Monday, July 27, 2015

Don't drink and drive you idiots!


4 days and then I can have some fun!

The impending trip does have me slightly stressed. I still need to put my clothing in the suitcase, make sure the house is in order and get the critters handled. Mind you, the clothing is already picked out and in a pile of everyone’s clothing that will go in the suitcase today, the house is mostly cleaned up and has 3 days of Ken and the boys handling, and I already have Stephanie feeding the dogs (although I need to ask her to crack open a can of cat food for the kittens when she comes for dog dinner time). Still, one doesn’t relax until they get on the plane.

Registration on Saturday was very successful! We had 153 kids sign up, which is tremendous since we were about 200 behind last years’ numbers. Hopefully in the next couple weeks we have a fair amount sign up, which does happen with these last minute players. They have until technically I think Oct since we can put them on a team in the middle, but we prefer to have them all done in the next couple weeks so the teams are balanced. Ken and Aaron are working on the program this morning and hopefully they get the new variant in place which is the Extra players that need to be removed from Core. Once the program is in place, though, it is going to be amazing because it will do hopefully the hard part of the balance aspect and then it can be manually manipulated if need be, which is perfect.

Sadly, the afternoon was not as successful. We went to go retrieve the trailer from Pacific School. I dropped off Ken and then went to get the boys from my folks’. As I am about to leave, Matt points out that I have a flat. And it wasn’t just flat, it looked melted. Sheesh! Thankfully my parents are awesome and they called AAA for me. Overall, it was not as bad as I suppose it could have been, but I was tired and I didn’t want this.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, poor Dax was spent. Both boys were sunburned and exhausted, and you could tell with Dax since he was crying over nothing. He was even a little confused at it. Then he felt nauseous at bed time and got up a couple times thinking he was going to throw up. It is awful when he goes through this because he shakes and gets scared, which breaks my heart. I put a cold cloth on him, which helped and finally after some tums and back rubs, he was able to sleep.

Sunday I felt out of sorts all day. I was tired since the heat makes it hard to sleep. Plus, it was a light sleep since I didn’t want to accidently sleep through a Dax situation. It meant I was much more cranky than normal. Sadly, the household seemed out of it, too, which only added to my frustrations. At one point, I was barbequing some hamburgers, and having a great deal of difficulty with the grill. Flames were out of control and I even accidently melted a plate and set a rag on fire. It wasn’t fun. I screamed out for help, but no one heard. The boys were downstairs, so in theory should have heard me, but they were too engrossed in their videos/games to do anything. Ken was up watching a show, so also did not hear. It was all resolved, but it was a tough time.

I opted to go in to the pool, which was therapeutic. The water was calming and warm and I got to spend some time chatting with the boys. Since they were little, we used the whirlpooling to bond and it is always a wonderful time. We talked about everything from hair color to names to farts. You can’t ask for a better time spent.

After this, the boys and I went to Dollar Tree and Target. We picked up glow sticks for the trip and I also got a new purse. Sure, I will miss rocking the hot pink purse, but the black slouchy backpack is more practical, especially for the impending travel. I also got them some snacks for the plane and had more chatting time with the boys.

We did manage to accomplish laundry yesterday. It still shocks me how much there is each week, but it was nice to have it all done in a day. In addition to cleaning the clothing, we took some time to go though some of the older clothing the boys no longer fit in. It was good we were packing, too, since it pointed out how many more pairs of underwear and socks they needed (which was resolved with the Target trip).

Tonight I have a meeting to attend at 6:30. I have accepted the important position on the review board for travel reimbursement for the travel teams. We will be going to dinner at BJ’s and we will go over the 10 reimbursement requests. Hopefully it is painless. I don’t anticipate any real issues, and I only really have to voice my opinion on paperwork to determine its validity. And I get a good meal to boot!

I already put together my financial report for the region. I need to add one more item, but I also wanted it done before I leave so I can send it over to Jimmy before the meeting next week. I knew I had to complete it before tomorrow, too, since I have reports for work all morning and it will mostly kill my Tuesday (big cheers for this since it also means the day goes by quickly what with my only working 4 days this week).

My niece just lost a friend who was killed by a drunk driver. It pains me greatly how much it is hurting her. Her friend was only 22. Dammit people, in this day and age, how is it that anyone is still drinking and getting behind the wheel???

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