Friday, September 28, 2012




Today, Bobby has a play date with one of his friends from class. This kid has been bugging us for weeks to have Bobby come to his house. We figured that the best time would be to have Bobby just go home with them after school and Ken will pick him up around 5. I will of course go and make sure he finds this boys’ parent, and also I will take his backpack and replace it with one with his swim trunks.

Dax was kind of upset when I explained to him that Bobby had plans. I am hoping that he will cheer up when he realizes he has me all to himself for a couple hours and then he gets to hog Gramma’s attention when we go there. I think it will work out ok. Plus, I have to admit, I love one on one time with each of them.

The boys have requested another viewing of Avengers this evening. Dude, I am so on board.

I got home yesterday to find the wonderfulness that is an Apple box. Ken had ordered me the new iPhone! YAY! It is uber pretty and very cool. I still have to work out some settings since I think the phone thinks I am Ken, but either way, I am very jazzed.

The only problem with the phone is I noticed a tiny scratch on it. So we took it down to the Apple store to exchange it out. If I am going to have a brand new phone I want it to be awesome. It was pretty geeky of us to go into the store, boys playing their iPods, Ken and I both carrying iPads and phones and I had a new phone with me. Oh, and of course my iTouch was in my boob. LOL!! Thankfully they were able to exchange it out and we were good to go.

I wish people would understand that just because someone has a backup for when they are out of the office that said backup doesn’t have to then drop everything to do the other person’s job. It should be reserved for RUSH items, not every single thing. Sheesh!

Bitchy McFee is back in the office today. Bleah.

Looks like today will be busy.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

online shopping again


We have a Hulk.


With no real plans when I got home, we had time before going to Louis Burgers for the fundraiser. Avengers time!!! Seriously, that flick is awesome. I have watched it 3 times total and every time I see new things and am still super impressed with every second of it. The subtle jokes, the not so subtle jokes, the entire feel is amazing.

The boys started watching it with us, but noted that their friends were outside. I told them to go play since it wasn’t like we wouldn’t watch the movie again. The only problem with this plan was that they tend to run back and forth between outside and the playroom, switching out weapons and other toys to play with. It was distracting at times, and downright frustrating other times.

I was pretty jazzed when I got home to find that Ken had cleaned up the whole entry way. It had become, as it always seems to, the dumping ground for various things like soccer gear. It had now all been moved so that it isn’t a chore to get to the front door.

It has been so nice not having to have multiple fans on at night. I am really looking forward to cold weather. I want to wear sweaters. I have my eye on several that I saw at Target.

The kittens decided they had to sleep out in the house last night. Thankfully they were annoying to only Bobby since Dax was asleep, which meant Bobby could make the decision without fighting with his brother to let them sleep outside their room.

We put the boys to be an hour early. This was a punishment. I was pissed. We went to Louis Burger and when there I asked them what drink from the soda fountain they wanted. They said smoothies, and I said not today. They flipped out. They were complaining and in full on whine mode. I was pissed. We got home and I told them to strip down for a shower, at which point they started dinking around. Already annoyed from them being so rude while we watched a movie and the whole smoothie debacle, I lost it.

After the shower they got into bed and I proceeded to lecture them. Sure, most of it was for me, but it all needed to be said. I probably chose a good day for this since both seemed rather somber and they both took advantage of the early bedtime and went to sleep. Perhaps that will help with today’s adventures.

Seriously, like a big shimmery sweater, with a bit of a scoop neck and really soft. That is what I need. Maybe a kind of off white?

Or maybe just this.

Can I pull this off?

Ok, time to work.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012



I want Kipper day off!

Yom Kippur apparently is a district holiday. No freaking fair! I want the day off! Even many of Ken’s classes are canceled. In all fairness, he does work with a shit ton of Jewish home schools, so I suppose that makes some sense.

It is going to be a long day. I started on an account at 5:20 and next thing I knew it was an hour later and truly I was not even sure how much I had really accomplished on it.

