Thursday, August 13, 2009

apparently I am a little long winded today


It was the pee.

Maria had called me yesterday to tell me Dax was doing the pain wiggle again. This time I was prepared with a solution that did not include me rushing home. I told her to put him on the toilet and see if peeing made him feel better. I didn’t hear from her the rest of the day. Ken and I went to get them in the afternoon and Dax was all happy. Maria told us that she had him pee and he was thrilled. Not only did he feel better, he was comfortable enough telling her later that he had to go again! YAY!

More kid success this morning! I needed a coke, so I figured I would just drive through some place on the way to work. It dawned on me that Jack In The Box is supposed to have these Yo Gabba Gabba toys. We stopped at one in Colorado when we first heard, and they were out. We checked one local, and nothing. I figured what did it hurt to give it a try. Not only did they have them, but they had one complete set (including the preschool toy that was a ball) and another almost complete set, just missing Brobee. YAY! So I now just need to find a Brobee, which I am sure I can send Ken out to get over today. Woo hoo!

That was the extent of good kid news, really. Dax was super out of sorts yesterday afternoon because he wanted a Bolie and some milk which I did not give to him as we were heading out to Party City. He was pissed, and was not afraid to let everyone in a 3 block radius know. Luckily, he cheered up after dinner. Plus, the leg bag we got him, even though it is way too long, still did what it needed to do so he got a much needed bath last night.

This afternoon I am trying my shopping luck at the Sketchers outlet store. There was a sign saying they were having a sandals blowout sale. One of my favorite pair of sandals ever came from Sketchers, so I am hoping to find something there. Ken gave me some cash, so I might find something awesome. Or maybe a couple things!

I am a little bummed that we are no longer going to see Backbeat on Saturday night. Stephanie had a family thing. No worries, though. They seem to tour a lot, so I am hoping we can see them soon. We were supposed to go Sunday to the concert in the park to see them, but I might be going to see Depeche Mode with Conner. I say might since I emailed him to find out details and I had not heard back yet. Hmmm….

I have my car back. It is amazing how much I missed it! I don’t even drive that much. LOL! But it is so nice. Ken had cleaned the Blazer for me for yesterday. Wow, it is quite the difference when you just pick up form trash and clutter and wash it. So much nicer! My plan is to be super diligent with the new car. Even got a little trash can for it so even if there is trash, I have a place to put it that will inspire me to dump it. We got two things to use for trash, unsure of which one would be better. Right now, we are using the little wooden bucket. Looks cute, and stays put. We had also got a shower caddy looking thing, and it is in the car still. I may keep it in the back to organize little things that I may have in the car. I am thinking of getting another one of the wooden boxes since it is a good size to put my shopping bags in for storage. I don’t have a lot of things that stay in the car. I have the bags, my all purpose kid bag (formally known as the diaper bag, but being that we don’t do diapers anymore, it is just the kid bag. It is also the super nice one so I have a pretty bag for my car), and for now, the diva mobile, which I am hoping won’t be needed for too long, and funny enough, matches the kid bag! But I want to stay organized.

Why does everyone assume ideal first date needs to include the beach? Does every woman really like this? They are doing interviews for the singles party and al the guys have the first date as dinner, maybe a movie, and then the beach. How freaking cliché! Why not something different? Why not something that allows you to talk to the person for a bit? Look, I know I never really dated. But why can’t a date be something like miniature golf where there is potential for laughing and fun? Or maybe like a cheesy fun center that has tons of lame stuff? It allows you to get away if it is going poorly, and gives you lots of opportunity to talk and just enjoy one another. Movies are fine, but you don’t talk. That seems like a 4th or 5th date. Dinner, always good, but it shouldn’t be fancy. It should be more casual. I guess I don’t expect much on a date.

Another question. Why do people keep watching these Final Destination flicks?

For years, I worked hard at getting the red tones out of my hair that I had put there in my colorful hair days. Now, as I am dabbling in the reds again, I can’t seem to keep the red in my hair. Don’t get me wrong, it is still reddish, but nothing like how I want it. I don’t want to over do it, either, so I can’t do my hair again for another month at least. It isn’t that my hair is ugly, but I was enjoying the shocking red I had. It was subtle yet pronounced, if that is possible.

I am feeling rather sleepy this morning. I woke up to Bobby running around the house at 3:30 in the morning. It was our fault, really, since Ittles had spent the night in there and had pounded on the door as a way to let us know she needed out. Bobby let her out, but then proceeded to follow her around. I also need to get to bed earlier. I know I always say this, but I blame Facebook games, now. Between Farmtown, Farmville, Yoville, Super Poke Pets, Vampire Wars, and all the other crap Ken plays, there is just not enough time. I didn’t even get to my farms this morning before work. Stephanie warned me to stay away from Farmtown. Did I listen? Nope.

