Thursday, December 6, 2012

Not much to say this morning


There is no better email to receive on a Thursday morning from your boss than this one:

Dear All
I will be on vacation Thursday 12/6 and Friday 12/7, returning Monday morning 12/10.  Call me on my cell phone with any pressing issues.

Woo hoo!!!!

The only real issue with this morning is that my zen is being interrupted with a couple of people coming in earlier than normal. Oh well, I will deal.

The RC assured me tonight’s meeting is going to be pretty easy, what with there not being much going on in the region that needs discussion. I am thankful for this, as I truly don’t want to spend a shit ton of time hearing people talking about stuff I don’t care about. I am hoping I can start writing the checks that are for ref points, though, so I don’t have to do them all at once.

I finished my book last night. I really enjoyed it, but I was a little upset when it was done. I suppose it ended the way it should, but I still wanted more. I am going to start the author’s first novel this morning. I am curious as to its quality.

I watched a couple of episodes of Parenthood last night, also. I am concerned that a major character, one even though I don’t care for will die and I will be a freaking mess next week when said episode airs. The character, Kristina, has breast cancer, and treatment has not been going well. Next week, she gets really sick and appears to be in ICU. She looks like she will die. It makes sense in the idea that it would certainly make for a good way to be realistic, but seriously, I will freak out.

I may need to get out more.

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