Thursday, August 28, 2014



Stupid cramps.

I hurt. All over. Not just the chick stuff, either. I managed to super injure myself yesterday with multiple accidents including dropping a heavy piece of wood on my toes and smashing into a wall while carrying a heavy box which then in turn smashed into my ribs. That one actually made Bobby jump up and check on me.

But not to be outdone, the champion of random injuries trumped my ass when he managed to not only pinch his thumb in his folding chair, he bruised the crap out of it AND tore a gaping hole in the midst of the bruising. Yeah, Dax is a chip off the ole accident prone block.

Of course, I am starting off strong this morning having scraped my finger on the bathroom door here at work. Neat.

I also seem to have started off the day with a raging headache, which I know is period related. Suck fest all around.

I told Bobby yesterday that Labor day was a day in which all the people who have jobs don’t have to work and all the people who don’t have jobs have to work. He seemed to buy it which means I need to find some good chores for these kids.

Tomorrow after work we are going on a family outing to Griffith Park. We are going to go hike by the old zoo since that is supposed to be a lot of fun. Should be a great way to start the long weekend. Plus, I can bring the dogs. Yay!

I may need to take advantage of soccer practice tonight. The dogs and I can do another walk up to Hull and back. We were able to do this Tuesday and it was nice. We walked fast, and the route is filled with hills, which is great exercise. I am able to walk up and around the school, watch them for a bit and then walk home, which is awesome. It makes for good sleep, too.  

Monday, August 25, 2014



So starts the last full week of summer break for the boys.

This makes it pretty cool for them since today they are going to a museum exhibit with my folks. It is the same place in Pasadena we took them to ages ago. There is supposed to be a water exhibit right now, too, so they get to get all soaked. Yay!

It seems like a good reward for them what with their patience being tested on Saturday. We had the team parent meeting Saturday morning, where I had to talk and Ken took his coaches training. The problem wasn’t that, since the boys helped Ken’s class and my meeting was only 90 minutes. What took forever was the fact that they needed the fields lined. We thought we would have a ton of volunteers, but it was just Ken, me, our friend Jerry and Jonwa. And it wasn’t just painting fields. We had to measure them all out and mark out all the penalty boxes and set it up to be traceable the rest of the season.

The boys helped quite a bit, and despite them sometimes getting surly, they were very well behaved. We left the field by about 4, but at least it is all done, which is nice. And in some ways I am happy they were there since it meant they had to play outside for a while.

We were pretty sore from all of that come Sunday, so we were mostly lazy. That being said, we cleaned the house a bit, including mopping the kitchen floor and hosing off the boys’ rug from their room. That had to be done what with the projectile vomit we discovered Saturday night from the top bunk. Apparently one of the cats (our top suspect is Monarch) spewed with a purpose all over the side of the beds and all over the floor. We of course didn’t know about this until bedtime Friday night, which meant there was a flurry of energy before going to sleep and I was already feeling stress about the morning meeting. But it is now all cleaned up in there, so that is a good thing.

Ken is actually in an empty house right now what with the boys having stayed over at my folks last night. I am hoping he gets to sleep in.

Ken and I went to the new Korean BBQ place by our house last night. It was quite tasty. A little pricey and loud, but the place over all was nice. I couldn’t see going there a lot, but it was a good experience.

Traffic was strange this morning. I was already off because Breezer changed the time on my clock, therefore causing me to think it was an hour later at one point this morning which of course made me think I was late. It was then odd to get on the road and see no cars. It was dead out there. I was starting to wonder if it was even Monday. Then on the 91 I noticed off to my left a giant fire. I could see the smoke first, then the giant flames. It was pretty surreal all around. Makes me wonder if I am awake right now.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

After Life


Well that could have been uncomfortable.

In reality, that was one of the funniest, heart-warming conversations I have had with the Brenan family. Ken sent me a text yesterday indicating we had a family conference call at 6:30 with everyone. This of course sounded incredibly ominous, especially since the only information was that it was about end of life stuff. Seriously, it is one of those times you assume someone is announcing they have a short amount of time left. I was worried and considered grabbing tissue before we called.