Homework went well last night. I opted to mostly sit in there with them and really go over the work with them. Much of this was inspired due to the letter sent home for Bobby in which we found out he is getting a 2 in his story and paragraph writing skills. Apparently his sentence is flawed and not up to standards. I am not surprised, if only because I know how he rushes through things. He tends to have lots of ideas and great imagination, but sometimes he gets ahead of himself and doesn’t write it out correctly. Since a lot of his homework last night was sentences, I opted to sit with him and really show him what is correct and what is not. Thankfully he was very open to my assistance and it was a good session.

In addition to having him write in his journal every day, I am hoping that with a little bit more assistance at home with sentence structure he will improve by report card time. In all fairness, I know that he will improve and I am not overly concerned. I just want to see him do well.

Today I have plans to start jogging. Bobby had been indicating that he wanted to start jogging with me when I told him that the more he runs, the faster and stronger he will get for soccer. He liked this idea and I had offered to jog with him around the block every day. He wanted to go around twice, but I told him let’s start slow. So today we will do our first run. I am actually pretty excited. I know it will do him good, especially based on how tired he got last night from running at practice.

Dax managed to not fall apart at any point in practice. Yes, he got a little frustrated at times, but overall, he kept it together. I will take that as a victory for both of us. I know he was really trying and it was nice to see him so determined to not break down.

I did get a happy making item. Ken went to Costco and picked up The Avengers DVD. This will be our Friday evening family movie. Dude, it will be every night’s viewing if I had the time. I also found that I got my very own trading cards. I did not share them with the boys and they now reside at my desk. Hee!

On the way home from practice, I was explaining to the boys what I was making for dinner. Both of them wanted us to stop somewhere, but I told them that since we are going out tonight for the school fundraiser, I was just going to make dinner tonight. Bobby thought for a minute, and came back with this, “Mom, since you always make dinner, can’t we go out tonight so you can have a break?” This kid is trouble!!!!! LOL!

Sweet! I got this email from SchoolFeed that an old classmate of mine added me. It is a girl I had wondered about for a long time, and have known since Madison. Yay!

I need to trim one side of my hair. It is slightly longer than the other side and not as curly.

Yay! Bitchy McFee is not in today!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012



We raised the boys’ social status by several points yesterday by showing up to the school for pickup with some of our critter entourage.

Hal traveled with Ken while Lucy and Brianna were with me. This was all brought on by one of Bobby’s classmates who did not believe him when he said we owned a snake. So I took a picture of Bobby with Hal thinking this would be pretty good proof. Ken thought we could do even better and wrapped Hal around his wrist as we went up to get the boys.

I thought it would be funny to bring the kittens since all these people always bring their little yap yap dogs, and wouldn’t it be cuter to see a couple of adorable kittens? Turns out this was clearly the best day some of these kids have had after school in some time.

Hal certainly got more attention as let’s face it, snakes are not exactly common place in most of their houses. The girls were very popular, though, and their floofy fur and cute faces charmed the crap out of many kids.

The afternoon presented our adventure in full 80’s fashion with a viewing of The Goonies. I had a desire to see it, so I just put it in without consulting anyone. The boys had not seen it before and it was nice to see them so interested in it. They seemed to enjoy it, too. Of course, their little friends showed up about 10 minutes before the end, which was distracting, but we convinced them to finish the movie and that they could go play after.

We decided to go ahead and get the good flea stuff for the household, hoping this would at least eliminate one issue that Monarch might have. Seriously, I cannot have that cat piss on me again. Sadly, even though there were no issues last night, I was half awake all night convinced I would catch him in the act. I also was battling these punk ass kids who were hosing down the house, but I think that was a dream.

Yesterday I spent the day confused as to what date it was. Turns out the calendar I am using is off a day. I would call the publishing company, but I don’t think Bobby will care too much if I tell him the calendar he made me last year is wrong.

I guess there was some kind of football snafu last night? I wish I cared.

Monday, September 24, 2012



Sleep eluded me part of this weekend simply because of blogging.

I wasn’t blogging, but my mind sure was. Saturday’s game presented me with information that in turn made me scream and holler later and in turn has my brain going over a full piece. I will hopefully get to that later today.

