Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween Adventures 2014


Typing is hard when using these nails.

The weekend was crazy. It started on Thursday and in some ways seemed to last a week. In other ways it seemed to last only a few hours. All of it was busy.

Thursday Dax came home from school completely broken out in a horrid rash. It was everywhere. He was warm to the touch and looked puffy. I wouldn’t have worried as much had that morning not been filled with concern from his random episode concerning nausea and random vision issues. I gave him a Benadryl and packed the boys up with homework and iPads and set out to Urgent Care. Thankfully Ken’s class was right next door so he met up with us there.

The good news is that the doc gave some good ideas behind the vision issues in the morning. If Dax was tired, pooping and not feeling great, his blood pressure most likely dropped quickly which caused vision issues. All of it was most likely not associated or related to the new symptom.

The bad news is that realistically we will never know what caused the rash. The doc said that 90% of the time kids come in with this and they never figure it out. The rash is treated and it doesn’t come back, either. Crazy! Mr. Dax impressed by being able to swallow pills and he got a shot with not even a whimper. It was great since you could see how quickly the redness cleared up.

He was given meds and told to use more Benadryl. Friday he was still kind of puffy and itchy. We have cream on hand, too, so I put that on him. All of it helped, and by Saturday he looked like he was back to normal. Yay!

Friday morning I went up to the school with the boys to watch their parade. It was so much fun! The boys were the only one as their characters they chose. Bobby’s Mad Eye Moody costume looked great and he really embraced the part. Dax had a lot of fun as Groot. I dressed up in my ball gown and the cool wings we had picked up a couple years ago. Those wings were amazing. I got gobs of compliments.

I spent the afternoon in Bobby’s class helping with their party. I had so much fun! We had an eyeball toss and a mummy toss. Yeah, lots of tossing. I loved chatting with the kids. One kid, Matthew, who was on the Creepers last year was talking to me along with Alex on our team this year. I pointed out to Alex that I was doing snacks for the game and Matthew, remembering my snacks from last year, cheered. I showed him a picture of what I had made, and he said it looked awesome!! YAY!
Ken thinks I am an alpha female. I never considered myself this. He said this is probably why this one mom (Matthew’s mother) doesn’t like me since she is an alpha female, too. I don’t know if I agree with him. I am confused.

The Campbells came over at around 5 and we had a really great night! We took the kids trick or treating, which was fun. We even came across a house with full sized candy bars and one who pointed to a box and told the kids to help themselves. It felt so quaint and awesome.

I did enjoy that we came across a set of parents who were all so proper, sipping their coffee. Stephanie, Dave and I were not the coffee parents, but the high and tipsy ones. LOL!!

My folks came by and it felt like we had a nice fun and cozy family gathering. I had a lot of fun. Kids were coming by until about 9. I loved that many kids who came by while we were out (Ken stayed behind to pass out candy) asked for the boys. Local celebrities! Yay!

Saturday morning was raining and awesome. The soccer field had multiple downpours, which were brief, cold, wet, but all around wonderful. I loved hearing the screams of the kids when it would happen. There was a joy in the sound along with the slight terror. I loved it.

The game was amazing. We were playing the first place team, and we managed a 2 to 2 tie! Really fantastic. We also were playing fantastic. Dax in particular was on fire. He was showing some new skills and truly he is such a natural out there. He even scored his first goal! He kicked a corner kick that bounced off a defender and went in. He didn’t even realize it! I had to tell him after the game that he scored! Bobby was incredible! He was stopping any person coming at him and always cleared the ball with a perfect kick.

What was even better was watching Bobby and Dax play together. They were working together with defense and it was like a well oiled machine. It was this incredible communication between them that was unspoken. They knew where each other would be. I know perhaps it was lucky, but I am telling you, I am such a proud mama on the sidelines.

Ken had soccer field duties all day since it was the second double header day for the girls at the field. I went and got him lunch and then watched him ref the last game. I know I didn’t have to, but I really wanted to.

We watched Django Unchained that night, and holy crap, that flick was awesome! Quentin Terrantino is a brilliant filmmaker. I was so glad it came out on Netflix!

Sunday was the first day in a while that we slept in. The day was spent taking down decorations and trying to recover from the holiday. I liked that the boys were a little perplexed as to what things to put away since as they pointed out, much of my décor is slightly Halloween-esque.

The boys played out front for a long time, using Nerf guns and building some kind of a fort. I was surprised they were outside, but didn’t question it. Turns out that I had said to Bobby if he didn’t change his attitude he would lose the computer all day. He took it as he had lost his computer. He asked me later if he could have it back. Oops! I granted permission but was not so secretly glad I had made him play for a while.

Jerry and Nicole picked us up one of the folding wagons at Sam’s Club and brought it by. We had been saying we wanted to pick one up but Costco didn’t have them anymore. Jerry texted us showing us Sam’s Club had them so we asked them to pick one up. Yay! When they were over, we also made some plans for Thanksgiving weekend to go see Mockingjay. Woo! It will be a grownup double date. Fun!

Today I should finish up the house cleanup when I get home. I don’t want to, but someone has to do it. I have late nights ahead of me, what with referee training tomorrow night and a board meeting on Thursday. I will most likely have fun at both, but I know I will be tired come Friday.

Saturday is an early game with the Machado twin’s party in the afternoon. I will look forward to Sunday which appears to have nothing on tap. Yay!

I am going to make some salt dough tonight, too, for Bobby’s class. It looks to be pretty easy and I am pretty sure I have all of the ingredients on hand so it won’t be hard. It also makes me feel like I am contributing. I sometimes feel like I don’t do enough for the school. I do a lot for soccer, so I know I have that covered, but I feel like maybe I should do more.

Now it is time for me to do some work. Gotta pay the bills. 

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