The good news was that no one is dying. Instead, it was just one of those things you discuss with your kids when you make some arrangements for your wishes when you have died. Papa Brenan talked about how they wanted to be cremated and they were getting one of the tiny ashes plots up in a cemetery near their house in Nevada City. We discussed if anyone wanted some ashes (which turned out to be way more than they expected. Every kid wanted some and there was some to be set aside to be sprinkled on Leslie) and even funeral arrangements.

We were able to ask questions and discuss who should be notified or invited to an end of life celebration. I posed a couple of questions such as who should pen the obituary and here would they like it published. As a connoisseur of death and funeral customs, I was able to point out that the obit isn’t just an announcement. It is a story that allows future generations a glimpse into someone’s life.

The funniest part of the discussion came when Ma Brenan wanted to make sure everyone had the heirloom quilt that suited them. Apparently Holly doesn’t have a quilt made from her mother!! Everyone was figuring out quilts and it turns out we seriously have way more than anyone. LOL!!!

We also found out the wonderful news that Nate and Kristi are expecting their first child in January. I am so excited!! They are going to be great with a kid and I can’t wait to see her preggers. Super cute all around. I may need to offer them our crib!

Yesterday also was a fantastic day for multiple reasons. I got home from work and was greeted with a surprise package from Ken that was the most wonderfully awesome boots in all the land. I danced a little when they fit. I also got to wear them to our next outing.

Duck time!!!

Yes, the giant rubber duck showed up in Pedro yesterday and we went down to greet it as it came into dock for the next few days. It was really fun and we ended up getting a great spot with parking near by and no cost! The shade was nice for waiting, but it did prevent some good pics of us with the duck, but I will live.
When we got home, the boys pointed out that I still needed to do the ALS ice water challenge. We set it up and I did my little speech and was then drenched with insanely cold water. Holy poop that was cold!! The boys enjoyed it, though, and I was able to call out Andy, Holly and Lyn to do the challenge. I don’t know that they will, but I liked having a set of three that were perfect for challenging.

Jean gave us two giant bags of clothing yesterday and all of the pants totally fit Dax. There were some nice dress slacks and suit jackets, too, so he was all kinds of excited. He likes to dress all dapper. My kids are going to be very stylish in life. Bobby fit into some, but most of them are about a size too small. I told Bobby not to worry since in the next couple weeks he is going to be so active I bet some of those pants fit him. He laughed since he knew how much running Lou makes them do.

We have practice tonight. Normally I wouldn’t go, but Ken is running the practice tonight so I will go help. Plus, it will allow me to get to know the kids on the team. I am considering walking or riding my bike there just so I get a smidge more exercise in. We will see. A lot depends on how hot it is. Then again, it gets cold by the time practice is over.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Ice Ice Baby


It was only a matter of time before I got called out for the ice bucket challenge.

I have 48 hours (now closer to like 32) to post my response. I have my idea so I will have to make it happen this afternoon. Should be entertaining, and quite freaking cold.

Dax chose Hometown Buffet for dinner, which was ok I suppose. There were some amazing things I ate there, but overall the experience there seems to get worse and worse. They were out of cups, ice and just overall under-prepared for customers, despite having been open for at least an hour when we got there. That being said, Dax was thrilled, so all is right.

My poor Toph is suffering from a cold. Luckily she still has an appetite and I did get her to play a bit, but she is clearly tired and snot nosed. Poor baby. It makes me sad, and I have to admit, nervous. With Trixie having died so suddenly, it freaks me out the idea of Toph being seriously ill.

The boys have practice today. I know Dax is jazzed about it. I am excited since they pick a team name today. Yay! I will know tonight what fun outfit I will need to put together as head cheerleader of their team.
Bobby needs these practices. I don’t think he is fat or anything, but you can tell he pudged up a smidge over the summer. Despite pool time, there was a lot of computer and sitting around time that catches up with you. Not saying I don’t suffer from this also, but if I can help Bobby get away from it at this level he won’t end up like his mother.

Thankfully, for the sake of my nerves, the boss doesn’t come in until close to 11 today. It means he will be too busy going through email and voicemails to bother with us pee-ons. His recent micro-management kick has me all kinds of frustrated. I noticed my hand has been even more twitchy than normal. If I could take a hit here at work I totally would. I just think it would be bad to be even slightly stoned at work. It does mean I will be partaking in the stuff later.