The offensive remark came from a parent on our team who apparently was elected by a couple of the other moms to scold me on my use of the word “dammit” at the game last week. I said it twice, never in front of the kids, and overall, not particularly loud. Yet for some reason, my pretty tame utterance of said word was considered evil and not in good taste. They were worried not only about the use of a “bad” word, but at the negativity that this might rub off on the kids.

It’s a good thing she didn’t hear what the voices were saying as I stood there with my PR face.

Aside from that incident, the weekend was busy and good. I felt like I was on the move constantly.

The soccer game was crazy exciting. The team did the best they had ever done. Yes, we still lost, but we should have scored about 3 times. Luck was not on our side. Oh well. It was awesome to watch.

I took the boys to their friends’ birthday party. I had not realized until Saturday morning that the party was not just for some girl in Bobby’s class. It was the girl in Bobby’s class that the boys play with across the street. OH! This meant I would not be chillin with Dax. I instead would be dropping them both off. Um, yeah, that was the plan until it appeared that there was no one really at the party. So instead, I ended up staying. It wasn’t bad, especially since I got to know the parents of the friends that the boys have been spending so much time with. The boys had a blast since the party included an inflatable water slide. It was 3 hours of me watching them and making small talk, but all in all, it wasn’t so bad.

Sunday morning, we rode our bikes to Mulligans Family Fun Center. We had coupons for a free round of golf and we figured this was a great family outing. A 2 and a half mile ride there with some mini golf. We even found about 10 extra balls on the course, allowing Ken and I to each play and for all of us to have extra shots at the end. It was really fun.

We rode home and stopped at Country Burger for lunch. Bobby had an epic meltdown when his hamburger came out with Thousand Island on it. It was pretty clear both he and Dax were quite tired. They get up much too early and I think it really fucks with Bobby, especially since he tends to fall asleep much later than Dax.

We got home and set to work on some chores. We then all went in the pool. It was really nice out, and I have to say it was very relaxing.

I am sleepy as I didn’t get enough due to blog thoughts and the unfortunate issue of my stupid cat.

Monarch is having issues. We had got him his collar, which doesn’t seem to be as potent as it was at first. Now, he is scratching and cleaning himself in frantic spurts. That in itself is annoying (especially since I checked him this morning and he was mostly flea free) when it happens on my head at 2 am. What is worse is when because I kicked him off the bed, he proceeded to pee on my feet. Stupid fucking cat. I need to figure out what the hell his damage is.

Friday, September 21, 2012

I am back


Well howdy!

I know, I know, I have been uber MIA. Well kids, I have been not only busy but sitting around waiting for my new computer here at work. With that all going on, blog writing adventures have been on hold. It has been a real shame since I could have written about things like the dream where I gave birth to a kitten.

I will take the time to write about the coolness that is my Dax. We had his parent/teacher conference in which it was confirmed that my boy is smart. Mr. Williams showed us tests and his work and other factors used to show progress and turns out the boy is a chip off the ol’ block. Yay! He even knew a 3 digit number, which apparently is not something a kid on the first day of 1st grade should know. He has fantastic comprehension skills and is delightful in class. I am very happy!

Sadly, Tristan’s mom has decided to turn a blind eye to her child’s shenanigans. She now believes that Tristan did not steal Dax’s chicken. She also thinks that Mr. Williams is picking on him. Sigh. Mr. Williams told us, and even said that he isn’t this open with all his parents, that she just seems to be in denial.

We had a lively discussion concerning “bad” words, too. He was telling us about Tristan having used a bad word. Ken told him that we don’t call them bad words in our house. We explain that they may be words that are not allowed in certain company, but no language should be considered bad. Words are just words and should be used appropriately. Dax curses, but it is always incredibly appropriate when he does. Mr. Williams told us he agreed with us, even though he really wasn’t allowed to. LOL!

Soccer practice went poorly that night. Kids getting hit in the stomach by the ball. Ok, that would not be news except that both times the ball was kicked by a coach. Oops. And one of the kids was Dax. Oops.

