Friday, November 21, 2014

fired up and growly


It’s official. My boss is the dumbest man on the planet.

My venting to some coworkers this morning helped calm me down significantly, but ultimately, I am still super angry with him. His idiocy has truly been taxing on me. I know, I am awesome, and I am not just saying that to toot my own horn. I kick ass at my job and have great stats and wonderful relationships with my customers. Yet this man is awful in so many ways, and not just with me. I wonder if he would be easier to deal with if this was an office in the 60’s where I could pour myself a drink.

I called out yesterday. My headache from this sinus issue was too much to deal with. I also needed to de-stress since this trip tomorrow has me a little on edge. It is only because we have soccer and then we go to the airport. I know it will be fine, but I feel pressed for time, which I hate. That being said, I am almost completely ready to go. I packed a week ago. I cleaned the house. Everything is in order except for a couple things I will get done tonight. I just need to calm down.

Shockingly, I don’t have a book lined up for my weekend. I know I won’t have much time to read, but I figured I should have something to do on the plane. Of course, I have video games and I could just use the time to nap. Oh wait, a thought just occurred to me. I still am reading NPH’s book. I am good! Yay!

I am quite sad that I am not seeing Mockingjay this evening. I know seeing it next week with Jerry and Nicole will be a lot of fun, so at least that will be cool, but I really am anxious to see this flick.
I have started catching up on some movie watching this week. I have watched Nebraska, Saved and Silver Lining Playbook. All were quite good. I have decided to watch at least one movie a week since I hate being so far behind on flicks. I may even need to start frequenting the Redbox. Plus, it forces me to sit for a couple hours, which truly I don’t do enough of.

We have a fire drill here today. I should be annoyed in some ways since it is happening at my lunch time. But in reality, I am thrilled. I feel that my company doesn’t take too many of these kind of things serious enough. I was a little concerned that the area they are evacuating us was a foolish place since it is all locked in. I asked the guy in charge and he had compelling arguments that changed my mind. He also didn’t mind that I was asking questions, which I liked.

Due to the morning rant session, I am all kinds of fired up today. Thankfully the morning has been moving at a semi-brisk pace. Now to just survive the remaining 4 and a half hours. 

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