themed. All of us went in skull shirts and when we got there, the boys were presented with wonderful goody bags that included hats, eye patches and other awesome stuff. We made some necklaces and bookmarks. What I think the boys liked best, though, was that some other little boy decided they all three needed to play together. So all of them did sword fighting and running around, having a good ole time. It was awesome!

The afternoon was spent out back. Bobby and I went in the pool, and Dax and Ken played in the yard. I knew I had other responsibilities, but I did like being kind of lazy. I did at least do some exercises in the form of trying to show Bobby how to kick his legs in the pool. Actually, all pool activities are incredibly exhausting.

Sunday morning I made my triumphant return to being a bowling participant instead of just a spectator. My first game was amazing, scoring a 174, which is so unlike me. Of course, I rounded it out with two suck fest games afterwards. LOL!

I forgot how tiring that is, too. My arm still hurts a little. Plus, when keeping up with the boys and bowling, you want to lie down afterwards. I didn’t have such luxury as we needed to do a Target and grocery store run. By the time we got home, I was beat. Of course, my day was only just beginning. We had to put away said groceries, do laundry, and do some light cleaning around the house. Plus, I helped Ken put up a few things into the attic. I also went through a couple boxes and bags of stuff from said attic. I managed to compile a giant bag of stuff to take to the local donation bin.

I also managed to build a Lego set. Man, those are a pain in the ass.

I have now come to a complete stand still in my brain. I feel sleepy. I also made the mistake of going outside to my car to bring in the roller skates I had come across to give to my coworker. It is that wonderful gloomy morning weather that makes me want to get the heck out of this office. I want to bail on work. I don’t even know what I want to do, but I want to not be here.

Despite the fact that I don’t want to have a giant party for Dax’s birthday when he is only turning 4 (I am thinking 5 is the official birthday party year), I do want a small celebration. I am getting him the Woody’s Roundup Gang, so I thought that some kind of cowboy themed shin dig was in order. I need stick horses and cowboy hats. I even considered hay bails in the yard. Of course, this kind of effort would mean I should have some other people there aside from my two kids. LOL! I am hoping Sabrina will show up, along with maybe Logan. Perhaps a kid or two from other sources, also. We will see.

Bobby has a full day of camp today. I guess last week the whole camp is only a half day. Today, he is there from 9 to 4:30! That is a long day for a kid. Luckily, he changes activities every hour. I think he has chess, more basketball, Lego, and some kind of kinder prep class, which is a lot of different things. I am guessing he is going to be slightly cranky when he gets home. He is going to be tired, so I am hoping to figure out something to cheer him.

When I get home, I do need to do some housework. I neglected it this weekend, but I figure I can finish up some of it this afternoon. It mostly concerns putting away some laundry, and putting some of the quilts away that are currently blocking my bedroom window. I need some air flow!!

Ken informs me this morning that at some point last night I was talking in my sleep. I was saying no over and over, and then at the end of this, I said, no mom. Ken said he nudged me enough to make me stop, but I have zero recollection of this. I am one of those folks who can remember a good chunk of their dreams. Hell, I have reoccurring dreams in which I actually sort out problems. It is incredibly annoying that I have forgotten this one.

Andy is hoping to get us plane tickets to go up on the weekend of the 24th. We are going up for his birthday weekend. We would not have been able to leave LA until close to 5 o’clock, therefore, not getting there until well after midnight. We would then be leaving pretty early on Sunday. Andy called me yesterday and was super jazzed we were coming, but was hoping we could stay longer. Ken and Bobby have class on Monday, so we can’t stay an extra day. Andy thought perhaps with us flying, it would give us more time. It probably would, so that might be good. I will once again be bummed about not taking my dogs, but with it being such a whirlwind visit, and a good chunk of Saturday night being spent in Roseville to see Adam Lambert (YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!) the dogs would not get as much out of the visit. Besides, we can always go up in August. I just want to get Luna in the river. Of course, it might be better to wait until next year if only because she will have a smidge less puppy in her and will listen to me better. LOL!!

The boys were asleep last night, and Ken had gone to take a shower and I found myself sitting in the living room with two happy dogs at my feet and a happy cat in my lap. I am telling you, that was blissful.

The dogs were feeling pretty happy all yesterday because we gave them some flea treatment. We had an outbreak of the buggers recently, so they had been itching up a storm. We need to get some more boric acid, as this always helps. We treated the critters, which you could see an immediate feeling of relief. I think they were grateful.

Work is being annoying and I am now wishing I had run away from work today. To top it off, I opted to get myself a soda to calm my nerves and the fucking machine ate my money. I am not kidding when I say I almost broke down in tears. I hate it when work days are kaflooey.

