Monday, September 28, 2009

restful weekend


It was a good weekend. I found myself with only one family obligation, which was great since I didn’t have to go anywhere.

Friday night, we went to my folks, which was the one family outing. My aunt and uncle Guinn and George were there, which was awesome since I had not seen them since I guess 2005, back when we went to Pennsylvania. I don’t know her all that well, but I am pleased when I feel like we are kind of drawn towards one another. It was nice to see her since I felt like it was comfortable.

Dax did not feel the comfort level like I did at first. He walked up the stairs in my parent’s house and saw these two strangers and burst into tears. At least I know nobody is going to lure him away. It took a while to calm him, but when he did, he was much better. Ken took the boys outside to play so I could visit, which was perfect.

My mom got home so we headed out to dinner at the Big Wok. Yum! The waitresses there who knew us from going there with Papa Brenan had not seen us since I was pregnant with Dax. But they remembered us! Dinner was yummy. I did have to do the poop dance with the boys, both of whom decided they needed to take a crap while we were there, which meant I had to hang out in the bathroom for a while. Of course, Bobby had to get all private and didn’t want Dax in there with him, so I had to shuffle Dax out while Bobby did his business. Fun.

We stayed there till almost 9, which meant the boys went to bed pretty late. Bobby actually broke down a bit when we left, but only because he had been playing with the Wii and was loving it. Clearly, he will be a video game junkie.

With the late bedtime, it meant that they slept in. Shockingly, really, since this isn’t always the case. I got up around 7:30 and the boys were still sleeping. They got up around 8, which was cool.

They played all morning, and then as I turned on the tv for them after their request for a movie, we noticed that Noggin and Nick were taking part in a basically no media day. No programming for 3 hours except this screen telling you to turn off everything and go outside and play. So Ken and I took them up on this and decided to take them to McDonald’s to play in the structure there since it was air conditioned (it was freaking hot).

We got to McDonald’s at 11 and it was packed. We had not done the Saturday lunch time McDonald’s run before. Luckily, there was a seat and the boys were happy to have all the kids there. There were balloons all over the place, and this meant that Ronald McDonald was in route. Neat. Last time they said this, all we got was Grimmace. At noon, Grimmace came out and once again we felt punked. Bobby was excited about this, but Dax felt that he was in grave danger. Let’s face it, Grimmace is essentially Barney with no bones. Kind of scary!

Word on the street was that Ronald himself was also coming and Grimmace was just a bonus. Sure enough, this dude with a booming voice that rivaled Ken’s, came into the play room. He announced a show outside, so we headed out there to a small trailer with Ronald pics on it, a giant blue mat out in front of the stage portion and several kids sitting on it. We ushered the boys onto the mat, handed them some milk and they were good to go.

The show was an hour! I was impressed. The poor dude who was Ronald had to have been miserably hot in all his makeup, but he never let on. He was great. Some magic tricks, random jumping around, unicycle riding and the best part which was a giant inflated cube tossed around the kids, kept the kids all kinds of happy.

At the end of the show, they could meet Ronald, take a pic and they got a goody bag. We were not in the front of the line, so our goody bags were clearly the bags they put together when they realized they had run out of the regular stuff. The boys got paper plates, forks and place mats. No joke. It was like the people ran inside, grabbed a few things just to keep them happy. I half expected ketchup packets. Luckily for us, the boys loved what they got and didn’t know they had been gypped.

What the kids did not realize was how much of a sacrifice I was making the entire morning. I got hit with a chatty cathy.

I don’t play well with people I don’t know. I recognize this will be something I have to overcome since I am a mom now so I have to be used to talking to random parents. On Saturday, I sucked it up and dealt with this lady who decided to engage us in conversation.

She started chatting us up in the play area. Next thing you know, her kids were next to my kids and she was hanging out with us. She was nice enough, but kind of abrasive. There were a couple of good things she did like yell at the kid who came down the slide on a tray. She also quickly brought attention to this one kid who was spilling his sundae all over the place. She also had zero control over her daughter, who seemed to take great pride in disrespecting her mother in front of people. Mom did not punish, only threatened, a lot. Nothing came of the threats, and her kid seemed to know this would be the case. It was aggravating, but at least her kids were way older than mine so I didn’t have to worry about a play date coming out of this.

But what was so remarkable about this is I allowed myself to not hate her right out of the gate. I talked with her a bit, I didn’t completely shy away from her. I was so good! Seriously, if I can deal with that broad for 3 hours, I can deal with anyone for a few minutes of chit chat. I figured it was just training for me.

The rest of Saturday was nice and mellow. I tried to get liquored up on Ken’s redneck daiquiri. But apparently I could only get a slight buzz. We watched an iCarly episode, which yes, is a show for tweens. Don’t ask.

Sunday, since we didn’t have bowling, we could sleep in. It was awesome! Once again, the boys slept in, which meant we had the morning quiet. Bobby got up and told me that per my request the night before to be sure to sleep and not come out 100 times, he in fact did sleep and that he did it just because of the bribe for donuts. LOL! So Bobby and I got dressed and went to get some donuts for us. Dax had opted to stay behind, which was good for Bobby and I. K-Earth has a Beatles show on every Sunday morning, and I turned it on. Bobby heard Here Comes the Sun and was jazzed, asking if it was the Beatles before I even told him it was a Beatles show. I confirmed and he was so happy. So was I, and we listed to the show there and back and I felt all happy that my kid was enjoying a band so much.

When we were leaving the donut show, Bobby saw all the guys in there eating donuts and drinking coffee. He asked me, “Mom, why are these guys eating in here? Do they not have any friends?” LOL!!

We had errands to run after donuts. We went to Target for cat litter and night time underwear. We went to the location in the Carson mall since we also had a couple bags of books to drop off at the used bookstore. While we waited for the bookstore to open, we let the boys run in the squishy inside play area of the mall. Similar to the one at Wilmington, this one had a slide and an airport theme. Not many kids in there, if any at times. The boys ran around for a while, which was good. I think it kept them mellow then for when we went to the grocery store afterwards.

We didn’t get home till 1, so the boys ate and had quiet time while Ken and I watched Glee. Holy crap that show is good. Unfortunately, the main song for this episode was that damn Single Ladies song from Beyonce, which has been stuck in my head since. Arrrgggghhh!!

After the show, Bobby and I lounged in the pool while Dax ran around in the yard. Dax and Ken eventually came into the pool and it was family time. We headed into the house around 4 and the boys zoned out to They Might Be Giants Here Come the 1 2 3’s, while I made dinner.

It was nice to be able to have a mellow weekend. I enjoyed the fact that I could just do nothing without having guilt. Of course, my house suffered in the idea that it is messy, but I can work on that this week. I need to since Doug and Elizabeth are coming this weekend to go to the fair with us. Yay! I am thinking maybe pizza or something at the house afterwards for visiting purposes. Matt is supposed to go with us, too, since I think it would be good for Matt and Doug should hang out.

Roman Polanski was arrested over the weekend. It was from the 32 year old warrant from his skipping the country during his trial for drugging and raping a 13 year old. It is one of those cases where it is hard to say what is right. No one should get away with this crime. That being said, at the time, Roman did do a 3 month psychological evaluation, and was led to believe that he would not serve real time then found out that the judge was corrupt and planned on sending him away forever, he left the country. I want justice to be served, I do, but I also wonder if we aren’t wasting time and money on someone who had done no other bad. He went on to live an upstanding life in France and is well respected in the arts community. The 13 year old even went on to forgive and is one of the people voicing support in dropping the charges. So why are we spinning our wheels on an incident that occurred so long ago, that will not happen again with this man? Why spend the money? I don’t know that I am right, I just truly wonder about the priorities of our law enforcement.

I recognize my compassion is out of wack. I guess I just hate to see someone deemed a monster for one thing they did wrong. Polanski was fairly fresh of the brutal murder of his wife and unborn son. He was drinking, partaking in the lifestyle of the time, and he probably took advantage of his celebrity and perhaps to some degree cultures from other countries he lived in. He did bad things to this 13 year old. She said no, and he simply slipped her more drugs and booze. It is one of those things where I wonder what would have happened had he been sentenced by a judge that wasn’t obsessed with celebrity? Would he have sentenced him to a few years? Would it have been something light? Would he have put him in prison for 30 years? I don’t know the appropriate sentence amount for someone who does that, you know? What is correct when it is a first offense? Perhaps he should in fact be sentenced to that, but then again, I hate to see us spending tax dollars on housing a man who isn’t doing anything wrong now.

I don’t trust the system. I don’t trust people to do right, yet I want somehow to contradict them by believing in people who have done bad. Maybe it is my way of rebelling against people who put folks like Tyra Banks up on a pedestal for doing some show about her wearing fake hair.

I am off my rocker, I know.

On Facebook this weekend I friended one of my old best friends from Madison. I used to hang out with him and two other buddies. It was so cool that he remembered me! Yes, I still suffer from the feeling like I was forgettable.

It is a shame double standards exist, but they do and I suppose we just need to deal. On the way home from the Wok on Friday night, Ken pointed out some spot where this chick he friended on Facebook and he did it. I wasn’t sure that was something I needed to know, despite the fact that Ken knows all the places I did it before him. However, that being said, Ken still was much more active then me and it is harder sometimes to think about that. Him pointing out that spot in some circumstances would not bug me, but for some reason it did on Friday. I felt bad, but nostalgia is one of those crazy things that sometimes is not a two person game.

In theory, this is the last Monday at my desk in this building. Rumor was we were moving by the 5th. I will be curious if this is true. Today is the close, and tomorrow is my report day, so this week could prove to be busy.

We watched a couple new shows, including Modern Family which was so great, and Cougartown, which shocked us and it was quite good. I was pleased! Of course, Cougartown is done by the dude who does Scrubs, so I am not shocked.

So now that Ken set us up with unlimited text messaging, he encouraged me to set up Twitter stuff to come to my phone. I have been playing around with who to follow and may have determined I don’t have time for most of it. I love me some Kevin Smith, but he will get on a roll and tweet like 50 messages in a 10 minute period. Dude. That is a lot of stuff. I had signed up for him before, but I happened to set it up on a tweet-a-thon day in which it was one a minute for 24 hours. I turned it off pretty quickly. I signed up for Mental Floss, but being that I already read it once a day, I don’t need the tweets. I have Stephanie set up, but she doesn’t tweet too much. I think I may need to turn off the celebrity tweets since I just don’t know that I can keep up.