Monday I am supposed to be on Furlough. I am crossing my fingers that since I know daycare is open, and I don’t think Ken has work, perhaps he and I can go to a movie or something. Of course, knowing our luck on this, something is going on for Monday and we won’t have that time.

I can’t keep my eyes open. Probably because I am reading wiki stuff this morning. As much as it is all interesting, it is too relaxing to just sit and read. Too easy to fall asleep.

I get nervous when the boss gets back from a day off. Is today layoff day?? Although, that being said, I think that it probably has not happened in some time where he was out one day and the next day people got let go. Plus, he has been out a million times, yet no layoffs. It is one of those things where it happens twice and forever we assume. Back when he first started, he did let like 3 people go at different times, and then didn’t come in the next day. I think someone talked to him about that, though. I once had to scold him for using red file folders. He would often put bad things in red and then come up to you for his “Gotta Minute?” question and then proceed to write you up. So then, he started using red for other things, but it was still nerve wracking. I told him this and I have not seen him with a red folder since. So I really don’t know that it is fair to say he is always out before a layoff. Shoot, I seem to be out of the office for many of the let goes. The last 2? I was out sick. I was out for at least 3 others, too. So now, if I call out on a Friday, some people here get nervous. Like maybe I know something. But I was here the hell day when like 35 people got let go. Of course, none were our dept, so who knows. At Earthlink, the HR guy used to come in a suit only on days he was firing people. Dude, not good!

A couple of things bug me. I hate it when people can’t think for themselves. Yesterday, one of my coworkers approached me to ask when I was sending out this report of expired credit lines again. She didn’t ask like that, though. She says, “so there are no more updates?” What the fuck? There are ALWAYS accounts that expire. It happens daily. I only send out the report monthly, plus, an aging will tell you the exact accounts that are expired and coming expired. Oh, and by the by, I was out a fucking week, and covering for people all three days I have been back. I was not pleased with her tone. I made that pretty clear. So I tell her, well, if you have done all the ones from the aging (she said she had been using that), then she could look ahead a month if she needed more to update. We can update them whenever, we just don’t want them to expire for too long. She was confused. Honest, she had no idea that she could update other accounts just by looking at things coming due in Sept. Never you mind that all of my lists have a month ahead. Never you mind that it is from the same fucking report she already has that she could just look at it. OMG, people, what the hell? It is the, unless you give me instructions to the t, I don’t know how to accomplish my job, type of people that make me want to scream. What do you do when you get home? Do you know that dishes need to be done? Or do you know to make dinner? What if no one tells you to do these things??? Should I remind you to fucking breathe?????????

So that is the bulk of folks I run into. But what ticks me off even more is the folks that seem to think I, of all people, need the set of instructions that everyone else needs to function. My boss emails me telling me a payment is in route for my customer. Cool. It is only partial, but no worries. He proceeds to tell me, oh, yeah, you can’t clear the invoice with it because of the new JSOX policies. Um, duh!! I was there in the meeting when this policy was created. In fact, it was just me, him and one other person. I KNOW THE WAY TO DO MY JOB!!!! I know he must be accustomed to dealing with sheep, but I can assure you, I am no sheep.

Speaking of sheep, I forgot to mention what cracked me up at the banquet. They kept referring to everyone as sheep and how they are a flock and how they all need to stick together. I have never felt more like a wolf in sheep’s clothing then I did that night. If anything, I strive to be anything but the sheep. I don’t want to be lumped with the masses who need leadership and guidance every step of the way. I am not sure I want to be anyone shepherd (I am pretty sure there are a lot of people who would agree, I should NEVER be a leader), but I damn sure know I can function just fine without needing that kind of protection. They kept mentioning how you need to watch out for goats. I assume this was not due to some random new goat flu (and it was hard not to laugh every time they said goat and my inner monologue kept saying, “what goat?”) but in reality the goat was a metaphor for devil folks (the horns I suppose? I doubt the tin can eating is blasphemous) that will lead you astray. But truly, wouldn’t the wolf metaphor make way more sense? Wolves devour sheep. Goats just butt them around a bit and are loud (hmm, much like some ministers). I am just saying that the scared sheep should be looking out for much more dangerous characters.

