Monday, March 2, 2015

slumber party

It’s March already????
It was another exhausting weekend at Steve. I am assuming one of these weekends will just consist of sitting around, but I don’t see one on the horizon. That is probably ok since I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I wasn’t swamped.
The Saturday soccer was actually rather uneventful. The game ended in a tie and was hard fought. Dax was getting rather frustrated but it was mostly because he doesn’t realize that as one of the better players he is going to be targeted by the other team. They are going to send their best players after him since he is the biggest threat. Mind you, I don’t mean in a man way. They just know that he is the player to mark and it can be annoying. Bobby was doing amazing at the game. He was really upping his game and could consistently clear the ball when he was in defense. It was really great to see.
Ian was the only friend who was able to come to the party, but this didn’t damper the plans. The boys all played well into the night and finally went to bed at about 1. I crashed at 10. Ken stayed up with them. He was already exhausted since the night before due to the cold wind coming into the bedroom irritated his throat. He never really got to sleep even after coming to bed after the boys finally fell asleep.
I was surprised in the morning that Bobby was the first up. Usually it is Dax. He was just hanging out, though, playing his iPad quietly so as not to wake up Dax or Ian. I made the kids pancakes even though they didn’t eat much. Ian didn’t eat at all! His mother assured me this was incredibly normal for him and I totally can relate to this idea. His parents were lovely and super nice. They are our kind of people and I didn’t feel like I was lacking at a parent. Plus, anyone that shows up with tats and skulls is pretty much always welcome at Steve.
Once Ian headed home around 11, we climbed into the car and headed out to Riverside. The boys were hell bent on getting into the pool, even if it ended up being just getting into the hot tub because let’s face it, swimming in an unheated pool when it is overcast and rainy isn’t a great idea. I felt bad when I did get them out after their second round but they were both so clearly exhausted I knew that getting them home was a good plan. Luckily I was able to visit with Grammie a fair amount and also got to see Jo and Justin, so this was cool. Shockingly the boys did not fall asleep on the way home!
Dax wasn’t feeling great when we got home. He said he had a headache, but really most of it was how tired he was. I made the household comfort foods in the form of spaghetti-o’s for Dax and Top Ramen for the rest of us. It really was the perfect way to end the weekend.
My week looks to be mostly standard. We have practice and a board meeting coming up. Tonight is a fundraiser night at Chipotle for the school which gives me an excellent excuse to finally try the place. Plus it means no cooking. Ha! This will be nice since I am guessing we will still all be rather mellow this evening.

Now to just make it through the work day. 

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