Ass much as I bitch about it and joke that the boys and Ken would be lost without me, I will admit, I kind of love that fact. Ken just texted me asking me where the heart necklace was for Bobby, and of course, I knew where it was. It is nice to be needed.

My chest, arms and back hurt from swimming yesterday. Dax insists on riding on my back as we float around the whirlpool, and it is rough!

Is it bad that even though I like seeing Ken every day when I get home, that I am kind of happy that he won’t be there today? It isn’t that I don’t want to see him, it is that I get totally distracted on things that need to be done when he is there. Him not being there means this afternoon, I can make my kitchen a happy place again. Plus, maybe I can figure out a new place for all of his damn spiders, which he now has 4 of them.

There is some show that Ken and I were invited to on Thursday night in Anaheim. Some Star Wars Musical? All I know is I am trying to make arrangements for my folks to watch them. It is late (8 on a Thursday night) and we might not be back until midnight. I am not keen on picking up the boys at that point. Hell, I am not keen on being home that late since I get up at 4:30. My mom is saying maybe the boys can stay over night. Not sure I am keen on that 100% only because it may be hectic for Ken to go get them. So right now, I am waiting on Ken, and my mom to talk to my dad. I hate having to arrange this. It is one thing on a weekend, but weekdays, I just hate to do it.

My morning was going pretty quickly but all of the sudden I hit some kind of time wall. The clock is holding still. It knows I have big plans for when I get home. LOL!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Kettle, kittens, dog and misc


I am back!

My afternoon was good. Ken seemed a little grumpy when I got home (yes, babe, you were) but he seemed better after a bit. We went to the Kettle, which was awesome since I had been craving a Chinese Chicken Salad for some time now.

After that we went down to the shelter to check on the kittens. Bashful wasn’t in the front, but Sleepy Girl was. We asked, and apparently Bashful was in recovery since they neutered him. He, and a handful of other kittens were heading over to the Valley facility for adoption since they have no kittens there. This means he stands a very good chance, especially since they already neutered him. Sleepy Girl is still under weight for her operation, and she remains at the Harbor facility. This is another weekend, so we will see how she fairs. When we were heading out, there was a lady looking for a kitten, so Ken tried to pimp her out a bit.

While we were there, we looked through the dogs since I am always on the lookout for a golden pup. Instead, I found an 11 month old yellow lab. He was a doll. No joke. Giant dog paws, which were freaking awesome. He was so sweet. There was a note on his cage (Rocky was his name) that said see someone, so we asked at the front. Apparently this was his second surrender. His first owner brought him there because he had destroyed his whole yard. The second owner complained about the same thing, including his tendency to mouth and tear up even a bbq. The girl owner was all bruised from his jumping up. Dude, the dog is 90 pounds, I am not shocked. And he had another probably 75 pounds to put on if he is pure lab. Truly, I think that his former owners just didn’t know how to handle a Marley dog. There was no training, no time spent, no real effort. This dog could be an awesome dog to have. We would have taken him, honest, but truly, we know we also don’t have the right amount of time. Plus, I don’t need a 90 pound dog mouthing my 3 year old and bruising the hell out of him. Although, we both agreed that Lycos would probably do most of the training since she would not tolerate any bullshit from some big dumb pup.

RIP Susan Atkins. I know you were a troubled soul that recognized the horrible things you did. I hope that now you can be released from those demons.

Bobby and I went in the pool where Ken and Dax joined us later. It was good since nothing tires out the children like a good swim. Plus, since it was so hot out, the cool water was nice.

I drank most of a beer. I am very proud of this since I can’t stand the stuff. I just want to. Not because I want to give up my rum and cokes since let’s face it, way better, but I like the idea of being able to tell someone to throw me a beer. Not that I am in a lot of situations in which I need to be able to do this, but I like to keep my options open.

I think my weekend is going to be good since there is nothing going on! Woo hoo! I have a few things to do, like take some books to this used book store, take out the desk, and maybe a handful of other things we can get rid of. I may need to bring home some boxes from work today so I can box up some more stuff, too. I think also we need to take some things to Chris so I can get it out of my entry way.

I want to wash my car when I get home.

The warranty department here is driving me to drink. And I don’t mean no stinking beer. I will want something way stronger. Maybe a few Zombies.

LOL!!!!!!! Adam Corolla just did his segment “This Week in Rage” and he mentioned the Manson Family. He points out that the chicks that Manson and Tex had around them were pretty damn hot 20 year olds, who were used to having these orgies and whatnot. This is what they did. It was a good time. So you know Charlie was crazy when instead of just staying at the ranch with his harem of hot chicks who were more than willing to get it on with him, he opted to go and have them stab people and be sent away for the rest of their lives. Clearly, he was not right in the head. I know, super bad, but super funny.

I have the desire to wear scarves more. I also have had the song San Francisco (wear flowers in your hair) in my head now for the last week. I have gone hippe for some reason. I need some long skirts!! I wonder if I can find some good fabric that Ken could maybe make me some. It isn’t like they have to be fancy. Just long, flowy, with an easy elastic band. Ok, that is my plan this weekend. Look for skirts. Of course, I need tank tops, too, but those are easier to come by.

I hate it when people feel the need to cc everyone and their mother when on things that don’t need it. Are they trying to get someone in trouble? Are they covering their own asses? This particular one, not a big deal, I emailed the guy who collected the COD amount to see if he already turned in the cash. He had, which is awesome, so I checked with the next person, the one who would have given me the paperwork to apply. I don’t keep copies of these since there is no need for me to. All she had to do was send me the copy (which she did) so I could then check with the next guy to see where he posted it after I turned it in. Instead, she cc’s her boss, my boss and some other folks. What the hell? My boss, first off, doesn’t care. He knows we will take care of it, and really, like he needs more freaking email. And if he does get involved, all he is going to do is forward me her email, despite the fact that I already have it, and ask me to follow up. Um, duh, that is what I am doing. Her boss is evil, so why include her? This is a quickie issue, a miscommunication that no one is angry about, so why escalate it? It just annoys me to no end.

Some lady birthed a baby that was 19.2 pounds! Holy hell!

What determines if you are ready to move in with someone? At what point do you give the special someone a key? Before the L word is uttered? After the I Do’s are exchanged? What is the correct answer or is it case by case?

When a convicted murder admits to the murder and the sentence is death, why don’t we just ship them off to their death that weekend? I don’t understand what the hold up is?

I won’t get into the Susan Atkins thing again, I just want to point out it isn’t Susan that is the only one punished here. I don’t think that she should not be punished for her role in the brutal slaying that happened 40 years ago. I am more frustrated with the system, which is why I probably another reason I don’t trust the death penalty. We can’t seem to do it right. Our entire punishment system is flawed, and it annoys me when they do it so wrong, and they then can’t correct themselves because it would be a political firestorm. With Susan they should have done one of the following:

Execute her right after the trial.

When her sentence was changed due to the Death Penalty going away-don’t dangle parole in front of her unless she really stands a chance for being a model prisoner. If you think her crime was so horrific that she warranted an original sentence of death, then just change it to life without a possibility of parole.

Why is it that George Michael can make me happy just when he sings?

Thursday, September 24, 2009



I feel like we did our good deed of the week last night. We went and got Brandy and one of her feral mama cat rescues and took them to the farm we took our rescue to last week. Don’t worry, we didn’t leave Brandy there, just the kitty. The lady, Stephanie, was actually there this time, which was great since she showed Ken and Brandy around. She told us next time to bring the kids out since they would love to see the animals. So true, since how often do the boys get to see turkeys and sheep and horses? Not often enough! She told us also that she has room for a few more feral mousers, so if we find anymore, we are good! Yay!

We so should have taken the boys to the LA County Fair, but I think we will do it next year. I think they will enjoy it more in a year. Plus, we can plan it out more instead of say just going there this weekend.

Tomorrow we are going out to the Big Wok (yum!) with George and Guinn and their grandson, I guess my first cousin removed, Scott. My mom called feeling all bad that realistically we were going pretty late for the boys, but the kids have proven to be pretty good with curve balls like that. Plus, there will be lots of people, so they will be fine. I will bring a bag of goodies, though, like toys and whatnot to keep them entertained. I figure that will be the safest plan.

Tonight I think we actually have nothing on tap. I would kind of like to go down and check on the kittens, and depending on if it is just as hot as it was yesterday, maybe some pool time since I think this weekend, maybe next, will be the last pool weekends before we take it down. Next weekend is Old Hometown Fair, so we will be there for some of that.

I somehow injured my neck. Yesterday afternoon, I got home, was pleasantly surprised with Ken’s affection greeting, and then got online for a bit before getting the boys. I don’t think it hurt until after the boys and I got home. They started in on a movie, and I played a bit more online, and then when we were about to leave, my neck felt all tense and sore. And not in the normal spot. It is more along the very back of my neck, not the sides like it normally hurts when you kink your neck. It is still sore, too. It seems to have gotten a smidge better, I think. I don’t know if I did it while on the computer since I might have turned wrong and really, it doesn’t take much sometimes to throw out your neck or back. Or, it was already injured in the afternoon delight and then just the computer play made it spasm. It hurts this morning, but I have not taken anything yet. I have a pile of Tylenol packets on my desk from the first aid kit, so I may need to bust some of those open.

I am rockin a new look this morning with my outfit. I will be curious to see if it works. So I think the reason people think I have looked dolled up is only due to wearing lipstick. Apparently that really pulls me together. This is my theory. Of course, when I got home yesterday, lipstick already gone, Ken thought I looked dressed up, too. I don’t understand. Today I am not as fancy pants, so perhaps it will be different.

This is the last day free of the boss. I am happy that I have a free day, but I really wished he had taken off tomorrow as well. He is going to be such a pill tomorrow since it is month end and he has been gone for 4 days.

Ok, I just took some Tylenol. Hopefully that helps the pain. I will consider using it as an excuse to go home, but realistically, I don’t think I need to. I have some chores that need to be done, and I am considering doing lunch with the hubby. We got a Chili’s gift card in the mail (it isn’t to us, but we have gotten one from them before) and perhaps Ken and I need to go to lunch today if he doesn’t have classes. We will see.