Despite the ups and downs of the week, I am just happy it is Friday. No boss man, which is so happy making, especially since he has been out since yesterday. I get to fuck around on my iPad and play this singing monster game I am sort of hooked on. I also get to continue to figure out how to use Windows 7, which is what my new computer at work is running. It isn’t gobs different, but there are things missing and settings that need changed so this has been a bit of a challenge.

Now if only I can get the boys set up…

Monday, September 17, 2012

stupid mondays


I don’t anticipate this being long since it is quite difficult to type with these freaking nails.

Today has already been rough. I was convinced that I had grabbed my keys off the hook at which point I realized I forgot something in the kitchen. In that short amount of time and area, I somehow misplaced said keys. I looked frantically, and Ken helped me by getting me out my spare key. I got to work and it occurred to me that I never had MY keys and that those were actually in my backpack. Sigh.

I so considered taking the day off to spend with the fam since they get today off for Rosh Hashanah. I am going to take tomorrow off instead, which will allow me to take the boys to school (which I love to do) and let Ken go to Costa on time. Plus, I can then work on the house or just sit on my ass and watch my shows until I have to go to the school for Dax’s parent teacher conference.

It was a pretty great weekend. On Saturday, Ken brought me breakfast in bed. That was way cool. I really didn’t want to get up. It was 7 am and already blistering hot out. But the soccer game started at 10:30 and I still needed to get prepped.

We didn’t win. In fact, they got slaughtered again, but we did score once and that was like Christmas for everyone. The whole team was thrilled and I am telling you, it was the best part of the day. The team did better. I kept getting annoyed at the older kids who pushed, but I tried to keep it in check. Ken got annoyed when I was frustrated with that, but I pointed out I was not telling anyone but him.

We left Ken at the field and the boys and I went to Target briefly. I was so pleased at how good the boys were. I mean, they were hot, tired, and let’s face it, who wants to be drug around Target when all you want to do is go home? We picked them up a movie. They wanted Diary of a Wimpy Kid. We got home and they watched that. It was a nice afternoon.

I got ready and Stephanie and I went out to dinner and then wandered the mall. It was nice since we had not hung out just she and I in months. A good chunk of time was spent in Forever 21 where apparently there is a 90’s revival of “style”. Holy fuck it was bad. Shoulder pads and bad prints and stretch pants that shockingly did not have stirrups. It was all kinds of awful.

It also seemed amusing that we were wandering the store, listening to 80s music, looking at 90’s clothing while playing with our 00’s phones. It was all kinds of funny.

Sunday was the Torrance Centennial parade. Thank goodness for the bit of cloud cover in the morning as it made our ride there pleasant. We rode around Old Torrance, checking out the groups in the parade. Sadly, only about 20 of our region people showed up. No joke. Only 4 board members, and really, only I am a main member. Lame.

The boys got to carry the AYSO sign, which was awesome. They waved and blew kisses to the people who lined the short route. It really was just two large blocks in the Old Torrance square. Although we did stand around a bit, the boys and I did manage to go look a bit while we waited for the parade to start.

After we were done, we rode up to the Fantastic Café for lunch. Then we got to ride over to Lowe’s to get the pool vacuum. Yay bike riding! That part was awesome!

We got home and Stephanie and Sabrina came over to partake in our freshly cleaned pool. It was perfect. The water was nice, and it wasn’t as hot out as it was the day before. We showed the kids how to play Marco Polo, which was gobs of fun. Bobby declared himself Old Man Bob at one point, which made no sense but was one of the best things ever. I tried to duplicate the awesome waves Ken has been able to do in the pool. I did a pretty damn good job, which I managed to do several times, which delighted the youngsters. It was so awesome! Ken even came in to show us all how it is done.

We settled in to eat some dinner and watch something when it was noticed that E.T. was on. Ken and the boys wanted to watch that, despite my screams of “EVIL!!!!!!” So they ended up watching the first 25 minutes. Thankfully, the boys’ little friends came over and lured them outside to play. Phew! I was then able to watch Heathers, which is way better, and less nightmare inducing. I did record the offensive alien flick, but I figure the 3 of them can watch that today, without me.

Fuck I hate E.T.

I realize I forgot my gym bag. Crud. Oh well. At least I did a shit ton of activity yesterday so I won’t feel so bad.

