Thursday, August 20, 2009



Grumpy has a home!!

My coworker’s daughter who has been talking about getting a cat for a while decided on one of our brood. So Grumpy is at my desk right now, waiting on them to get in so he can go to his new home. I am sure I will get teary, but I will try to keep it together. It will be difficult, especially considering how tired I am.

Ken has a big meeting today with Hermosa School district, which caused him I am sure the insomnia he was suffering from last night. It was odd. At 10:30, I woke up because I had to pee, and Ken was snoring, which meant he was asleep. It was shocking since this was pretty early. I was jazzed. Then between 1:30 and 2, he was tossing and turning, and next thing I know, Star Trek was on. And M*A*S*H, and who knows what else. I think they were turned off around 3:30 or so. All I know is despite my best efforts, my sleep was not restful. I listened to most of the episode, I tried very hard to just put it out of my head. But my own sleep issues from the last couple days took over, and not even the Vicodin I had was going to keep me knocked out. I am ok for now, mostly since I am a morning person. But I know I will hit a wall in a couple hours.

I may be hitting up the vending machine for soda all morning.

Bobby was whining about something last night and wanted something he was not allowed to have. So I say to him in the middle of his sob fest, “Sucks to be you, don’t it?” to which he stopped crying and instantly starts laughing. He looks at me and says, “I’m not a donut, mom!” LOL!!! He then proceeds to go tell Dax, “Hey, Dax. Mom thinks I am a donut.” This was greeted with hysterical laughter. I love it when my kids are funny.

It has been determined I am surrogate mommy to these kittens. We had them in the outside pen so they could do their turbo kitty runs. I went in to make dinner, and the boys were playing outside, so they were doing their own thing. I would check on them from time to time. They would all run up to the side, meowing their cute little mews and would want me to come in. So after I ate, and Ken and the boys were still inside eating, I went outside to check on them again. I went in the pen, and I was promptly tackled by 7 kittens. I ended up lying on my stomach, and they all sat on me. They were so excited, I wondered if they would have rather had me lie on my side in order for them to nurse! So 4 of them curled up in a pile on my back, and the other three curled up in my arms, and next thing I knew, I had 7 sleeping kitties on me. Crap! It was super cute, but I couldn’t move. I tried calling for Ken, but being that I was in the middle of this pen, and Ken was all the way inside, and I didn’t want to yell too loud, it took a good 10 minutes before he heard me. I yelled one last time, deciding that if he didn’t come, I would just go to sleep myself. Luckily Ken heard me and laughed. He then got the kitty bucket to be able to scoop them all up and let them sleep in their cage for a bit.

I have a raging headache. I am assuming it is from lack of sleep. I suppose I should find some pain killers.

Grumpy is playing on my desk, which is super cute. It is good I don’t have a kitten on my desk every day since I would get nothing done.

It was a little hard giving him up. I just took him out to his new mommy. He had just been sitting curled up in my arms, purring and licking my hand when my co worker arrived. He started shivering when I handed him over. I know he will be fine, but let’s face it, I don’t know this woman. I know I love the kitties, but will she love him as much as I want her to? I don’t know, but I really can’t get too crazy about it. People have been cat parents for years and cats clearly have thrived. So I just have to be ok with it.

If another person tells me to “rush” on something, I am going to kick them in the fucking head. I do things 10 times faster than anyone else and for anyone to treat me like I am doing something slow, well, let’s just say I am taking my time on this request just for this reason.

Andy has decided against taking any of the kittens, which blows. But I refuse to be discouraged. I will find as many homes as I can before they go to the pet store/shelter.

Actually, the fact that my coworker indicated the spread was a rush was not what annoyed me most. What annoyed me was that she was giving me this whole explanation on what took place that resulted in the transaction. I could give a fuck. Seriously. It doesn’t matter to me why she wants things applied. I am not the manager. All I do on these is apply things together and create a new doc for the remaining balance. Not a big deal. So then she also has to go on and on about how she had to go to the boss, and blah, blah, blah. So I mentioned she didn’t need to on this, and she actually had the gall to get snippy with me. What the fuck?? I didn’t ask for the back story, and when I offer advice for next time, she bites my head off. Look, lady, don’t whine about something that is avoidable. Or, preface the interaction with, this is just a vent session, I am not looking for solutions. Sheesh!

Tammy got Dax (and Bobby technically) a fish tank! This is awesome since we had considered getting some fish as the next progression of animal in their life. We need to go pick out fish (Tammy is insistent I bring her the receipt for them so she can pay me back) so they will each get to get one (the tank probably only supports 1 or 2, and I think I will get them one of the swimming frogs, too) and we can put it in Dax’s room so he has the fish, and Bobby has Leonard. Very exciting!

Dax seems to think it is bad to make a mess. Or do things wrong, for that matter. He is the master of the bold face lie. When he spills milk, he starts yelling, “I didn’t make a mess!” He gets more upset when you call him on it and it is like he really is just closing his eyes and pretending it doesn’t exist. He does the same thing when he has an accident with pee or poo (which I am happy to report is not often at all). It is so odd. Makes me of course wonder if he is getting in trouble for messes at Maria’s.

How does my hair already have grays again?? Probably because they are just destined to be there. I dyed my hair 3 weeks ago, so I have to wait at least another 3 before I can do it again. Conner thought that perhaps I could pull off blue hair. As much as that sounds like fun, I don’t know that my work would be as thrilled with it. Although, then again, I don’t know how they would feel about it. They don’t seem to care about most things. But maybe in 3 weeks I will play with some kind of lowlights or something with the red instead of all over color.

I feel the need to complete a project or something. I think when I get home from work I will clean one of the boys’ rooms, or maybe even both. I just feel so disconnected from the house right now. Not just the house, but everything. I suppose it has been rather hectic this month. Maybe this evening I need to make a point of sitting down to dinner with the family. We all eat around the same time, but maybe I need to have us all really sit at the same table. I shouldn’t plan on doing too many changes all at once. Let’s aim for the rooms, then go from there.

The tired is creeping back into my eyes. Grumpy I think was what was keeping me awake. I may need to go nap in the bathroom again.

Thank goodness. I had this piece of hair in my eye that I couldn’t locate and it was driving my eye nuts. I just found it and was able to remove it. Pheww. It is a amazing how much better it feels.

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