Why can’t today be tomorrow? It has been a long week.

It is probably good I don’t have any money since I have this desire to change my whole wardrobe into uber flowy and hippie like.

I have never actually seen James Dean act, and I feel as though that is not a good thing. I may need to find a copy of Rebel Without a Cause to see his performance. I am reading his Wiki page right now and I find it interesting that he really was not active for very long in Hollywood, maybe 5 years, and yet he was elevated to cult like status. What makes someone that beloved? Is it actually his skills as an actor? Was it his good looks? Or is it just because he died so young? My curiosity then goes to actors of today, and I wonder who will become that next legend. Sure, there are actors that are well liked and loved, but not many who get to be on shirts and mugs just because of a couple of prominent roles.

This is why Ken and I are meant to be together forever and ever. So I wrote about maybe doing lunch with him, right? I have not posted this, nor have I spoken to him this morning. He just texted me to see if I wanted to do lunch!!! How funny is that?????? So I may need to just cut out of here at noon. That way he and I can maybe hit up Chili’s or something and take our sweet time. Dude, full on Oonagi!

Yay! So I just talked to Ken. We are not going to Chili’s since he thought it would be a fun family night at some point, which is cool by me. He suggested something like Coco’s or even just simple like Carl’s Jr, which I am way game on. So I am leaving work around noon and he and I will go have ourselves some lunch, then go check on Bashful and Sleepy Girl to see how they are doing. So excited! It is one of those things that should probably make most women worry when their husband gets all attentive, because what is the motive, but Ken doesn’t tend to be that kind of dude. He is pretty straight forward and if he was cheating on me, I think I would know. If not, wow, I am an uber tard.

I have decided that the word fucktard makes me laugh.

Crap, I realize that by leaving early, my lunch time Yoville will be missed. I may need to do my online activities really quick right now so that when I walk out I am good to go.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009



Eeeewwwww!!! Mackenzie Phillips just revealed that she had a semi consensual sexual relationship with her dad, John Phillips. Eeeeeeeewwwwwww!!!!

Kids, that is why cocaine is bad.

Not much going on this morning. With that yucky news I was inspired to pull up Mamas and Papas wiki pages to read this morning. I also may need to put her new book on my growing list at Amazon of biographies I want to read. My Christmas from my mom will undoubtedly be filled with words of sex, drugs and rock and roll since she shops for me off that list.

I am loving this fog! It means fall is here! I want to go down to Waller Stadium and watch the fog roll in. It was one of the coolest things from high school that I miss. I loved the smell of the field, and the feel of the cold on my arms after having done practice. There was something about the whole thing that just made me happy. I miss going to football games. No, I don’t like football, but that wasn’t why you went. You went to be with friends and to have school spirit. It was great! I know, too much nostalgia for this morning.

Someone just sent me some site that you can vote to say if you think any God references should stay on currency. Obviously I voted to take it off, but unfortunately my voice on this one is little. It is also one fight I don’t fight.

I am getting a little annoyed at the quantity of political posts on Facebook. Every morning I see a slue of people who post how the health care stuff is bad or that Obama is evil, or whatever. Look, I understand we are all passionate about certain things, but seriously, has the rule been changed when I wasn’t looking? I thought that we were supposed to never talk about politics or religion while in mixed company. I would classify Facebook mixed company. Friends and family probably know how you feel on a topic, and I am pretty sure if they agree with you, they agree strongly, and if they disagree, they disagree strongly. So why stir up trouble? No one makes enough good arguments for or against most of these issues. A couple weeks ago, some people were posting something about how if you don’t want people to die because they don’t have health care, make this your status. No joke. What does this show? Just that you can’t even think up your own original arguments. I know I was guilty of it with the Prop 8 stuff. But I think I need to make a point of not posting stuff like that anymore. I am not convincing anyone of my points, just possibly pissing off other folks.

I hope this isn’t what my day is going to be like being that my shoe just broke.

After talking to a couple people about Bobby’s procedure, I have decided that we will go forward with it and get it done even if possible this year. I know that it violates the no hospital rule, but it was pointed out that we never know if my health insurance will suddenly go away with a layoff. So I should probably get his stuff done now while we can. I told Ken and we agreed we need to talk to the doc and make some things that have to happen. We are thinking of scheduling it on a Friday so he has the weekend to recover. Secondly, I HAVE to be in there for the putting him under part. When he counts from 10 backwards (or for him, forwards) I need to be able to hold his hand. It will kill me, but I need him to feel safe. And last, we HAVE to be there when he wakes up. Not after he wakes up, when he wakes up. No exceptions. My child will not be scared anymore than he has to be.

When he gets out, we will have to spoil him for the weekend.

This evening we are taking Brandy’s mama cat rescue to the same barn that we took our mama cat rescue.

Hometown fair is soon!!

Next week Ken and I have some kind of date night thing. His student/teacher friend Mccloud invited us to some Star Wars thing. I know zero details, which sucks only because I need to make kid care arrangements. Worst case scenario is Ken goes by himself or with someone else. I don’t mind. Star Wars is more his thing, anyway. Maybe he can take Bobby?

I am so confused. Vyerah just told me that she is sure I must have a new boyfriend since I have looked all nice the last couple days. See, as much as I am flattered that people think I look nice, it of course makes me worried that I look like hell on most days. LOL!

She also told me that her 8 year old son now has a girlfriend. Man, I am in trouble when mine get older. Hell, I think that Bobby will have himself a “girlfriend” when he hits kindergarten. Then again, he isn’t really girl crazy so much as he is super interested in having his group of best friends. He constantly tells me about how Liam and Kenny are his favorite friends. He is going to be the center of a group is my guess. He is rather bossy with Dax, and he seems to be asserting himself with other kids even more. Of course, this could all change once he learns how to play video games like his dad.

OMG-there is some story about this Arizona couple that had some pictures of their kids developed at WalMart. Their kids, all 5 and under, were in the tub. The employee decided to call the cops saying it was porn. The kids were taken away for 30 days, returned when the investigation found no problems. 30 days! What fucktard at the wallmart thinks kids in a tub is porn? What the hell? So awful. The couple is suing.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Penis surgery


Happy Fall, celebrities! Those of you who survived the summer of death, I congratulate you!

I am feeling rather, well, I don’t even know the right word for it. I am not upset, but I am not happy, yet I am relieved, yet I am worried. I need to decide what to do and determining the right answer is going to be hard.

Bobby went to the urologist yesterday. For some time now, Ken had worried about his pee stream. It came out kind of like when you put your thumb over part of a hose. The stream is crooked and super pressurized. We had talked about getting it looked at for some time, and even before the appt, we happened across a web site that gave us a name for it (which of course I can’t remember for the life of me). It is not uncommon, and a normally easily fixed issue. The reason to it would be because later in life, it could cause problems with things like sex.

The urologist was a sweetheart. When he came in, he ducked back out quickly before the kids saw him and came back in without the white coat because he wanted to make sure the kids didn’t see doctors as bad. Very cool. He was great with the kids and super nice. He checked it out and saw the blockage pretty easily and rattled off the name of the condition we had seen online. He explained that it looked like a super minor case and that a quick outpatient procedure would hopefully correct it. It would require him to have a catheter for a couple days but that after that it would be fine. Sounds pretty simple, right? Not in my mind.

The problem is that he will have to be under anesthesia. I am not happy with this. They are doing it for his comfort since he is a little kid and they don’t need him moving around. It is only for an hour and a half. Look, I don’t care if it is for 5 minutes, just the doc telling us made me almost burst into tears. I really don’t know if I could handle him being under. In reality, he should not have any issues with anesthesia since both myself and Ken have been under before. In fact, I don’t know of anyone in our family with any allergies and he is quite healthy, so he should not have any problems, but let’s face it, even though he isn’t being cut open, it is still a kind of surgery, and I challenge you to find a mom who doesn’t get a little freaked out at their 4 year old having to go through it.

It isn’t a crucial surgery right now. He has figured out how to pee, and over all he has no problem. In fact, he could have this done later in life when he understands better what is going on (OMG-just started getting choked up at the idea of him being scared in the operating room. They had better let me be in there with him) and he wouldn’t even need to have anything stronger than a local. Like why can’t he do it when he is 10?

The doc said if it was his son, he would do it when his kid was younger. In reality, they heal quicker and it is less of a surgery. But I can’t deal with him lying on a hospital bed getting cut. I really can’t. I don’t want to be irrational on this, but I don’t see enough benefits to outweigh the issues.

Ken is more gung ho on this. Mostly because let’s face it, he has a penis. He knows what kind of troubles will come with penis issues. He thinks there could be teasing, but honestly, there will be teasing about gobs of things. Hell, the kid gets teased for his hair right now and that doesn’t seem to bother Ken. And if the kid gets teased for peeing crooked when he hits like 8, then can’t we just do it then? Are guys seriously watching other guys’ streams?

I don’t have to make the decision today. Hell, I can think about it for a while since let’s face it, I won’t allow it this year (no hospital visits). But it is going to eat at me for a while.

The boys were great in the doc’s office. We opted to reward them by going to McDonald’s since we had not been there since before Dax’s leg issues. The boys had the rare opportunity to have the whole habitrail to themselves. There was a couple families through out visit, but not gobs of kids as we have grown accustomed to when we are there. It was actually quite nice. Although, I think the kids would have preferred more kids to play with.

While they played, it allowed me to vent about my frustrating day. Specifically the last 10 minutes of work that made me question if perhaps my colleagues are mentally disabled.

I was getting ready to leave when MaryAnn approached me. I had been talking with Delores, and so she tells us both that Vicki had been talking about approaching the boss on this move and telling him that he should re-think it.

Look, I 100% agree that the move is straight up stupid. I am also a huge proponent of questioning authority. That being said, who in their right fucking mind rocks a boat in the middle of a storm??

Look, right now if they want me to sit under the sink, I will do it. I need this job. I am supporting a family of four. I have bills to pay and I think I can mange being in a different building.

The rebelling department members have the reasons they want to bring up. One, no windows. Two, noisy, and Three, no room for more dept members.

Are you fucking kidding me? You are going to potentially piss off the boss over windows? I will totally miss my windows, but I would miss my paycheck more.