I get to go see Dear Brave Sarah this evening. We are meeting up at Party City since she wants to get some candy for the party bags she made for her mom’s 70th birthday bash this weekend. I have fond memories of her mother so I like being able to help if even only in the idea of just being company with her daughter while she shops. Plus, I may need to pick up some items for my mama so she has  more things for her magic pocket that the boys depend on.

I need to get off my ass and start selling these raffle tickets for the team. Sheesh! I have only sold 5. I have time, but I figure the more I sell the better for my region.

I suppose I should work. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

A super quick update


8 years????

It has been a few days since I sat down to write. I was a combo of busy and just not feeling it. I suppose those sort of things happen.

I am a little bummed that only two kids were at Dax’s birthday party. Thankfully Dax didn’t care one bit. He was just happy to have a party. They played in the bounce house and the pool and even at one point made a fort in both their room and the bounce house. It was awesome! Even though it wasn’t as chaotic as some parties, it was fun all around. I also know that as time goes on, Dax will make even better friends at the new school and parties will be more filled with peeps.

The rest of the weekend was filled with random short outings. We went and looked at cars since I had seen one on my walk in the morning that was super cute. Ken is going to check with the credit union today to see about a car loan. I have decided I really like the Nissan Juke. It is cute and simple and really good for what I need.

The boys and I went on a morning journey of Targets looking for new Minecraft toys. They both ended up with a Minecraft horse.

My hands are tinted blue from rinsing my hair after a color touch up.

This week is only sort of busy. Tonight Dax gets to choose dinner and then my folks will come over for cake. Tomorrow I am going shopping with Sarah for items for her mom’s birthday party. Tuesday and Thursday bring practices. Also, the giant rubber duckie is in town this week. Yay!

Other than those activities, I am hoping to put together a quick presentation about social media to the team parents showing up on Saturday. I am a little nervous being that I will need to speak in front of a bunch of people. Thankfully I have been around long enough now that I actually know a handful of the people that will be in the crowd. I also don’t need to fret too much being that it is all on topics I know quite well. Still, I am hoping to create some handouts for it.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014



Another busy day ahead of me.

Dax tends to cry wolf a lot when it comes to his stomach. He will say he is hungrier than he really is or will say he feels like throwing up when in reality he just had a little gas. Yesterday it seemed as though we were in for another one of those situations where his nauseous feeling was really just a need to poop. Then I heard him yell out to me from the bathroom that he had in fact thrown up.

It was minor over all. He threw up about 4 different times over the course of the afternoon. Thankfully he was well hydrated and we have the secret tums remedy in which you chew a tums right before throwing up and right after. He was also in very good spirits.

We had a meeting with Coach Lou at Rizzo’s at 6:30. Dax felt he could go, so we headed out. The pizza place is 3 minutes away. Dax threw up on the way. Yeah, that happened. So I dropped Ken and Bobby off and Dax and I headed home. He was still pretty chipper all things considered, which made all of it so much easier. We got him all cleaned up and he and I watched some Adventure Time. I went and picked up Ken and Bobby when they were done. They brought home pizza, which Dax had some, but we only let him have a little. This was the only time in all of this that he got really upset. Poor kid.

Ken’s mouth seems much better, but he is still hurting where they had to cut the gums. Thankfully he is still not too swollen and even in the time between me getting home and us going to bed he seemed much better.
I managed to get over to the library to pick up the books I had on hold. I was good and didn’t go actually in the building past the lobby. I have like 5 books right now and I knew I didn’t need to over burden myself. I did get to be inside long enough, though, to get the full effect of how wonderful it smells in a library.

Today at 3 my mom and I go get matching ink. Yay! I am only nervous in the idea that Ken is not 100% on board with this. He likes that we are getting meaningful tattoos and that it is cool bonding, but his distaste for tattoos and disappointment that I like them is still in the back of my mind. It bums me out, but I can’t change him on this and there are plenty of things I don’t like that he does/likes so it will be ok in the end. I would love for him to be all jazzed, but it isn’t fair of me to expect this.

I need to get some curlers. I want to try curling my hair. I figure those are less harsh on my hair than a hot iron. I really wish I could do my hair in those cool forties styles, but I just don’t have enough hair right now.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

RIP Robin Williams


Finally I have a moment this morning!