So about these nails. I thought it would be fun to pick up more of the press on nails that I had tried before. They were easy to put on and take off and that way I could feel all pretty when we went out on Saturday. I grabbed a pack and apparently got the wrong kind all around. First off, I picked up Medium Length. I think that was ok when they were the press on variety, but not so much in this form, which is the ones with the little bottle of glue. Yes, I actually glued on nails. They are cool looking, don’t get me wrong. I feel all purdy. But I also feel a bit handicapped.

Two people called out already today. Of course, both of them are people I have to back up. Sigh.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Why is the Wizard of Oz convention in Indianna and not Kansas?


Maybe he needed some extra money but sometimes I have to put by foot down.

Ken said he was watching this guy with his little cart going from house to house on our block and going up into the yards looking for the recycling bins. He then would proceed to go through them for cans and bottles. Our neighborhood isn’t any stranger to the scrounging practice. We have had seasoned professionals scouring trash days for all forms of aluminum and glass with tricked out shopping carts. Mostly those guys come around at around 4 in the morning, digging through the cans, leaving messes and barking dogs. I have chased off many of those as I am heading out in the morning for work. None of them seem particularly menacing. I am not even sure how many of them are homeless. This is just that extra couple of bucks they get from peoples’ trash.

I know I should probably feel more kindly towards them. I do feel for them when it does in fact look like a couple of cans might mean the difference between dinner or nothing that night. But so many of them don’t fall into this category. They are arrogant and rude and act entitled to the recycled materials that people have been good enough to separate out for the city. Yes, our city, you know, the one that seems to have no money for anything? The cities residing in California, our debt filled state that keeps cutting things like education because of our lack of funds? Look, no offense to the guys trying to make a couple extra bucks off my dime, but my primary concern is making sure the school my boys attend is as well funded as possible.

For these guys now to take it to a new level of brazen assholery is what drove me nuts yesterday afternoon. It was 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Kids out and playing, people just arriving home from a long hard day of work. This guy was then going into yards. He was violating the very sanctity of our being by rummaging not only through our bins, but doing it on our property!

Sympathies aside, I have to put a stop to that. I ran out of the house pissed! I saw him going across the street and up into Maria’s bins. I yelled at him. He was this little Asian man who spun around. He was incredibly apologetic, but I didn’t see him backing down. He was ready to go to the next house! What the fuck, buddy?!?!? I followed him a bit, yelling at him the whole time. He kept apologizing, walking a little faster, but still clearly looking to see when he could resume.

Bobby came out asking questions, so my concern was to then get him back in the house to finish his homework. Ken took over the following for me, and he ended up tailing him all the way back to his house, complete with my camera in order to take pictures of the guy. The guy was sufficiently freaked out, especially after Ken got on the phone with the intent of calling the cops. Turned out the guy only spoke Korean. So Ken used the Google translator on his phone to tell the guy that the cops were in route. He was freaked! Ken pretended to speak to authorities and “convinced” the officers on the phone that the guy said he would never do it again. I am pretty sure Ken took a few years off this guy’s life from fear.

Is it nice? No. Is it right? Maybe not. But honestly, I feel like if this is my home, and I don’t just mean my house, I want it to be as nice as it can be. That means no guys racing motorcycles or digging through trash cans. I don’t want my kids in a place that isn’t safe.

Dax was super thrilled when yesterday he managed to not have his name turned and he got to go in the treasure chest. I was very happy for him. Mr. Williams told me he had a much better day. He apparently didn’t hang out with Tristan at all. I feel really bad for Tristan as we found out that Mr. Williams also had to speak to his mother about not doing Tristan’s homework for him. This mom is not doing this child any favors.

In reality, Mr. Williams should probably not have told us that information, but for some reason, the teachers seem to divulge information pretty freely. I don’t know if that is something they do with everyone, or a choice few that don’t seem to judge. Like I told Mr. Williams, I think Tristan could go far in life. He is bright and has a good heart. But if his mother is doing his homework for him, and somehow not putting a stop to his behavior problems, then she is not helping him. Of course, I also know I can’t blame her on all of it. Shoot, no matter how good a mom you are, sometimes a kid has things they do that are hard to stop. I just hope she is really taking the time to find out what is up with her kid and see why he is doing what he does.