The noise level, sure, an issue, but the main source of the noise is one printer used by someone else there. Ok, then move the fucking printer! This is a solution, which is a far better way to solve problems. Don’t just whine. I have been bitching at my kids for whining, I don’t want to have to put these people in a time out.

And look, yes, growth is something that should be looked at, but let the managers work on that. If we have enough money to start hiring back the, wait for it, 200 people we laid off, I am pretty sure they will figure out a way to fit them. We are moving into a semi empty building because people lost their jobs. Do you really think that with projections that we won’t pull out of this for a couple years that they think growth is happening soon?

I just don’t think that angering management is the way to go right now. Renee lost her job because she questioned things. If the main dude caught wind that we were grumbling over here, don’t you think that he couldn’t just make the decision to fire everyone here, and hire in people to do the same basic job for half the rate? Look I don’t know if he would do it, but I don’t want to give him reason to even consider it. Our new office space make suck, but as long as they keep cutting me checks and that there is no threat of layoff, I will keep my mouth shut.

Is it wrong that I find Dr. Drew even hotter when he swears?

I was really good this morning, having only a bowl of rice krispies for breakfast. I will be having my snack in a little bit. I also plan on snacking this afternoon since I figured that one of my biggest problems is that I eat lunch at 11, and then don’t eat again until 5 or 5:30. So since there is that much time in between I tend to over eat at dinner. I think if I curb that with a minor snack right when I get home I will be good!

I just had to run from my desk to see if I could avoid the morning check in call from the boss. Not that it is a huge deal, but he is a pain in the ass. He seems to think that we will die without him, despite the fact that even when he is here he is useless.

I had to talk to him anyway. Lame!

My main concern now about this move is that I won’t get KROQ anymore! I am guessing that would be the worst argument. LOL!

Ok, my whole computer crashed. That was fun.

I just walked over to the new area. It is not as bad as I would have thought. In fact, I rather like it. I “claimed” my desk when I found that someone had left behind a duckie, so I put it on my “new” desk. I have no idea if I will get said digs, but I can dream, right? The area is good for the fact that no one can sneak up on me in any of the spots. There are 2 ideal spots, one good spot, and the rest are so so. I don’t know the plans for seating, so I may be stuck with the worst knowing my luck on these things. But, I do have a giant file cabinet that may get me a better spot.

Monday, September 21, 2009

I love Neil Patrick Harris


Busy weekend behind us. I need a day off to sleep.

Saturday we drove out to Riverside to help Grammie move. Wow. I knew she wasn’t normally organized for this sort of thing, but I was genuinely shocked at how little she had done. If you walked in there, you would not have known that she needed to be out by tomorrow. A few things were boxed up, but not much. Now, there were movers coming to get the big stuff, but I am guessing that they don’t box up things like your knick knacks and books.

We loaded up all her boxes of yarn, some things from her fridge, and other random things, along with our dresser and night stands into our cars and headed to her new place. It wasn’t too far away, just over in Corona. Her new place is cute. It is a rental, and knowing her, she will move out of this place within 2 years so the move will be on again sooner than we think.

Matt had a fit. For some reason this weekend, he was in angry, psycho mode. I don’t even know what set him off most times since I was really only privy to the explosion not the ignition. On Saturday, I guess Ken was concerned that some box lids would fly off in the back of the truck so he was getting them prepped. This pissed off Matt who feels that Ken didn’t know what he was talking about. So he screamed, he cursed, he was downright scary. He made snide remarks the rest of the morning, and my dad even said he was arguing with him on the drive over.

On Sunday, he was out of control. I don’t know the initial argument blow up, but he was screaming that Ken knew nothing about nothing (his words) and that he was a mother fucker. Mind you, the ENTIRE bowling alley heard this based on how loud he was yelling. It was out of control. Ken didn’t provoke him, and never argued with him on anything (per my request), so Matt was blowing up when anyone just disagreed with him. At one point, he put the lid on Bobby’s little container of policemen figures. Bobby was upset because in his eyes, it was the wrong lid. Yet Matt kept saying Bobby was wrong. Me, knowing this is a 4 year old, and you pick your battles, I told Matt to give me the container so I could just put the other lid on. Matt shoved it roughly into my arms and called me a mo fo, and was a total ass. He was screaming about everything. My parents started charging him $20 for every outburst (money is the only thing that he responds to), and he would follow up with saying that they would never get it. Yes, it was like he had snapped. By Ken’s calculations, he owed something like $300 or more. Yie!

And with that, we are not going bowling this coming Sunday. I don’t need the boys subjected to this behavior. Especially since he, in my eyes, is a danger to my kids. He throws things, he breaks things, he is wild. He keeps being too rough with the boys as it is, and if one of them sets him off, I don’t need my kids getting hurt. So no bowling. I have decided. We are going to my parent’s house on Friday since my Aunt and Uncle are going to be there. I don’t know if I am going at all this week. The boys love to go, so really, it isn’t like that is too big a deal. Right now, I just feel like I should not let them be around him, and to some degree, I don’t want Ken around him since Ken seems to be part of what is setting him off. Ken can hold his own, so I am not worried about him, but my main concern is making sure my boys are kept away from crazy.

The afternoons were spent in the pool and out back. Ken set up the water slide for them yesterday which allowed them to slide down for some time. We also played in the pool itself, and I could tell this would be one of the last weekends. Even though it was kind of hot out, it almost wasn’t hot enough to be in the pool. Yay fall!

Last night was the scary night.

The boys were playing in the tub, Ken and I in the other room. They were having tons of fun. They did manage to pour a bunch of shampoo into the water, but that is minor. Ken came out after discovering this and tells me we will need more shampoo. I just had to see this, and I went into the bathroom. Bobby was holding his finger, telling me he had a boo boo, but he looked shaky. I saw then at this point that he was holding our razor. His finger was covered in blood, which in my eyes was EVERYWHERE.

I yelled out. I don’t even know what I said. I got the razor away and Ken came running in. Ken took Bobby while I stayed with Dax, who was surprisingly calm during all of this. Dax put away the toys and was all sweet and charming even though I kept leaving him to check on Bobby.

Bobby got faint. It was a decent amount of blood loss. It was a straight slice at the bend in his index finger. No real damage, just one of those ones that bleeds for days and hurts like hell. The paper cut on steroids. Bobby got a little faint. Ken had to lie him down.

Bleeding stopped and a bandaid and Neosporin later, he was fine. Clearly wiped out from the whole ordeal since he about fell asleep during story time. He also had not napped and played in the sun and water, but I think the final blow was this event which crashed him out hard.

I was not as calm as I would have liked to have been. However, most of that was because Ken kind of took charge, which makes it harder for me to know what to do. I had this desire to mother the kid, but he didn’t need both of us there. It wasn’t that huge of an injury. So it was hard to know what to do at times. Can’t leave the other kid hanging, but I needed to tend to the injured one. Actually, the injury itself wasn’t even that bad. Mind you, the kid ate a lightbulb once and managed to fall out of a shopping cart on his head. This was minor compared. Plus, um, hello, other kid had a broken leg just a couple months ago. I can deal with big injuries. I just don’t like lack of control.

On happy news, the new dresser is awesome. I had forgotten this is the one that was in my parent’s room when I was growing up. It brought back some memories. It is great, too, that it has like a million drawers (it is quite large). So now there is tons of room for all of Dax’s clothing. All kinds of good. And it looks pretty good in there. We also changed out the two night stands in both their rooms for the night stands that actually go with the dresser. The old ones, which Granddaddy built, will be stored in the garage. The old dresser/changing table/desk thing that was in Dax’s room will go out on the curb. No attachment to it really.

The boss is out this week, returning on Friday. I didn’t know this until we got the email he had sent late Friday. The big boss is out until Wednesday, so today and tomorrow will be loud.

Bobby’s urologist appointment was moved from this morning to this afternoon, which means I get to go. I didn’t take the morning off to go since I didn’t know that I needed to be there as much as Ken does. This is all concerning how he pees crooked, and let’s face it, I don’t have the same equipment so I don’t fully understand the concern Ken has for him. To me, it is a minor inconvenience and Bobby seems to be ok with it and does quite well. Ken is worried about future issues. I just don’t like him being uncomfortable. He had issues with his circumcision, so that had him spooked from anyone messing around down there (doctors, if we needed to clean him when he was younger). So now, a new doc is going to poke, which I would imagine is not going to go over well. I guess it is good Dax and I will be there for moral support for Bobby, so that is good. Who knows, maybe tonight is a McDonald’s night so that we can cheer him up for being violated.

I don’t feel well right now. Cramps have kicked in at full force and the craziness that is my period this month is being annoying. Actually was a little faint in the bathroom.

I am actually considering reading a magazine at my desk. I figure it will make my day go by quicker.

Lucky for me, the day just picked up.

Look, I may slack at times when at work, but fuck you if you think I ignored an email as simple as looking to apply credits to invoices. And fuck you, mr. sales rep who leaves me a fucking message saying, “look, I know we all are busy, but…”. Fuck you. I pulled up this customer’s file (btw, I keep EVERY customer email) and the last email I have from her is from April. I call sales rep back, who happened to still be there and I talked to her and told her I didn’t have anything. She still pretty much didn’t believe me because she says it went through. Look, we have ALL sent emails that didn’t make it. It fucking happens. Hell, maybe it came up as SPAM, or maybe the name was off by one letter or who fucking knows. It happens. Don’t assume I am ignoring you when I have never done so. Plus, how about a phone call to me from the customer instead of telling on me. What the fuck?? I am a little sensitive being lumped in with the masses of idiots that populate the work force.

So apparently our move to the other building is happening even sooner than I was told. 2 weeks or so. The cubes are in fact same size, if not slightly larger, without the desk, I have been told they are about one and a half of our current desks. I have not been over there, so who knows. No windows anywhere, which is fine, I guess. Not ideal, but what is? They are still giving us all our own printers and fax machines, which seems very wasteful since currently everyone shares with another person (I don’t, but that is only because Tammy is gone). The funniest part is that this move is pointless other than the fact that the boss gets a real office. Yeah, cause that is what he needed. Apparently he was office hungry and is not considering the idea that there is no reason what-so-ever for us to move. No one else in this building is moving. No kidding. So they have us spending time and money and productivity on an unnecessary move. I am kind of amused that the big boss has to move, since he is creepy close with the upstairs staff. So maybe now he will bond with us because we are closer. I don’t really want it, but it makes me laugh.