Friday, July 9, 2010

My Evolving Hair

May 2008

August 2008

April 2009

April 2009

April 2009

Feb 2010

Feb 2010

Feb 2010

March 2010

June 2010

June 2010

June 2010

July 2010

Its Friday


I left yesterday. I got home about 12:45, and I slept from then until about 2:30. It was awesome. I know I was beat. I didn’t even notice Monarch sleeping on my chest until I woke up.

Ken and Bobby got home from the movies around the time I picked up Dax. The rest of the afternoon was spent mostly out back. The boys played, Ken and I came up with new ways to entertain ourselves with our fetch games with the dogs. Let’s just say some of it had to do with seeing if we could make the toy into the bucket which was hanging on the playhouse.

We ate dinner out back, which is just so nice. I don’t have to worry about the boys spilling since it is in grass, which the dogs will happily take care of. We had a new meal for us. I made “pepper bellies”. I had not known this was the name of these, nor do I still understand why they are called that. It was really a spur of the moment decision. We had got some chili at Costco that was quite tasty. I was doing inventory last night to figure out what we would eat for dinner when I came across the box of chips we had. The bulk of the chips left was all Fritos. Perfect! I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. I never have been a fan of chili or Fritos, but all of this was yummy! The boys even ate a bowl’s worth. All was right with the universe.

The evening was pleasant. The boys went to bed easily. Luna continued her training of being allowed to wander the house a bit. Lycos has already figured out this is wonderful and tends to just lie down some random place, happy as can be. Luna tends to check stuff out, unless I make the slightest movement and then she is back at my side, assuming that I might leave her. Crazy pup.

We went to bed kind of early. But really, I ended up watching most of M*A*S*H and didn’t get to sleep until Ken changed viewing over to Star Trek, so it allowed me to tune out.

Today should be an awesome day. I get paid. Woo Hoo! I am not a zombie. Woo Hoo! The boss is out today. Woo Hoo! We have a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese today. WOO HOO! All around a good day I would say.

I am wearing one of my new bras today. I have never had one in which the cups are kind of padded. It is odd. I keep going to pat my boob down to verify my phone isn’t ringing and I don’t even feel my phone! It is a comfy bra so far. It also is one of those nude colored bra. I have never owned one of those. I always choose black or white or some pretty color just for the hell of it. This bra should be good for the white shirt I got this week. It is a fun time in my wardrobe.

This is an odd thing. The only things that I am wearing that are black today are my shoes and my earrings. Everything else is all colorful and cheerful. How positive of me. LOL!

I love that my bangs are shortish again.

I get to go to Target tonight!!!

I have rediscovered my Burt’s Bees “Super Shiny” Natural Lip Gloss in Zesty Red. It is a very fun color, especially coupled with my lipstick that I have had for 10 years. Yes, I have a lipstick from 10 years ago. I wish I could find another one in the same shade. Maybe I need to bring it to Target with me tonight.

It is a slow going day, despite it being a good, quiet morning. Maybe that is the problem. It is TOO quiet.

I can’t decide if I like this shirt with these jeans or not. I am afraid it all makes me look bloppy.

I like that Dax still uses the Boppy as his pillow. Although, if I ever had another kid, I might have to buy a new one, as I couldn’t bear to take it from Dax.

Poor Bobby had multiple nightmares last night. One at around 9, he yelled out a bit, but was still asleep. The other happened early this morning. Ken reports to me that he is a little cranky and tired today. Hopefully he cheers up with class and then the afternoon adventures.

I keep getting all jazzed that we are going to Lakewood tonight, thinking of all the nice restaurants we could go to for dinner. Then it hits me. We are eating pizza tonight.

I wonder how my hair would look all curly at this length.

I am a little concerned still that Luna is underweight. Ken thinks I am wrong, but she is a very trim dog. She just weighs like 50+ pounds. Lycos is more barrel shaped, and is overweight for the first time in her life. She still has not lost the pounds gained from her snacking a couple months ago. Plus, she is less active with her age. You can see that she is getting so old. My poor pup. But she is still a sweetie.

Stupid Monarch bolted outside this morning. I didn’t have time to get him, but as I drove off, I noticed him across the street. I may have to kick his ass later.

I have decided I am a nostalgia stalker.

Why doesn’t my boss’s boss come down and say good morning to me? Sometimes I feel like perhaps being all by my lonesome isn’t good for sucking up.

I feel hormonal today. Silly things are setting me off.

My headset at work is mad at me. It won’t work. I wonder what is up with that.

Seriously? People are mocking the Font Comic Sans? There is some huge hate for this font. Who has the time to hate a font? What the hell? I am a fan of Comic Sans (which of course makes me wonder, how am I a fan of a font?), but seriously, it is just a font people? The former coach of LeBron James I guess fired off an angry open letter to the former player of his team saying how he essentially doesn’t need him. The letter was in Comic Sans. There is an actual article on CNN about it. Not the letter, but the font. Are you kidding me people???? I feel the need to write everything in the font now. LOL! Nah, that just wastes too much of my energy.