When we went to get the bikes, Bobby discovered Ms. Jenkins ball basket, so he and I went to return it. I was glad we did for a number of reasons. One, I was concerned we were missing a homework sheet, and two, Bobby was very worried that the basket would be lost since apparently it was brand new. She was pleased, and told me that she was aware of the missing page and that it was no biggie. She also enlisted my help to take home the homework packets for next week to get them stapled. I was more than happy to help, especially since it was a perfect way to sit in the playroom with the boys while they had homework.

We went up to the store after school so I could make a deposit. We also had a few things we ended up picking up. This was not the first time getting groceries on the bikes of course. This was, however, the first time we loaded up my bike with so many! Ken didn’t think it would work. I assured him I could handle it. Sure enough, it was fine! It was a heavy load for sure, but I was happy to do it. I am considering getting the saddle bags or basket in the back just for additional room.

I think I get my new computer here at work today, so I am all kinds of jazzed.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

You napping?


Well hells bells, where are my manners? No blog and its 7:10??

I went to the school yesterday knowing that Mr. Williams would probably talk to me concerning Dax’s recent behavior shortcomings. Even Dax has been concerned that he is not living up to potential. Instead, when Mr. Williams asked Dax to let me know he wanted to see me, it was because of a totally different incident.

The lunch lady found Dax and Tristan both crying at the lunch table yesterday. Both of them were fighting over chicken nuggets. What?? Apparently, Tristan was trying to steal Dax’s chicken nuggets from his lunch and claim them as his own. Dax was very upset. Mr. Williams spoke to Tristan’s mom when she arrived, too. She was pretty annoyed with her son, who still felt that they were his nuggets. Dude.

I spoke to Mr. Williams further, though, and we discussed the distractions Dax was claiming, and I also pointed out that when Dax and Tristan hang out, both of them end up misbehaving. Tristan is a sweetie, but they bring out the worst in each other. So very sad since you want them to be buddies, but at the same time you want to throttle Tristan.

Thankfully, this incident did not dampen Dax’s mood for the afternoon. Once he determined I was not in the least bit mad at him over NuggetGate, he was all smiles. In fact, homework went pretty well. Of course, it probably helped that I was cleaning the shit out of the playroom the whole time, which meant they could not fuck around.

I prepped the room for computers, and it looks pretty good if I do say so myself. I am all anxious now to get them set up. YAY!

My energy was still intact, so I continued my housewife duties. The boys played, and even helped me quite a bit with no argument as I scrubbed the kitchen and entry way. It was a good afternoon, aside from them bitching about dinner. I guess not everything is rainbows.

Instead of reading to them last night, I had them each pick out a book to read to us. There is something incredibly funny and endearing having your 6 year old read “The Gas We Pass.”

The calming collar seems to work like a permanent pot high for Monarch. It is as though he is Spicoli.

Today the boss decided to take the day off, which is happy making since he has been on my last nerve. It is a total feel of freedom this morning what with the only two authority figures in the department being out of the office. I am hoping to take advantage of the extra time to do a longer workout.

Or I will just end up browsing the net. LOL!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

So freaking pretty!


I had lunch last night with Omarosa where I spent a lot of time comforting her about Michael Clark Duncan.

With the PT in serious need of replacing, I have been doing some “research” on cars I would like to call my very own. Recently I have decided that a convertible is a requirement. I know, it is frivolous and silly, but fuck, why the hell not, right? In addition to the topless variety, I have been eyeing some classic cars. By classic, I am talking mid sixties. I am talking those giant boat sized cars that can seat about 20 (so come on and bring your juke box money!). I want to be able to cruise around town with the boys in this car and just feel groovy.

I found some bargains. This 1964 Chevy Corvair is GORGEOUS, and only $6400!!!! I want this one so bad.

Enter Captain Killjoy.

