Friday, June 19, 2015

I now have a 4th and 5th grader.


At least I didn’t cry in the classroom.

Seriously, the school seemed to be the equivalent of a teary blood bath. I started off ok, mostly on Mary-Lyn’s orders. She came up to me before the start of the End of Year photo/video show and told me how she was nervous about the whole thing. When I asked her why, she told me that when the parents cry, it makes her cry. I knew it was my duty to stay dry faced in the room for her sake. Luckily, even though I got choked up at times, I kept my wits about me.

This would be short lived.

As we all watched the end of the year assembly, I glanced down at Bobby who was a teary mess, which broke my heart. He told me how much he would miss Miss Van Wie. She was truly so incredibly sweet when she turned to see this. She hugged him and assured him that she would still be around next year and would make a point of not only saying hello to him, but would be sarcastic because otherwise it wouldn’t be her. This teacher truly is amazing on so many levels.

Bobby was certainly not the only one crying. As a number of 5th graders began their speeches, all but maybe 2 of them didn’t breakdown. This was tough to watch, and I didn’t even know these kids! Dr. Smart was having a hard time not breaking down while she tried to comfort each of them. Then slowly, I noticed other kids in the audience, both younger and 5th graders, starting to succumb to their emotions. It was tough to be a part of.

I fished out some duckie kleenix I had on hand and handed some out. One boy, Nick, was inconsolable, which broke my heart since he is such a very sweet little boy. I was impressed, though, at how many of the kids who didn’t cry were so incredibly supportive of their classmates that were. It was charming and adorable and it made me so happy that my boys were a part of this community.

After the assembly, Ken went and collected Dax who also was crying, which set me off again. I kept joking with the kids who had started to recover from their breakdown that they shouldn’t feel bad since us grownups were crying too, but we had the benefit of hiding behind sunglasses. They laughed and I was happy to be able to provide comfort to everyone.

The boys did not want to stick around since they were both clearly drained from the crying and sad. We went and picked them up lunch and then relaxed at home the rest of the day. It was nice, and it meant we finished out Orange is the New Black. Damn that show is amazing. I do have some viewers remorse now since it is over, but it will be ok because I have books and other shows to get to and I don’t think I could bring myself to enjoy those until I was able to know what was happening in Litchfield.

I had plans on going to Target yesterday, but didn’t get around to it. I think I will go on my way home from work so that I don’t torture my housemates with said outing. Besides, they will all be happy to have an afternoon to continue their gaming. They plan on doing a Costco run and some clean up what with Andy and Scott coming next week, but ultimately it will be nice that they get some down time.

I am all happy that Poppy’s dad’s day present showed up yesterday. I was worried it wouldn’t arrive until next week, which would have been ok, but not ideal. This means I am actually all prepped for presents for Sunday, which makes me feel all organized and what not. YAY ME!

Sigh, now to deal with the rest of my work day.  

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