The whisper sisters just headed over to check it out. I kind of wish they had asked me. Oh well.

Now, members of my own department are transferring me calls that are not mine. Lovely. No one checks to see if something is correct, they just transfer, assuming it is mine. It drives me crazy. It is a lack of professionalism that just irks me. Like on order release. If someone calls to get something released, don’t you go ahead and just check it and release if it looks ok? I do. No need to transfer unless there is something wrong. Yet this broad transfers me a call when the account is obviously inactive. So maybe you get the order number first. When I talked to the guy, turned out he gave the wrong number and it belongs to someone else. Sheesh.

I must be PMSing, which I have not done this bad in a while. I am cranky and annoyed at everything.

On a positive note, another kitten was adopted out. That leaves Bashful and Sleepy. I am going to check them at lunch to see if either of them got adopted in the last couple hours of the shelter being open yesterday. With only 2 left, it means if we need to spring em, it will only be $100 since they are considered buddies (2 for 1 pricing). Not that we need additional cats running around my house, but at least I know I can get them out and list them in the paper or something like that. The good news about them being in the shelter is that we know whoever takes them, they will be spayed/neutered. Always a good thing.

Ok, I don’t watch the show Jon & Kate plus 8. I have watched a few times back in the day, and I mostly found it annoying. I don’t care for her, and he looked like a kicked puppy. Of course now, both of them look like annoying a-holes. But I was just reading about how in her week of guest hosting the view, Kate didn’t get off 100% easy. Whoopi, who I think is awesome for taking the side no one wants to take publicly (same reason I loved me some Rosie on the View), actually told Kate she was wrong. Kate had gone over to Jon’s house when it was his custody time. Cops were called, all kinds of press, but really, she had no reason to be there unless she truly felt the kids were in danger, and if that is the case, don’t you call the cops? Whoopi pointed out Kate could have gone to jail just for objecting to some babysitter over there (Jon was still there!). Isn’t that worse? I won’t go into all of this right now, but I may need to visit the topic of custody. It is interesting. Like who is to say you can’t go visit your kids when you want to? And why wouldn’t you let your kids see their dad, no matter how you feel about him? Hell, if it is only because you can’t stand the creep, you kind of have to set that aside for your kids. If he is good with them, then stop your belly aching. Of course, it is easier said than done. I would be curious to talk to folks about it.

Hmm..I know there are a million of them, but part of me wants to start a parents site. Not a mommy site. A parent’s site. Get more points of view. Make it dad friendly. Make it kind of alternative. Café Mom is nice, but it is maybe too much like MySpace. Maybe we need something with more articles that are opinions on things. Rate stuff. I just need to come up with the nitch that will make us better than say I don’t know that I have it just yet. Maybe just something for South Bay?

Clearly I am looking for some kind of an outlet and have just not found one yet. It will come to me eventually.

So the boys have a new favorite show. LazyTown. Very creepy little show, although the main good guy is a bit of eye candy, so that is ok. But there is the creepy factor of the idea that clearly he and the 14 year old star are doing it secretly. He is like 40. Now, when I was 14, that would have been fine since I love me some older men, but looking at it from this angle? Something about it yells for Chris Hansen. If only I had the tech skills to intertwine LazyTown footage in with his segments.

The boys have been dance crazy lately, so perhaps it is time to start saving up for another Baby Loves Disco outing.

Friday, September 18, 2009



I sent Ken the text yesterday morning to see how he felt and within 15 minutes I was driving home to take the boys to the museum. I came in and they were all in Bobby’s room. I was in the doorway and Ken waived me away. So I quickly hid (which isn’t easy with nosy kids in a small house). Ken came and told me they actually had been rather bratty. Crap. So my surprise might be rewarding crappy behavior! But, apparently, after my text, Ken had told them if they behaved that a surprise would be revealed. This meant I had to hide for about 40 minutes while the boys watched some Spongebob and Ken showered. I managed to make sandwiches for all 4 of us, got snacks and stuff all in a bag. I then snuck out back and up to the car where I waited for the boys to go to Maria’s.

They walked out on the porch. I watched them see my car and look confused. Then I opened the automatic door, and they still looked excited, but even more confused. I got out of the car and they were jazzed. I told them to climb in and they were not sure what was up, but they were happy.

We headed to the museum a bit early, but we wandered the museum campus for a bit. We walked up to the air and space museum and were excited to note that it was part of the science center, so therefore, probably also free. We went to the main museum first, and got in right ahead of a field trip. It was actually a good timing. The boys mostly had the place to themselves at times.

Truly, the exhibits were for kids older. But they enjoyed a lot of them. One display was a guy where you could see his guts and you pushed buttons to show the digestion process. One of the steps resulted in the guy burping, which amused them endlessly. Dax and Bobby both told me last night that was one of their favorite things.

They liked the baby chicks, one of my personal favs as a kid. One had just hatched, and promptly crapped this nasty sticky green stuff, which of course cracked them up. Yes, I truly am the mother of two boys.

We went through the fetus room, and they were very curious about all of that. The picture at the end of the slime and blood covered baby confused Bobby who wanted to know if it was ok if the baby was so messy.

We wandered the whole museum, and then stopped and had lunch. I had not had a peanut butter and honey sandwich in ages. It was great! We then walked up to the air museum, and that place was empty. There were like 4 workers, and us. They liked that, too. There was this paper airplane launcher thing they liked, and a simulator where you flew a plane that was like a hang glider. It was nearing 1 and Dax was clearly spent. So we headed on home.

Dax fell asleep on the couch since we had quiet time instead of nap since I was taking them to my folks around 3. It was hard to wake him up, he was that tired.

They were both still tired last night, and after polishing off two giant pancakes each, they crashed pretty easily.

I didn’t sleep as well. I could not get comfortable, and every time I did, I would wake up with a start, as if I had forgotten something or that the alarm didn’t go off. Ken was snoring a bit, but I don’t think that kept me up. I can’t even really sleep in much tomorrow morning since we are heading over to Grammie’s early. We leave at like 8, so I need to get up and ready to move at 7. When I get home this afternoon, I have more cleaning to do. Ken was going to clean the house for me yesterday when I changed his plans with the museum stuff.

I need to do a Target run this weekend, too. The boys need toothpaste and we need a couple other things including their costumes (I don’t want them to sell out). I don’t think the weekend is going to be spent doing much in terms of going places so on Sunday I can buckle down and do the organizing I need to get done.

Being out one day did not put me behind. Of course, when I was out 6 months I was able to catch up on email in about 2 hours, so really 8 hours is nothing. I have a couple of headache items today, but we are hoping on a quick day since I have more to do at home that I want to get to.

I wish I liked the Office. I may need to rent the first season or something and rewatch it to see if I just missed something. It is one of those shows where the cast is awesome, and I have heard funny stuff, so it seems like it should be good. I did not care for the Ricky Gervais one. I love him, though. There are some shows that people watch that are wildly successful and well loved, and yet I can’t get behind them. Seinfeld. Holy crap bad. Everyone Love Raymond. The previews are all you need to see. Ken and I talked about watching old episodes of Two and a Half Men, but I have a feeling I will also not like it. How I Met Your Mother, I am shocked at how much I love it. Then again, it is one I kind of figured I would love, so maybe that is why.

Seriously, the line in the last HIMYM that Ted says to his future sister in law who is a Vegan left me in stitches.

Ted: The lamb here is supposed to be great.Nora: I am a vegan. I wish I could tune out that moral voice inside me that says eating animals is murder. But, I guess I'm just not as strong as you are.Ted: That's 'cause you need protein

Come on! That cracked me up!!

So I guess Matt is coming with us to Grammie’s. I am not sure how I feel about this, but on the plus side, he has to be on his best behavior since I can bitch his ass out if he pisses me off. Hell, I may set up the tv’s so that he and the boys can watch something and then everyone is quiet. It will be an interesting day, I am sure, since we are going early, it isn’t a social visit, and we are in different cars in a caravan, not much chit chat. I suppose she might come in our car, but who knows

The office sounds chatty this morning. I wonder what that is about. The whisper sisters next door to me are hissing away. I can hear the girls down at the other end of the room, too, which is a little unusual. Boss man isn’t here right now, but that doesn’t mean much.

I hate my hair product. Ok, no, I love it, but I hate the way they package it. It is liquid, and a spray bottle. Well, the last quarter inch of fluid can’t be used unless you really work at it because the geniuses that designed the spray tube made it too freaking short! So you have to tip the bottle and hope that you get a spray or two out of it. So lame.

I think that tonight we need to watch a movie that we got. It will be good for me to just sit and relax instead of stressing all night.

Maybe my Mommy Cat tattoo needs to be on my back. I can hide it with my hair and a lot of shirts, but can still show it off. It would be centered kind of going up to the back of my neck. Maybe a bit under that.

Ken called me his Mommy Cat last night. I don’t know that I have ever been more smitten with him.

I have had strange cravings for steak and cheese. Not together mind you. It is especially odd since truly, I never have been a big steak fan. Not sure why. Maybe I just never had good steaks until semi recently. I noticed the cravings being more so when I got knocked up. Not saying that I had “cravings” so much as I just started to appreciate good steak. My inlaws make tri-tip which is shockingly good. I think my taste buds have just changed, again. If only they would also enjoy some kinds of veggies. LOL! The cheese, well, this isn’t as odd as I have always been a fan of “fried stuff with cheese”, but right now it isn’t the melted variety I have wanted. More of a, chunk of cheese on a cracker type mix. No worries, pretty sure my oven is clean, but it is interesting how our tastes change through the years. I had a Chocodile the other day. I used to love those things. Probably because you could never find them anywhere. But I ate this one and was pretty disappointed. Well, and take my mom for instance. She is the one who taught me the recipe of Enchilada casserole. She doesn’t like it anymore. She doesn’t like the taste of any of the canned enchilada sauces. So odd! It does give me hope that the boys will start to venture away from the staples.

I think that I need to splurge soon and Ken and I can go maybe to Houstons and get some ribs. We can leave the kids with my folks. We need to do that anyway since Bobby needs to get over some of the separation stuff. And if we go on an afternoon, it would work well. Of course, that is a pricey meal, so it may need to wait for some time.

