Monday, December 10, 2012

10 more days till X-Mas

Singing week is upon us!

Today Dax sings, tomorrow and Wednesday, Bobby sings. I will be at that school quite a bit over this next week.

The weekend was crazy hectic. Friday night we did get the call Bobby has been asking me about since last week. His glasses had finally arrived. We went over to the optometrist and were able to, as Bobby put it, “change his whole life.” He is such a nut. He loves them and wore them much of the weekend, including during soccer play on Saturday. He didn’t need to, but I think he enjoyed wearing them. By Sunday afternoon he was noting a slight headache, which I am sure was due to the shock to his system. He seemed ok, but he was clearly needing a glasses break.

Saturday had us all over the place. We needed to pick up party supplies for the soccer game. We also had various outings for things for this week. It felt hectic, but I suppose it was mostly relaxed.

The party was a huge success. It was the perfect combo of fun and mellow. We had lots of food and families were able to bring blankets and chairs and could hang out. The kids played soccer against siblings and parents. What was nice about the scrimmage was that it was super casual. Players could leave during the game and go get something to eat. People could wander in during the game. It was awesome! We had made little soccer gift bags complete with a book on Sharks for each kid. We gave out their medals and thanked everyone. The team presented us with a card signed by the tea, and gift cards which was super sweet. Lots of pictures were taken and the whole time was very enjoyable.

After the game we went in search of shirts for the singing events. I had a JC Penney’s gift card, so we thought that would be a good place to go. Sadly, they did not have simple, plain polo shirts. I really didn’t want to spend too much, so we hit up the Sears outlet store. No dice. I decided I would go look on Sunday.
We then ended up out in Manhattan Beach to go to the Comic Bug. They had a special on a set of comic books that we were sure the boys will enjoy. Since we were out that way, we had dinner at Tomboys which was nice.

Sunday was a drive out to Grammie’s for lunch. I think we drove more than we visited, but it was good to get out there. We should make a point of going more often since she doesn’t really like (nor should she really) to drive that distance. Hopefully over the summer we can go swim more at her place, too.
When we got home, it was time to leave again. Ken was participating in this Menorah building at Del Amo, so the boys and I went to Target with the hopes to finally find their shirts. Thankfully Target loves me and we found what we needed.

Bobby has been really enjoying reading his book Diary of a Wimpy Kid. He has been carrying it around with him all weekend, reading it while in the car and in the mornings before the day had really begun. It is cool seeing him enjoy reading to this level. He and Dax have both been reading to each other every morning, which is super cute to see and hear. I am hoping that we have instilled a love for reading in them.
This weekend I am hoping to place an order for a lot of the Christmas presents I am getting for people. Yes, it is a little late in the season, but I get a bonus on Friday which will allow me to do this. I really only have one last thing for Bobby I think and at least this means the kids are done (except for stockings, but that is easy).

The troops are arriving. Time to be busy. 

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