I was hit hard by the death of Robin Williams. It was another one of those celebrity deaths that had me searching the internet frantically, hoping that this was just perhaps a hoax and that he hadn’t just fallen off some cliff while filming in Brazil or something wonky like that. Sadly, more and more information confirmed the truth and I was heartbroken for this incredibly talented man who was battling internal demons that finally had overwhelmed him. Netflix was failing me by having such a small selection of his movies, and I was appalled at my own lack of inventory so I ended up watching Aladdin with the family. It was nice to hear such hearty belly laughs for the Genie from both the boys, and it broke my heart at the same time that they would miss out on so much more of his talent. RIP Mr. Williams.

It was already a kind of off day. I worked for 5 hours and then returned home to take Ken to the oral surgeon for his wisdom tooth extraction. I was impressed with how quick the procedure was. The boys and I had barely been gone 30 minutes, having walked up to Albertsons for something to eat when the office called me to tell me he was done. His consultation and X-Rays before we left took longer. It did allow for us to sit in the waiting room and the boys were being very well behaved. Not only did the receptionists compliment them, but so did a woman in the waiting room with us. I was all kinds of proud.

Ken was not YouTube loopy, sadly, but he was certainly out of it. I put him in bed and the boys and I jetted off to Ralphs to get his meds and some soft foods for him. I felt like I was running in circles helping the boys and then coming in to help Ken with something. I finally sat down and started watching Breakfast Club, Toph sleeping happily on my arm. It wasn’t too long after this that the news broke about Robin Williams and I was all up in the internet.

This morning has been all about training the boss on my job. My lack of respect for him deepens on a daily basis now, and today has it at an all time low. He truly has no understanding of the standard workings of our department and the internal grumblings have been loud. It is a shame that none of these people will ever challenge him on things, so instead I have to just continue to do my thing knowing that he is an idiot that gets paid way more than he should.

The tattoo decision has been made and now I just need to make an appointment since my mom has graciously offered to pay for the ink. I was hoping to do it this week, but quite honestly things are quite crazy. I am going to touch base with Ken today and perhaps Teri at So Cal Tattoo has time tomorrow right after I get off work.

We didn’t have our first soccer practice last night as originally expected, and tonight there is no longer the meeting with the other team. However, there is a possible team meeting with our team. I also have to meet up with Jerry for some important checks that need to go out.

I also still need to get a cake for Dax for Saturday, which is a whole other sad for me since I only have one confirmed kid. Dylan and Taylor can’t make it now, and only one kid from his class emailed back. His friend Max may be out of town. I am hoping to maybe invite his soccer team, but that is so last minute, I am unsure as to how many of them can show. Cross fingers because I really want him to have a good day.

Now to just make it through the 2 hours and 15 minutes I have left here. Oh, and I still have to get over to the library! Sheesh, I feel very stretched today. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

games and turtles


Another fantastic weekend for me!

I woke up Friday morning and felt all kinds of icky. Not sure what was going on, but I opted to call out sick. I went back to bed and ended up sleeping till almost 10. I suppose sometimes our bodies just decide it’s time to rest.

I was not too upset by this. I used the rest of my day to dictate orders to the boys for cleaning. I felt mean, but I tried to not be too bitchy about how I asked them to work on things and luckily they were mostly ok with my requests.

Dax managed to break his iPad. It isn’t completely totaled, just pretty messed up. He dropped it and the screen is now all wonky and off. This sparked an argument with Ken and I since this happened in Smart and Final and my feeling was that Dax was upset and getting angry or stern with him for dropping it wouldn’t help matters. Ken felt as though we need to be harder on Dax for these things since this isn’t the first time he has been careless with his electronics.

Saturday morning, Stephanie got to hit up the Farmer’s Market, which was fun. I tried some kind of a cherry tomato which did not taste good, but I was proud to have tried it. We were picking up some items for a salad for game night.

Game night was awesome as usual. We had a large crowd of 10, and we played Cards Against Humanity. I really enjoy these nights and hope to have more and more as time goes on. We need to find some more wacky games.

Sunday took us to see TMNT, which in my opinion was a complete waste of time. It was incredibly boring and there was too much going on at any given time to really get any sense of suspense. Dax enjoyed it, which was good since it was his pick. Bobby was indifferent, which I suppose is ok since he didn’t hate it.