Oh, and one of ministers that was talking made me laugh a little. It is one thing to stick out as the only white girl. But at least I had Ken, my token white guy. But when he asked who here had not been saved, I can safely say I did not raise my hand despite being the only one in the room who had not been baptized. Even Ken had the magic water dumped on him when he was a kid. Me? Nope. Sure, I could bless some water (I am a ordained minister afterall) and take care of this. Maybe I should bless the pool? LOL! No, but seriously, I felt like such a fraud being there. These are all folks (aside from my man) who really and truly, no jokes aside, feel the power of some force that doesn’t reside in a light saber. I was about to say I don’t understand, but then again, I have my own strange beliefs and crazy talk (including the guilt when I kick a stuffed animal for fear that they feel it) and I swear by them in a less vocal fashion than these folks do. So how is that any less powerful? We believe what we do to get by. Sure, I make jokes. Dani saw the album of pics from the banquet and asks me, “oh, so you go to church now?” and I responded with, “Nope, still bound for hell” and she said that this made far more sense. But even if hell is my destination based on most faiths, I can at least say I believed what I felt in my heart and not what anyone forced me to believe. I saw a lot of the kids in the audience, even at my own husband who was raised in a very churchy family, and I wondered if it was fair to make any kids do the church thing. I suppose it is not much different then telling them Santa is real or using the baby powder concoction to ward of the evil monsters in Bobby’s room. If anything, I suppose the organized religions and church gatherings are really about love and togetherness, right? You are not forcing a kid to believe in god as much as you are helping them to just feel safe. It is an invisible security blanket. And I know that as kids get older, they will ask questions and they will make their own decisions on what they want to, and actually can, believe. I just hope that enough parents out there don’t shun their child for their faith or lack thereof. I know, getting preachy (no pun intended) about this. And random on every level. But my mind works odd and sometimes a train of thought goes on quite the adventure.

Do you ever have random memories pop back into your head? Mine just happened and it is one of those things I wish I had handled better as a friend. Nothing I can do about it now, and I am pretty sure she doesn’t even remember how I was, but man, sometimes I wish I wasn’t such a bad friend to folks back in the day. In all fairness, I was young and I didn’t know what to do with this sort of situation. In addition to that, I don’t know that we were that close at that point. I guess it is just hard to sometimes recognize that I sucked at times. This was not an isolated incident, mind you. Just one that came to mind just now.

Ok, I started doing a bit of work, which I think helped in waking me up. So this is a good thing. I may actually make it through today! Ok, that is if I can manage to not choke on my water!!! What the hell? Nothing like coughing and gasping for air. LOL!

We have a stamp for our fax machine that says FAX and the date. Who uses this?? Especially when there is a confirmation sheet that prints out?

So I have determined Ken is trying to communicate with aliens. Ok, maybe not, but all I know is when I pulled up yesterday, I noticed for the first time what Ken had been doing up on the roof. He got a weather gauge he tells me. I didn’t think anything of it. I should have known bad things were brewing when we went to Lowe’s and he got a lot of crap for this weather thing. I didn’t realize that it was this 6 foot pole sticking off my roof with this little rocket ship thing spinning around. What the fuck?? Cause our roof isn’t enough of an eyesore? Sigh. It is especially amusing being that he went to all this trouble when we live in Southern California. What weather was he trying to measure exactly. Hmm…it is 78 today! Next day: is 78 today? Next day: hmmm…it is 79 today! WOW, a change!! DUDE!! I can safely say he isn’t going to get a lot of interesting readings from it. I have a feeling my poor home will be ground central for more of this shit when the boys get older. I am a patient woman.

It is a shame I don’t want to move to come place like Colorado. There is the weather that Ken desires, and I would imagine in some of those places other than LA, the cost of living isn’t as high and I could get a bigger house. Too bad I quite fond of this area that I couldn’t bare to leave.

Is it bad that when I say “Son of a” the children come back with “bitch”?

I wonder if my voice is annoying to anyone.

I really want to make time to watch hockey this season. Maybe even go to a game this year.

I need to go to the dollar tree. Maybe I will do that on the way back from the Sketchers. Although, I was just there and saw nothing of interest. Maybe I need to hit up the 99 cent store instead. I just wanted a couple more little things. OH CRAP! I need to get a cake. I was thinking of going by the Torrance Bakery to see how much a Bolt cake would be. But I would imagine I have waited too long to get that done. His whole leg thing through me off. I thought I had till next Saturday to do stuff. But I want to make sure we see the movie tomorrow and cake makes sense. I guess I will just run over to Ralph’s. I should call my mom tonight to see if us coming over with a cake is ok. I am sure it is, but still.

I am pleased to report that Bobby still loves Revolution and is enjoying other Beatles songs I am introducing him to. Dax becomes strangely calm now when American Pie comes on. He complains when it is over, which is hard to do being that it is like a 7 minute song! I am just pleased at how much music they like in general. My dad, I mean, he likes music, but he isn’t like say my mom. But the boys are learning names (and making up names for songs) so it is fun. Bobby likes most of the Green Day songs that come on. Shockingly, I have not played much in the way of Erasure aside from this one live album I had in my car for a while. I may need to break that out, just to make sure they are not traumatized at some point when I am listening to gobs of it. Dax is a little more picky, but it mostly depends on his mood. He still loves Jack Johnson and much more folksy mellow music. Bobby is all about rock!

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