I feel like I am turning into a waitress at a diner in the 50’s. I have been calling too many people sweetie, darling and baby lately. I really don’t care too much. I have been using way more random terms of endearment with the boys. I call them everything from pickles to sweet peas. Which always lends itself to uber retardation when I then accidentally call Ken “sweet pea” and he mocks me. Yesterday I tried out calling them my little ducklings when we were walking through the museum. I am thinking of showing them footage of mama ducks and how the babies follow and tell them it is a game and when they need to follow, I can quack or something. Yes, I am just that insane.

Maybe a tattoo of a Mama duck with two ducklings. I can always add more ducklings if I opt for more kids.

I wish I could explain why I am not patriotic. No, I am serious. I don’t even understand it. Sure, we are a pretty good country when you compare it to others. Dumb as fuck when you compare certain aspects, but I think that goes with any country. I don’t get all weepy with the Star Spangled Banner (actually I giggle at that because I think of Truth and Dare) and I don’t get excited for the all American holidays. I think I used to be excited. I mean, when we saw the Olympics in 1984, I was jazzed. Now, it is really a not so much type of thing. I sometimes get wrapped up in certain aspects of patriotism. Like the election or past presidents and monuments or hell, don’t even get be started on all the historical landmarks. All of those are awesome, but I just don’t get whipped up into a frenzy at the idea of being American. I kind of wish it was different. I mean, sure, I could go through the motions, but it just seems so fake. Not that I have an alliance to any other country, mind you. Sure, I love me some British crap, but really, I am pretty sure I don’t care for most of it. I wanted to move to Canada, but that was just me being 19 and lame. In fact, going to a foreign country is a little scary to me. I want to travel, but I would actually much rather do a trip of the states and see roadside attractions. I don’t know that those are as prominent in Australia. So maybe I do love USA. I just don’t like the whole PDA part of it.

I know I shouldn’t grumble when so many people don’t even have a job and at least I am getting a bonus, but seriously, when the bonus amount is $120 and you go home with a whopping $60 from it, isn’t that just wrong? I mean, shouldn’t my company calculate out the bonus to net out to $120 after taxes so I get a full fucking bonus? It hardly seems worth the trouble, especially when they cut separate checks for the bonus.

I feel very lonely here. Every row has two people, except me. I am a bit of a loner in general, but I liked having my Tammy here.

We need to go get crickets for Leonard tonight, so maybe while they do that, I will go across to the beauty supply place and get my nail stuff. I need to do something about them. They are breaking just if a breeze hits them. It is bad. It is my fault. I pick on the cuticles too much.

My journal writing morning is coming to an end. It is almost noon. Can you tell I have been bored today? I have been working actually in between my random thoughts caught on paper. I wonder if perhaps I should hide all of these from the boys since lord knows they will be submitted as evidence when they commit me. It will be like in Miracle on 34th Street where they bring in like hundreds of bags of letters to Santa to prove he exists. With me, it will be hundreds of bags of journals proving that I am loopy. Hopefully I can entertain myself for the rest of the afternoon. If only I had a good topic to write about I could do that. Maybe my net searches for the lunch time allotment will provide some inspiration. Let’s hope.



Another day, another dollar. On a positive note, the boss isn’t in until 11:30. So at least I have that going for me.

I have been lazy this morning, yet I accomplished a bunch and it is only 7. I had some items for work that needed some attention. I have some report things to prep for close. I figure I will do it today depending on my morning. It is a lot of busy work, but it needs to be done.

Dax is better, but Ken still felt like crap. I don’t know how he feels today. I have not talked to him yet.

The boys have been on a whining trip and I have gotten tired of it. If they are watching a show and a commercial comes on, they whine. When they want milk, they whine. I am not even sure who is the instigator on this since they are feeding off of each other. Last night, when they whined while I was trying to get a show set up (the Tivo claimed to have taped the Transformers, but in fact it was some news program), I lost it. I sent them to their rooms. It was a lot of screaming. Not as much on my side.

We took Mama cat to her new home. It really was a barn! I guess there is a horse section of Long Beach (who knew?) and Ken took her to the yard and said that there was horses, sheep, ducks, etc and lots of wonderful places for a cat to grow old. Yay!

I would like to get more sleep.

I need to work on cleaning house. Dax’s room is getting a new dresser this weekend. Since I don’t want the bedroom set to get yucky, it makes sense to go ahead and put it in Dax’s room. I don’t know how big it is (yes, I have seen it, but I am horrible at gauging sizes compared to where it will go) so his whole room may be turned around. Don’t know yet. I suppose we will see come Saturday. I just need to make sure things are in order so we can move things around without stepping on Lego.

Ken put up better lights in the living room so we were able to get rid of the ugly lamp we had in there. The new lighting is awesome, although it does make our front window look like some kind of stage when the curtains are closed. I keep expecting someone to come out dancing.

I started writing down goals I want to accomplish by the end of the year. I only could come up with 2 that were realistic and really important to me. One is to have Bobby enrolled in Preschool to start in January. I think it is important for him to really get some real style schooling in before kindergarten. The other is, I need my entry way complete. The tiles we started need to be finished. The bookshelves need to be removed (or cleaned off and made nicer). All of the clutter right there needs to go away. Ken has his Lego all along that wall, which I understand is the only place we can put it right now, but it needs to be done better. The cat tree, which I repeatedly clean off, keeps being used as a shelf. I can’t deal with that anymore. The desk is still always cluttered, so we need to spend time on all of that area so that when I walk in, I am not crashing into 17 things. I really am trying to unclutter just that whole front area (living room included) so that I can decorate for holidays. Now that I have kids who might actually appreciate decorations, I want the house, especially for Christmas, to be fully decked out. It means that clutter is my enemy. So not so much Saturday (although it will probably be very inspiring since a giant mess will make me super clean) but Sunday on, I would like to really get into the cleaning stuff. I figure I can get some good organization progress done. I have already done a lot. Also, now that the cats are out of the garage, and pool weather is almost behind us, that whole thing will be clean soon, too. I figure this weekend we will swim since it will be hot, but I am aiming for Oct to take down the pool.

See, I just need to take a day off of work. On the weekends, I want to play with the boys or we are going somewhere. During the week I am way more motivated. Well, and really, I would like to take a day off soon to take the boys to the museum or zoo or something so we go during the week. I was thinking the Discovery Science center. I may have missed my kid’s window, though. Ken goes back to class. Hmmm….I am now considering playing hooky today. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009



Happy Birthday, Doug!

I am more deeply in love with Obama than I have ever been. Agree with his politics, don’t agree, but you can’t deny the dude rocks. He already had me when he said so eloquently that he had screwed up on something. Then he romanced me with the fly killing. He clearly proposed to me last night with a big ass diamond ring. When he said that Kanye was a jackass, I knew it was time to go ahead and pack my bags and move in with him. Not that what he said wasn’t the obvious truth, but seriously, how often do you hear a president say something so truthful and honest and, let’s face it, not scripted? It was beautiful.

Yesterday afternoon was better than it could have been. Ken and Bobby arrived right before I was going to go get Dax. Ken told me he had a raging headache and had a fever. His stomach didn’t hurt or anything, but he felt awful. I went across to get Dax and was told that he had thrown up a couple times, one in the hour before I came to get him. He seemed ok, but a bit feverish. He didn’t eat much lunch, but Maria did say he yacked up quite a bit.

So I got into my uber mom mode and settled in on it being a rough night. I put cold wash cloths on Ken and let Dax watch whatever he wanted to. Bobby was super helpful in things I needed to have done. I cleaned the kitchen, sure that if I had to deal with vomit I needed all areas of my house clean. I took out trash, did the pans, made dinner for the boys (Ken felt good enough and had a desire for Taco Bell, so he ran out and got us that) and even made some brownies. I bathed the kids while Ken rested and all was going well.

Then I slid my bare foot on a piece of broken glass.

On Monday, Ken had broken a glass in the kitchen and swept it all up, but I have this tendency of finding that one piece with my foot, sometimes years later. Mind you, I found that one piece on Monday as well, but I now found a new piece in the hallway yesterday. And not just some little piece like the first one that practically fell out after the puncture. No, this one wedged. Ken had to do a little surgery on my foot. It bled tons, and even when we thought we had it out, it was not. I had to sit down for more. As Ken was poking, trying to find it carefully, Ittles opted to bump Ken’s arm. This made Ken stab me with the tweezers and I screamed. I actually burst into tears it hurt so much. However, even though that was awful and I did threaten Ittle’s life, she actually was a pretty skilled surgeon since in that little bump, it seemed to dislodge the glass and my foot was better.

The rest of the evening went smoother. Boys went to bed, and Dax did have a fever, so some meds and a glass of milk seemed to help and he was asleep. Bobby crashed quickly having not napped and he had a long adventure filled day with Daddy. Bobby also is enjoying his new roommate.

Lycos has decided that she wants to sleep in Bobby’s room. She had been venturing out of her crate at night, which is really fine as long as she doesn’t get into anything. Mostly she will go to her basket or just lie on the living room floor. With Bobby going through another phase of wanting somebody in his room at night (cat, person, whatever), we had sent the dog in there. Both dog and boy were quite happy with this arrangement. So the last couple nights when we told the dog to go to bed, instead of her trotting off to her crate, she went to Bobby’s room. So we just gave her dinner in there, and she happily slept in Bobby’s room. Everyone is happy!

Ken was up off and on through the night. I heard him and I kept trying to ignore it especially when he was just going to the bathroom or something like that. I really wanted to get some rest in case I was tagged in for vomit patrol or something like that. As it stands today, depending on how Dax feels this morning, I may need to go home with him. Ken has his home school class starting back up today. Of course, I did tell him to not take his sickly ways up there since with everyone worried about things like swine flu, I didn’t need him being patient zero in our circle of people. Knowing him, though, he will still go. Besides, he hasn’t visited evil Ralphs since last session.

I had colored my hair and this morning I trimmed the bangs, which helped a great deal. I am not sure about the color as is seems a little flat. I am sure once I spend some time in the sun, the shade will warm up a bit.

Depending on if I have to go home of course, work is going to be potentially dull again today. I am going to go all gung ho on my customers this morning, mostly just to keep busy.