The boys and I left Ken at home while we took the dogs to the dog park. Lily did quite well considering it was her first time there. We got lots of compliments on how cute my pups are and we all had a very good time. I wish there was a dog park closer to Steve since I am pretty sure I would take them more often. The dogs don’t seem to care about playing with other dogs, but I think they enjoy running around in more space.  Bobby enjoys going to watch the dogs and he is quite chatty there. Dax runs with the dogs.

Tonight is the boys’ first soccer practice. I doubt it will be too intense, but I will need to take them since Ken may be out of commission. He has his four wisdom teeth pulled this morning. In fact, I leave work at 9:30 so I can get home in time to take him since I have to drive him home after.  I now just have to come up with something to do during the two hour wait time. I think the boys and I will run over to the main Torrance library branch because I have a couple of books on hold there.

I need to work on a presentation regarding social media for the team parents meeting for soccer. Since I am in charge of Facebook and Instagram I want to get more people using them. I also want to be able to help people set up their Shutterfly accounts.

Sadly I missed an opportunity to have Ken touch up my hair. I really don’t know how long he will hurt from his teeth. I really hope not too long. He already has a hard enough time sleeping and him being in pain will not help. Not good.

Tomorrow night we have a meeting with one of the GU10 teams who doesn’t have a coach. If no one steps up, I have to write checks to refund all the players on the team. I feel bad for those kids.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Desk cleaning


I was productive!

When I got home yesterday, I managed to not only clean the kitchen desk, I scrubbed some of the kitchen, cleaned out my jewelry and makeup from the bathroom and even managed to clean part of my closet. I also put together a large bag of Savers shoes. Woo hoo!

The boys were pretty indifferent to my being home and only seemed to interact with me when I had them do a small chore. After I cleaned for a few hours, I opted to sit on the couch and watch Ghostbusters. It is nice that the sounds of that movie can penetrate even the most zoned out video game zombie.

Sissy has finally come to terms with the fact that she and Toph are destined to be buddies. They were curled up together next to me yesterday while Ken and I watched House. It was so sweet and it made me happy that they both were bonding.

Sigh, it looks as though I will be dealing with some idiots today. I have an email response to my request regarding the mailing of invoices to cash customers. I have mostly stopped rocking the boat around here because it is sometimes easier to just float along. The problem is I get too frustrated with people not thinking so I end up speaking up and it is at that time that I note just how many people don’t really bother to reconsider procedures when they are clearly making more work than they need to.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Cops and Idiots


I feel so wired!

We went to the National Night Out block gathering last night and I am so glad we did. I was impressed with how many officers showed up and from all different segments of the TPD. We were able to voice some complaints, specifically about the complete disregard for the stop sign on our corner at night. The officers were awesome and assured us they would send out some patrol to crack down on it. It was nice to see a couple of neighbors and to be part of the community. Ken also got to watch my awesome listening skills where I can make the person talking to the crowd only talk to me. It was pretty fun.

We were able to hit up Costco AND I got to clean my desk. I organized some soccer paperwork and got things looking good. I am excited about my kitchen desk project slated for this afternoon. Ken is at classes today and I tend to work on those sort of things better when he isn’t around. I think he just distracts me.
I have to leave a little early today since Ken actually has class earlier than he realized. I am going to head out at 11, which isn’t too bad since it is only a couple hours before I leave normally. It also means I can work on more projects around the house.

The last two days of work have been filled with full on face palms due to the sheer stupidity I have been dealing with. My manager sent me an email in a panic asking me to review the goals for me. He didn’t send the attachment. Then, when I read through them I noted that in 4 goals, he repeated 2 of them. Sigh. Oh, and not to mention my coworker bringing me a screen print of the system text and asking me if it was my handwriting. I really worry about the human race when I deal with people like this.

Yay! I got at least one of Dax’s classmates coming to his party. Jaylynn is coming. Woo hoo! I really hope Max can come since I know how much Dax would like him to. Bouncer has been reserved, and hopefully on Sunday and much of next week we can get the outside in order for the kids. I know he is counting down until his birthday.

Monday, August 4, 2014



Another fab weekend on the books!

We were planning on doing the Mulligans thing on Friday but opted against it since it was so dang hot out. It worked out better to go there on Sunday since it ended up being rainy and overcast in the morning. We went in the go carts early, with only us on the track while it rained. We kept sliding out, which was so much fun! They had to close it after that for a bit to let the track dry, but we were able to go golf at this point. The park was dead when we got there so it was perfect.

