Friday, August 21, 2015



It doesn’t bode well for our hero if the WiFi is down at work.

Bobby will be rocking a retainer starting September 2nd. He was measured and photographed yesterday at Dr. Trotter’s office and the retainer itself should be ready in two weeks. It is only the bottom one at this point. It will start to straighten out his bite and make his mouth hopefully ready for a top retainer which will straighten his top teeth. I am just hopeful that he doesn’t lose the damn thing. You hear of kids tossing their retainer out in the trash all the damn time. Let’s hope he isn’t one of those kids.

We attended Bobby’s first practice last night. The whole team was there and they seem like a great group of boys. They did a lot of running, but this is expected over the next few weeks. They will be mostly working on conditioning, which is good. Bobby did pretty well considering he hasn’t been running nearly as much as his brother. He wasn’t the last one in on the jogs around the track, so I will take that as a win.

I used my time at the field wisely. I spent the first 45 minutes walking the track. It was good and I am kind of glad I ended up stopping when I did. I am not happy about why I stopped (stupid coach from one of the extra teams wanted me to take some paperwork and a check, and the check was wrong, and it took for freaking ever which is why I just opted to stop) but it worked out. I am hopeful to use Tuesdays and Thursdays for this since those are Bobby’s practice nights. It will most likely be at Hull. It is supposed to be at Madrona, but Ken told them they could use Hull. I worry that it is not going to be as easy to do this once all the U10 teams start setting up practice times and technically they have first dibs.

We haven’t heard from Dax’s coach yet, which is frustrating. I would like him to start getting to know his team ASAP. The season starts on the 12th so it seems like they should have already met by now. Although that being said, this week would have been tough for Dax. He didn’t even practice with Bobby last night. He is so exhausted from camp all week he opted to stay at home with Chris playing Playstation. He has one long day left and then the goal keeper clinic tomorrow so hopefully he has a chance to rest come Sunday.

We are taking Chris to the airport super early Sunday morning. He has an international flight, so security takes a bit longer and his flight is at 7. It does mean no sleeping in Sunday, but we don’t have anything super pressing on Sunday aside from that. We may come back and go back to bed.
Oh, side note, Bobby’s team is named the Silver Wolves. I need to find me some wolf stuff. I may just need to borrow Dax’s hat.

I am crossing my fingers today goes by quickly. 

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