Dax is ok, a little off, but nothing to worry about. Ken is still feeling horrible, but heading to the class. I have a training session in a bit and knew that I would be unable to write anymore.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009



I should have known it was too good to be true. I have not really had a period in the last 2 months. I assumed it was the IUD actually getting me to that point. But now this morning I seem to have started, complete with some mild cramping. No big deal, really, but it is a little early. I wonder if my stress levels have played a part in this. Don’t know.

We picked up Mama and the earliest she can be released is Thursday since she needs to recover from surgery, still. I am glad the surgery part is done. One less thing to mess with.

On Sunday in my cleaning, I discovered the two lightsabors that we had that we were planning on giving the boys at some point. I think we just needed batteries, and I remembered that we had gotten some. So when they got up from naptime, they were presented with their very own lightsabors. Bobby was so excited. Dax liked his, but the thrill level wasn’t as high.

So last night they were playing with them. Bobby and Ken were dueling. Ken was so happy. They had a blast. However, when any of them were fighting with them, I was sure an injury was imminent. Sure enough. At some point, Bobby bopped himself pretty good on his forehead which resulted in a cut that bled pretty good. Nothing serious, but was a bummer. The plus was that once he got on a bandaid, he was ready to keep going.

Of course this meant the boys (I include Ken on this one) watched New Hope. I had asked everyone what was for dinner and Bobby decided on pizza, which was unusual for him, so we splurged on pizza. It was a good night!

I colored my hair last night. I used the medium brown, which made my hair look kind of like a good chocolate brown color. Unfortunately, the hair itself isn’t behaving this morning having been over conditioned as a result of my not using shampoo this morning in order to hold on to the color as long as possible. I may also need to trim my bangs tomorrow morning after my shower since that is some of my problem.

I am a little tired this morning. I slept well, I think. There were times I really needed to be less accommodating to Monarch, though. He has slept between my legs the last two nights, which although is uber cute, it isn’t exactly comfy at times. So I have to twist and turn around him. Luckily, he is usually pretty cool about this.

This evening we are going to my parent’s house. Although, I think my mom said something about being late tonight, so I may email her to see if that was the case.

The summer of death continues. Patrick Swayze lost his fight with pancreatic cancer last night. So very sad. I don’t just mean because he was a good actor. He just seemed like such a good soul and it is just such a horrid disease. Cancer. All kinds. I just read that the little old lady who was in a Scrubs episode (the one where JD stays with her as she dies because her kidney’s fail, Elliot loses a Spanish speaking patient, and Turk loses a cool kid that he bowls down the hall) that I really enjoyed has lung cancer. She was one of the lucky ones who actually beat it the first time, but now to have it again, well, you know that can’t be good. I now worry about folks like Elizabeth Edwards. I of course worry about people who are not just celebrities. Lyn, although cancer free right now, you never know. Heck, my MIL had the boob cancer. Cancer has taken too many people.

I have been tossing around in my head the idea of taking a second job. Kind of like a graveyard shift on say Friday or Saturday nights. That way I still can spend time with the boys on the weekends. Of course, I don’t know what is available, but something that might bring in a little extra money might be nice. I may need to start looking a bit.

Ok, mom has a meeting at 3, so it is possible she won’t be home till after 4. So I may not go tonight after all.

Doug’s birthday is tomorrow! I have a 40 year old brother! Holy cow!

Bobby is spending the day with Ken today. Ken has to take fliers to schools, and Bobby has been kind of out of sorts lately. It will be good for him to have some kind of one on one time with Daddy. I told Bobby last night that he and I need to go on a Bobby/Mommy date to Claim Jumper where we can split a chocolate chip calzone. Bobby told me he wanted to take Dax, too. So I think that is in our future. I feel like I need to spend more time with the boys on some things. Not just going through the motions. So maybe some easy outings like that would be fun.

I need to watch some Patrick Swayze flicks. Having never seen Red Dawn, that may be the plan.

I must be feeling desperate about things. First the second job consideration (which I have determined is probably a bad idea) and now I am thinking about the lap band?

Oh, Glee is AWESEOME!

Ok, read the lap band stuff again, not as cool as I remembered. I really should just buckle down. I have been good today. I had a turkey sandwich for breakfast, a small portion of lasagna for lunch. A 100 calorie pack of cookies, and water and gum. That’s it! Now if I can be good for dinner, something light, then this is a good thing. I wonder if I fasted for like 2 days if that would help me with the initial hunger issues.

I do feel like I need to start doing some stretches. I think my back wouldn’t hurt as much. Plus, I just sit on my ass all day. Not good for me.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Another bad day


Yet another one bites the dust.

My girl Renee was let go Friday afternoon after I left. This time they told her she didn’t fit the corporate image. Mind you, nobody here can tell you what that image is being that our image has never been defined by anything super corporate. I just got off the phone with her and she told me that in reality she had been butting heads with our new pres since day one. This is a new dude who is an “efficiency” expert who is making changes without knowing the people. Fred and I talked about him a bit this morning, and he doesn’t trust him at all. Fred did tell me that I was the brightest person in the department, so that is nice to hear, but he pointed out that he had ZERO say in why Tammy got let go. In fact, his choice was someone else. On top of that, he isn’t even sure the boss had any say. But with Renee, she said they had an argument over something, including that he told her she was too nice to the customers. What the hell?? She is a receptionist! Is she supposed to bark at them????

It has been a non work morning, with now Fred, Glenda and MaryAnn all coming to me to talk about it. I don’t tend to get a lot of visitors talking about what went down. I guess it means I am truly part of the dept and that people appreciate me.

Glenda told me that our dept is up first on the breakfast with new head boss man. He had said in a meeting that he wanted to meat with depts and just hear what we have to say. It means he is scoping out who should stay and who should go. Not sure if we will have any warning. Not sure if I need to dress all nice and mind my P’s and Q’s since I have the ability to rub folks wrong. I also want to make a point of not being too quiet since I need to be able to stand out. It is a fine line that I am not interested in walking.

Fred thinks the move won’t happen in the next week or anything. He thinks by the end of the year. Talk is that they don’t want us to grow and that ultimately the image desired from us all is a Japanese culture, similar to our parent company.

I feel so out of sorts. Not even sure what I have written thus far.

My weekend was good. Friday night, hung out with Brandy for a bit. We had not really had a chance to hang out in forever. It was good to see her and talk in real time not email. LOL!

Saturday, I started cleaning, and got a lot done. Went to Stephanie’s for the afternoon to see her new digs. Very cute! The boys were a little crazy, so I got them home early enough that they didn’t destroy anything.

Sunday-well, the rest of Sunday was awesome. Don Jose’s, did a bunch of organizing, went in the pool, pleasant evening all around. Bowling. Umm..yeah.

I had to be in the bathroom 3 times with the boys for bathroom needs. I had to clean up spilled milk. Matt ditched Bobby and hurt his feelings (also smacked him when he was being too rough, which didn’t help him). Matt bickered with Ken and everyone really over something I didn’t even see because I was tending to the milk. It was chaos. I was spent. I yelled at Matt at the end. He had ran off, not taking Bobby with him like he normally does. Bobby was hurt, so I walked with the boys and got to the door and Matt comes over and tells Bobby to open the door for him. I yelled. I told him to NEVER tell my son to open the door for him, especially after ditching him. Bobby seemed to appreciate me standing up for him, and he refused to go with Matt at all. So I walked with both the boys, Matt trying to hold Bobby’s hand. I was done. So done.

Oh, yes, and some old guy there asked me if Dax was a boy or a girl. Are you freaking kidding me???

Did I mention I was done?

The new policy of the front door at my work being closed meant that Ken and the boys couldn’t come and surprise me just now. So lame! They had just dropped the mama cat off to get spayed, and they wanted to come surprise me. With the conditions going on right now, I don’t see that happening. Heck, they may never be able to come in this building again. Poor Bobby was all upset, Dax was even screaming when Ken was on the phone telling me to come to the back because he thought they were not going to my work anymore. They were happy to see me, though.

I am sure I had more to talk about but I really am so out of sorts. So I think I will stop now and come back later if anything so inspires me.

It has been a busy morning. Good deal, really. It made it go by pretty quickly. After work, we are going to go get Mama Cat. I think we will get the boys first. Then maybe BBQ hot dogs for dinner and some playing out back since I would like to keep the house clean. Plus, how many more nice summer days do we have left, you know?

Grammie sold her place. We are going out there Saturday to help her move. Not a lot, mind you. Just a load. She already got most of it out. We are picking up our bedroom set, and my mom, who had not planned on helping, felt guilty, so we are all going now. They will also help us put the dresser in Dax’s room. I don’t now how we are getting it in the house, so I think our bookshelf cleaning will need to happen this week. I am actually kind of wishing we had just used that bed for Dax, especially since it matches everything. Who knows, maybe we will do that anyway. We will see since I think it is much bigger than Dax’s current bed, so it won’t be right.

I enjoyed the MTV awards. The MJ tribute was amazing. The Kanye stuff, wow, he needs to go away. And Lady GaGa? What the hell?? I will give it to her, though. She was interesting.

Friday, September 11, 2009

whole lot of chatter


Is it bad that I have the desire to back the Obama health plan because I am so tired of the childish yelling being done by people who don’t? Look, I don’t know how I feel, but can’t we all act like grownups????

I could do the standard post of where was I 8 years ago, but I opt to just give a respectful moment of silence and wonder sadly what 9/11 moment my children will inevitably have at some point.

My morning has been busy thus far, and full of annoying at folks who don’t do their job correctly. Especially folks who make more money than me. The boss forwards me an email at 6 am (from home mind you) asking me if we got the wire for an order. Does he bother to tell me for what customer? Oh, and the email he forwarded came from several people, multiple emails, none of whom felt it necessary to put the customer info in the email, or at the very least on the subject line.

Then, the next in command after the boss calls me just now to ask me about this credit line I updated. He then proceeds to tell me not to release the order associated with it. Sadly, I had just done so. He tells me he is working on the account and they can’t have the order. Mind you, there are no notes ANYWHERE on the account indicating this. So this clearly is my fault for having released it, right? Sheesh.

Went to Target last night and was pleasantly surprised at the number of Skelanimals merchandise, including most of it being Dax, the dead puppy Skeleanimal. I have a large figure of Dax in Dax’s room, but this was a lot of stuff. The shirts, unfortunately are too pink for my son, and too small for my enormous boobs. But the toys and Halloween stuff (including a Dax costume!!!) are freaking awesome. Ken assured me when we get money next week I can stock up on Dax merchandise. Woo hoo!

