Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I lose some, I win some

There are days where I worry I have failed as a parent. Yesterday was one of them.

As I waited outside the classroom for Bobby, Ms. Jenkins came outside, which surprised me. She doesn’t tend to come out and address the parents before the bell. She must have seen me, and it allowed her an opportunity to tell me that Bobby was currently next door, finishing his work since he dinked around all day in class. Turns out, he basically spaced out much of the day. He wasn’t applying himself, and did the easy way out on things when he would basically wait for the teacher to write the answers on the board and he would then just copy them as if he had already done the work. The thing is, I know he knows how to do this work. I have watched him do things like his math homework with ease. Yet at the same time, I have seen him dink around while working on it.

His lack of focus seems only prevalent when it comes to school work. Shoot, when you put him in front of anything else, such as video games or playtime, etc, he is uber focused. Of course, he isn’t really focused at soccer, but I think that is due to his lack of interest and slight fear of the ball.

I am putting a few eggs in the glasses basket, hoping that perhaps his improved vision will inspire him to work harder. I don’t think he is bored because of something like being advanced. I think he is just bored with the monotony of what school has become. School isn’t fun anymore. It is a lot of work, even in the 2nd grade.

It did mean I needed to really work hard with him last night on homework. Ken pointed out that Dax woke him up at like 5, so perhaps yesterday he was tired, but even so, it was one of those things that needs to be curbed now so that he doesn’t have problems in school when shit really gets hard.

On top of all of this, Dax had one of his worst crying breakdowns before class yesterday. I wasn’t there, but I still feel upset that I can’t seem to figure out what is up with that. I am thinking he is going through a strange bout of separation anxiety since he does this even going to my mom’s. I worry that my absence for 2 weeks over the summer didn’t help him feel secure.

On a positive note, we did have a pleasant dinner while we watched Night at the Museum 2, which turned out to be pretty cute. I also managed to get out of staying up for the board meeting vote by turning in my vote early. I did point out that the meeting was a good hour after my bedtime, and then would go on for an additional hour. The boss man didn’t mind and was cool with me voting early.

This morning has started well, too! I just called in to KROQ and won a Tarantino box set! I knew the answer to the trivia question of what video store did he work in. I was especially proud when the normal question by Ralph was if I looked it up, and I was able to proudly state that I knew it. Hee!

Sadly, I am feeling a bit icky. Not sure what that is about. I am hoping it will subside as I plan on taking off next Wednesday for the school performances and the classroom party in Dax’s room. Fuck! It just occurred to me that I may miss part of the party simply because Bobby’s singing may take part at the same time. The only good thing is I am pretty sure Bobby’s class sings first, so we can duck out after he is done.

Life is just too damn busy. 

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