Monday, July 6, 2015

3 days of fun!


Plum is my color.

Ken had the brilliant idea to add red color to my existing blue conditioner mix that I use in the shower. The result yesterday when I tried this out was awesome streaks of plum mixed in with the existing blues along with a sprinkling of silvers. It was bitchin. Today, more of the plums have taken hold resulting in a rich purple tone on the top of my head that blends perfectly into the blue bottom. Now this is the stuff.

My coloring victories were a great way to end a very nice three day weekend. I could have used another day off, but I will take what I can get. I now am working towards my week long vacation that happens the first week of August. I have 4 full weeks of work and then I will be on my way to Salt Lake City.

Friday morning I got up way earlier than I really needed to. However, with my household getting ready to face the day it was hard to stay in bed. The cats certainly tried their best to encourage me to lounge a bit more, but I had things to do so I got up only a few minutes after Ken and the boys had left.

I noted only moments after I got up that Ken had left his phone so I decided that I should probably take that out to him. It would work out fine since I could just go to the Manhattan Beach Target. It was super nice to not have any real schedule and no other people in tow, but I also will admit I get lonely shopping by myself.

I had clearly been on Pinterest too much recently because I got all kinds of ambitious in my desert creation process. I had originally planned on making red and blue jello that would have a scoop of cool whip on the top. I got the brilliant idea to make a cake and emblazon it with an icing flag of my own creation. I didn’t think it through as much as I should have. I originally planned on adding red food coloring for the stripes so I didn’t pick up any additional colored icing. When I got home I noted that I had a can of red icing that started off fantastically for the stripes. Sadly, I ran out. Oh, and I also started the decorating process way to early negating the idea that these colors don’t run. Oops. Oh well. The cake tasted yummy and the folks on Facebook were very kind about my efforts.

In the afternoon, we spent a lot of time cleaning the yard. There was trimming and poop clearing along with just making everything look nice. I planted my lemon tree, and Ken planted the orange tree when they got home. It was back breaking work, but well worth it.

Saturday was fun! There was swimming, BBQ and a viewing of The Sorcerer’s Stone. The weather was nice so hanging out under the pop up was not too hot. I even managed to keep from burning! Yay!

We have had Blanco, Jerry and Nicole’s dog, staying with us since Friday. When we picked her up, we noted that there was what looked like perhaps the crate that he sleeps in. So because of this, we assumed he slept in a crate at night. The first night, we set up a crate for Blanco, allowing him to sleep in our room. Sadly, we were kept up all night by his whining. Not cool. We tried putting him in said crate downstairs the second night but his barking and whining was too much and at about 1 in the morning, Ken just opted to let him out in the upstairs. We had it pretty well dog proofed so we didn’t think anything would happen. He still spent a lot of time whining, but it was less so which allowed us to sleep for the first time in two nights. Sadly, Blanco still has not been happy. He hasn’t eaten much if anything and he spend his time outside whining. During the fireworks he and Lily were terrified so I locked them in our room. Lily loves her crate and seemed rather appeased being allowed in her safe zone. Nothing helped with Blanco. He whined and barked even if I was sitting with him. It was tough. He spends one more night with us and then he gets to go back to his own home and people. I feel bad that he didn’t settle in, but at least I know we tried.

My menfolk are going to be in Manhattan Beach all day for the next 5 days. It means they won’t get home till after 5. In some ways I think this is cool as it allows for me to have “me” time. The only issue is that I tend to be in my own little bubble at work all day, therefore I like having them home. They of course are all tired from dealing with little kids all day so they just want to vege out. It is a bad combo, but I will hopefully manage.

Dangit! Trusty just walked in. It is far too early to deal with him. Sigh. I suppose I will do some work now.

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