Ken said he doesn’t want me to have a car made before 2000. He is concerned about my safety since cars didn’t have things like airbags and all that fancy safety stuff that they have now. Never you mind that I have been accident free since about 1992. Never you mind that in some of these tanks built back in the day that if someone hit me now, it would merely dent my car and probably destroy theirs. Either way, Ken is being rather cranky about safety lately.

You should see how much he yells at me when I don’t wear my helmet on my bike. Sigh.

Sadly, this does mean I need to consider other options. Or beg and plead and whine, I suppose.

Or win me the lottery so I can buy this car outright and another safe car. LOL!

If you can’t tell, I am feeling rather chipper this morning. Despite my random dining with a reality show “star”, my dreams were pretty decent and it all means I slept pretty well. I could use some more sleep of course, but the good news is that Wednesdays are my mellow days.

The boys had their picture day yesterday, and I asked them how it went and Bobby tells me we forgot some little piece of paper yet was unable to explain further. I hate that. I have no idea what any of this means, and now I am stressed that the picture will show up later. Time to speak to the teacher.

Dax is having his behavior issues again in class. I am guessing it goes hand in hand with him hanging out with Tristan again. 4 days in a row he has had his name turned, and yesterday he was benched. I have the parent teacher conference next Tuesday, but I think I will speak to Mr. Williams today to find out what is up. I want to be able to speak with Dax on exactly what Mr. Williams is seeing that he is doing.

Have I mentioned I really want this car?

Soccer practice went well. Man I get to run a lot during soccer. Woo! We ran the shit out of these kids, too. I know it was a lot since when we got home, the boys crashed pretty quickly at bedtime.

Speaking of bedtime, as much as I have enjoyed my free time of 7 o’clock on since the boys are supposed to be in bed by then. Well, with them getting older, and truly not sleeping till closer to 8, I am thinking I may need to officially move their bedtime to 7:30. I know it will be later soon, but for now, I am not willing to give up too much of my downtime, and I still feel they need to rest. But allowing myself some wiggle room, it means the boys can play more, which I think they need almost as much as rest, and I don’t have to stress on nights with soccer.

On Brandy’s advice, I got Monarch a pheromone collar to hopefully calm him slightly. Poor thing has been so out of sorts, so much so that he opted to pee on the bed. This is bad enough, but add to it the fact that Ken’s head was dangerously close to the incident while it happened made for two cranky boys in my house.

Monarch is pissed because Luna has taken to sleeping at the foot of the bed. He also seems angry at the amount of critters in house that want to be around me. He tolerates Tonks, but he is frustrated with kittens and dogs. Mind you, all of those 4 only want to be pals with Monarch, but he is not having it.

I think also a lot of it comes down to the heat and the fleas. The fleas are getting under control, and hopefully the heat will dissipate sooner than later overall. But in the meantime, I figure it doesn’t hurt to try this collar.

We have obtained two sets of computers to set up for the boys to use. I am very excited about this. I need to set to work on the playroom more in order to better facilitate set up. I want them to start using the computer as much as possible. I want them to play games. I want them to type letters. I want them to just be as one with the computer as their generation will be. I have done them a great injustice by not having them on the computer more. Sure, they are more than versed with Apple technology, but classic machines are still something they will use. So hopefully while they work on homework this afternoon, I can work towards playroom conversion.

Seriously, so pretty!

I also want the boys to work on running a bit. They need to get in better shape for soccer. Dax seems fine, as he has always been the more athletic of the two. Bobby pulled a muscle last night, but I think he could use some more conditioning. I told him I would run around the block with him each night. Yes, we ride bikes a fair amount, but I think running will be more in tune with what he needs for soccer. Plus, I am sure Luna would be more than happy to have a jogging excuse.

Well now I am all jazzed for my work day to be over since I have big plans for the afternoon. Stupid energy and ideas that clash with my sedate day job. Maybe I can just take next Tuesday off and work in the morning at the house, and then be able to go up for the parent/teacher conference, come home and work some more! Of course, that does me no good for the burst of energy I have right now!!!

And seriously, I can’t go home today. I like my outfit too much to waste it.

Ok, let’s put my energy to good use for now.

And I leave you with this.