I had planned on being the Octomom for Halloween, but maybe I need to be Dax?

I didn’t get hair color, but mostly because none of the colors inspired me. So I think this weekend I will bust out the brown color. I also was being practical since really, why buy hair color if I already have some? Besides, I splurged on my Dax keychain and People Magazine.

I also did not pick up the purse that I wanted. I had been looking for a new purse for some time. My current purse, although cute, isn’t practical in anyway shape or form. Although, for a quickie replacement purse from the last one, it has held up surprisingly well. The new one I found has zero personality, but that could be fixed with various buttons or key chains. It is $14, and I know, not a lot of cash, but when you are trying to make sure you don’t go crazy on things, that is like $140.

Mama cat is going to the clinic this morning and getting cut open. This means at some point probably on Sunday, after she recovers a bit, we will take her to her new home. Woo hoo!

Tomorrow I will probably swing by the shelter on my way to Stephanie’s to check on my remaining 4 babies. I will check them online, too.

Grammie sold her house and escrow closes on the 22nd, which means we need to get out to her house ASAP. I am thinking we should go this weekend, but I don’t see it happening. She has a bedroom set that is on loan to her from me. It was my mom’s when she was 16. I have the bed, but the dresser and perhaps a couple of night stands are still there. Also, I would love to check out anything else she is getting rid of since who knows, maybe there is something there we can use. She has two recliners which match our couch, and are practically brand new. She wants to get rid of just about everything. So maybe I will send Ken out on Monday and have him check it all out.

Sunday we will see her as we are meeting her with my folks for lunch at Don Jose’s for my dad’s b-day. I am sure we can figure something out.

Bobby will not be playing soccer this year. I emailed the commissioner yesterday and she told me Bobby had 4 kids in front of him, and that they would be put on a team only after the opening weekend if there were drop outs. I don’t want Bobby to do soccer if he didn’t get to do practice on the first day, so I told them thank you and we will just sign him up early next year. Not a big deal, really. Maybe I will sign him up for something else for now. I can talk to my folks.

Dax now knows the chorus for American Pie. Very exciting. I played Revolution last night for Bobby, and he rocked out as I sang. He was picking up on some of the lyrics, so I think with a bit of time, he will remember. Dax has been hearing American Pie since he was an infant, and like daily, so I am not shocked he remembers as much as he does (including a lot of the first verse, and half of the second).

I have a busy weekend! This afternoon, I am taking the boys to my folks for a bit. Then I am dropping them off and heading over to Brandy’s for some overdue girl time. Tomorrow, I have some housework and laundry, and then the boys and I are going to Stephanie’s to see her new place, and for the boys to give Sabrina her birthday present. Sunday, yes I think we are bowling, but as I have said, this may be the last one for a bit. Then we go to Don Jose’s, and Ken has a birthday party, so I think the afternoon for us will be maybe out in the pool. Don’t know yet.

I think I need to get my hair trimmed, but specifically I think I want it to be undercut. I used to have it like that, but then with my hair had grown out so long, the hair was not like that. But when I had it short or even this length, it was nice when it curled good. Now, it curls out weird sometimes, so I think the right cut would help that. It wouldn’t make it too much shorter, either, but I think just a nice trim would be the pampering I am in desperate need of.

I know the boss is up early today, and since he was emailing last around 7, I know he is due in by 8. Bleah. So I am waiting for the man to drive up.

I spoke to the facilities manager yesterday right as I was leaving. He was taking inventory of what we have over here. He was doing the preliminary checks on us moving. He was not happy about this move. He agrees it is a waste of money and resources, and gives us all less room, plus, takes away room for growth. They are putting the employees from 2 other buildings into the one they want to move us into. That makes sense since those buildings are going away. The one I am in right now? Not going anywhere. In fact, they just signed a lease for another 6 years. So why move us? Especially when they also want to move upstairs folks, and there is no room. The whole point is to move our CFO (my boss’s boss) over there, yet if the upstairs accounting folks don’t move, then he can’t, so why move us????? Sigh. Plus, the facilities manager was pointing out that we would probably not be able to bring all of our printers and faxes. So all the money spent on this equipment in the last 5 years was a waste. Our productivity had been set up so that we had everything at our fingertips. Yet now, they are going to take that away. It isn’t a huge deal, at least not to me, but I know people will complain. Hell, I have reports to print weekly, and waiting for others on the printer will piss me off. Actually, it was determined that I print the most (ironic being that I have the least amount of paperwork on my desk, but since I have to sign a lot of stuff sent to me in email, I print stuff out and scan it back all the time) so it is possible they will make it work where at the very least I can keep my printer. I don’t need the fax machine. I can share that. So we will see. Not sure when it will happen. Maybe they will come to their senses. Hell, maybe we will be phase 3 of the move so that when they realize they don’t have enough room, they will not do it. My boss is pushing the move, but I am sure it is because he will probably get an office out of the deal.

Dax is not happy. He had become accustomed to a certain level of pampering that comes with a broken leg. Since he got his cast off, his privileges have been slowly diminishing. One of the perks was he was once again allowed to have a cup of milk in bed. We had been bad parents letting them both do this for too long, and had made excellent progress weaning them off the habit when Dax broke his leg. The kid was uncomfortable at night, and seriously, I would rather give him a cup of milk if it soothes him then the OxyCodone they prescribed him. In addition to him getting milk when his leg was broke, while we were at the Compound, we let them take a cup to bed while they listened to a story from guest readers (including a rousing rendition of Everyone Poops by Grandma). So when we got home, the milk was not going to be flowing as freely. They have a glass of milk when they watch the final show at night, and sometimes they both ask for one last shot after their story, which I am fine with. Bobby has mostly turned to water as his drink of choice for the bedtime drink. Dax, last night, felt that he was owed not only one last cup of milk in the kitchen, but he demanded, and rather loudly, “I want milk with a lid in here!!!” Well, he knows what he wants. This tantrum lasted until after midnight. I don’t know when he stopped as I finally fell asleep. I am sure when Ken calls in a few minutes I will get the scoop.

Both the boys are getting so grown up. Yesterday on the way to Target, they started to argue about whether or not a Taxi Cab can be Bumblebee from Transformers. They shouted back and forth, Bug Light style, until I told them to stop arguing. This then resulted in this calm and rational conversation between them.

Bobby- Dax, it is a yellow car that is a taxi cab, so it isn’t Bumblebee
Dax- Ok, Ok, Bobby. But I want to pretend that it is Bumblebee.
Bobby- Ok, Dax, that is ok.


Ok, so Mama is not actually getting cut open today. When Ken made the appt, they misunderstood that she was coming in for a doc appt, but she actually is just a feral spay, so Ken has to call back in a bit and make a different appt, which may not happen until next week, so we will see. I don’t know their hours, so maybe tomorrow?

I just talked to Bobby on the phone. I love that I can do that now. He told me he was getting dressed and so I told him that it would be hot today, so he is changing his outfit. Love hearing his voice.

Dax fell asleep at some point, but even Ken turned on his iPod and tuned him out since really, Dax was just tantuming. He wasn’t hurt. He wasn’t injured, he was in no danger, so he needed to scream it out. I love how pissed he gets. He will do this quick scream burst. Like a HEY! It sounds like a lion roar. He was doing this in the car at one point on the way home from up north. As he did it, you couldn’t help but laugh. Which of course prompted Bobby to laugh with each of Dax’s outbursts. All three of us laughing at the 3 year old’s tantrum did not sit well with Dax, but he did calm down. Of course, he started up again at one point, to which Bobby declares, “Mom, he’s doing it again.” We laughed even harder.

I downloaded a bunch of articles to read and have not had a chance to read any of them. I guess I should do that!

I am so going straight to hell because I cried from laugher on this.

Some called on KROQ just asked if it was too soon to refer to the late DJ AM as DJ PM. Oh. My. God. So wrong, but yet so freaking funny.

I accept your scorn.

Ok, then they went into Kurt Cobain jokes. They are killing me! Apparently you can choose to be Kurt in Guitar Hero. So Bean says, but how does he sing with no mouth. Ralph then comes back with, oh, no, this was before the buckshot facial. Seriously, it is horrible, but I had to run to the bathroom because I was afraid I would pee my pants.

I am pleased to report that Target carries the costumes the boys want. There is a Bumblebee and Optimus Prime, and for pretty damn cheap. They were $13 a piece, so not bad. We didn’t get them yet, but we will pick them up Monday after Ken gets paid for the party. Ken declared that he had found his costume and brought it over to me. I almost died. I assured him it was in his best interest to not be that as I didn’t know that I could ever sleep with him again after picturing him as this. He wanted to be the Burger King King. Nooooooooooooo!!!!

Crazy morning. Sales guys just don’t understand that we can’t just release an order for half a million dollars on a hunch. Seriously. This customer had this giant order, and claimed they had made a wire transfer payment. So we told them we needed confirmation from our bank to say it came in before we could release the order. You would have thought we told them Santa Claus didn’t exist. Everyone was up in arms and acting the fool. We finally got confirmation and the order was released. Sheesh. I still have another order I need to wait on the boss to approve. He calls me after I sent him the email with a packet of paperwork that included the credit report and a copy of the order. He then proceeds to ask me for a copy of the order. No joke. He happens to come by my desk then and I point out that I have the packet in the flesh right there on my desk. So I handed it to him and he asks me if I have a full copy of the credit report. No, only pages 1 4 and 7, jackass. What the hell??? I have been here damn near 9 years and he has entrusted me to update files and I have a higher amount I can authorize than most, and yet he still asks me if I did a basic thing??? He really is a twit. Once that order is ok, I am hoping for smooth sailing this afternoon. I read my articles and now am truly just twiddling my thumbs.

Boss’s boss sounds like he is on the grounds. Not sure what to do with that, yet. He chats it up with everyone but me. He mostly chats with Vicki, but he talks to others, too. He never makes it down to my corner. Tammy got the cold shoulder, too. Hence why I still worry about my job since he doesn’t care for me, much. Good thing I am so valuable.

Ok, the two giant orders are gone. Things have calmed down. The boss keeps sending me things via email with no detail on what account they are and expecting me to decipher. It is getting kind of old. I don’t want to have to think for him. I have a hard enough time thinking for myself.