I posted on Facebook that we were there so Jerry and Nicole came down with Alley which was really fun! We all spent a lot of time racing, playing laser tag and taking in another round of golf before calling it a day. All around a wonderful outing.

Saturday was an adventure in space. Ok, not us personally, but we did watch it on the screen in the form of Guardians of the Galaxy, which was fan-freaking-tastic! It was so much fun with a kick as soundtrack to boot. I gotta say, these Marvel folks are doing quite well with their flicks!

After the movie, we went over to the PetMart in Hermosa in order to pick up some mice for Hal. It is a per shop we used to go to more often when we lived closer. The owner there is a really sweet old lady. We went in and she was wandering around the shop with a tiny grey kitten. Apparently someone had dumped this baby at their shop. Poor bitty thing couldn’t have been more than 6 weeks old. She was trying to get someone to take her since they are not allowed to sell cats or dogs. Yeah, Ken was stupid for leaving Dax and I alone for a period of time in that shop since next thing you know stupid me was looking at Ken with giant saucer eyes with said kitten in my arms.

Note to my readers: I don’t want to hear any grief. Yes, I am an idiot. No, I don’t need any more damned cats. It is one of my stupid vices and I am fine with it, so move on. LOL!!

We took her over to Hermosa Animal Hospital since Dr. Steinam’s was already closed for the day. We wanted to make sure she didn’t have anything like the leukemia lest it infect our entire household. It is a quick test, so we hung out, waiting for the results while we contemplated names.

We have been on a Harry Potter kick lately, but none of the names seemed right for this little gal. We then started considering other books when it occurred to us that we have not tapped Avatar themed names. Our little bitty is now named Toph.

It was funny, we were discussing names when we ended up striking up a conversation with this woman in the waiting room. We were the only folks left since they were now closed, and she was quite pleased with our naming discussion since her kids also love Potter and Avatar. I really wish I had gotten her name or something, though, since she was there with her pup, Rex, who is 14 years old and having issues. In fact, she was there getting some opinions from the doc to determine if Rex was at the end of his life. It was very heart breaking and I understood all too well her dilemma, having just handled this with Lycos in February. I would love to check on her to see if she was ok. I know that some random stranger wouldn’t make it better, but I am hoping it would perhaps at least let her know someone was thinking of her during such a difficult time.

This week is crazy busy what with tomorrow being our block party that is part of Police Night Out. I need to whip up something for the pot luck. I think I will make a cake. I am trying to make an appointment to meet with the tattoo artist with my mom for Wednesday or Thursday afternoon, and the board meeting is Thursday night. In between, we hope to get the house ready for guests Saturday night. Stephanie is going to help me with dinner preps. We are going to hit up the Farmer’s Market Saturday morning, and get things all ready. I am excited!

Friday, August 1, 2014

It's a Happy Friday!


I feel like my morning commute was trying take away my fantastic day yesterday. Too bad for the morning since I was not letting anything get me down.

Yesterday afternoon had a library visit with the boys. I wasn’t able to find the books I wanted, but I did pick up the one I reserved and the boys picked out a couple. Dax found a Pokemon one and Bobby was all excited at a giant book on evolution.

Ken was putting up shelving in the garage and it looks fantastic! I opted to go through a couple of bins and managed to get rid of a ton of stuff. While I was going through random old things, I was talking with Stephanie and we are now plotting a set up between two friends that we think would be perfect for one another. Insert maniacal laugh here.

Jimmy was on his way to his mom’s when he noted Ken and I in front of the garage so he stopped and visited for a while. It was a nice thought that we are now close to soccer folks that like to hang with us.
We watched some AGT as a family and then I got to crawl into my comfy bed. YAY! I know it all probably sounds like a boring afternoon, but it was one of those things where I got to be at home, productive, spend time with my kids, chat with friends and all of it being done by a reasonable hour so I could get to bed on time. To me, it is all fab!

My drive in included being stopped by a train for 8 minutes, police slowed freeway traffic and a crazy truck that didn’t understand that changing lanes requires a signal and not just a quick merge. This should have annoyed me, and trust me, it did, but I laughed a lot at it. I figure I was in no hurry to get to work, and it is Friday! I may try to duck out a little early since we are taking the boys to Mulligans today. It is all around a great start to my weekend!!!