Friday, June 18, 2010

The beginning is a little dry, but I get random later


Yay me!!!

I cleaned like a crazy woman. I got home from work yesterday and got all inspired. I started on our bedroom. First order of business was to remove the door. This probably sounds odd, but being that we really don’t close our doors in our room, and this door is a bad thing. First off, it blocks the back door that is in our bedroom. It pretty much makes the space between it and the back door a dust bunny paradise. Plus, we tend to hang stuff on the door, which just adds to the cluttered feel. We had discussed removing it for a while, so I went ahead and did so. Wow, that made a difference.

I proceeded with operation “Make the Bedroom a Haven”. I put away laundry, cleaned up trash, put away so many things and by the time I was done, the bedroom was so inviting and warm feeling. I could have laid down right there and not moved!

Instead, Dax and I proceeded to clean his room. When we were done, Dax stood in the middle of the room and says, “Wow, mom! It looks great!” He then says, “Can we do Bobby’s room?”

We head to Bobby’s room. His isn’t as bad, but we still get it all cleaned. It looks great. At this point, Dax asked if he could go outside and play. I send him on his merry way while I buckled down and scrub the kitchen. I cleaned everything, including Cinderelly style on the floor. It looked pretty good.

Last night brought on the mother of all discussions. I had become frustrated with the Ken’s efforts on cleaning the house. My idea of the dishes being done meant no dishes left behind. If the dishwasher was full of dirty, then the remaining dishes needed to be hand washed. If the dishwasher is clean, then it needs to be emptied and loaded. Nothing should be on the counter when the dishes are done. This was a point apparently up for debate.

After gobs of yelling and then gobs of crying on my part, there were some compromises. Plans to clean the garage were put in place so that Ken’s work was no longer my hallway into the house. I am making a list today of things I need done daily, weekly and maybe even monthly. Ken is supposed to work on some organizing today since he has no classes. I am looking to have my house good so that when people come over on Sunday I don’t feel like I have to make excuses. Yes, there was so much more discussed, but honestly I am drained still from it and didn’t feel like going over the gritty details. The important thing isn’t really what happened during so much as what will transpire because of this. I know that right now I am feeling underappreciated in my house and am tired. I feel like I work all day at one place that pays me, and then go to work the rest of the day at a place where the money I made in the first job then pays for everything my other employers want leaving me with exhaustion and frustration. I can’t have that. My Effexor is pretty strong, but it isn’t a miracle pill.

So this leaves me in a crumpled heap today. I am tired and spent. Thankfully it is Friday. I have some work that will hopefully make the day fly by. I am happy to say that I should be able to sleep in tomorrow a bit. We have lunch plans with the family at 11, but then after we get home, we do have to clean up the backyard to prep for Sunday, but I had already done a lot of work on it, so we should be good enough to maybe take a dip in the pool. Yay!

I just read one of the eye witness accounts of the execution of a killer by the name of Gardner. He was executed by firing squad this morning in Utah. I know that he chose this method and not lethal injection. I am not going to go into detail on what this man did, nor am I going to go into a long discussion on capital punishment, but I can tell you, when I read the article, I was once again horrified that we as a people in 2010 still use this as a method of punishment. Mind you, I understand what we are trying to accomplish. I just wish there was a better way.

I hate it when it is warm in the office. Luckily I do have a fan, but it is not a fun feeling to be so warm in here. I suppose it could be my vest, but I have a thin shirt under it so I don’t know how that would make it that much hotter.

I have completed the requested spreadsheet from my boss and he was quite pleased with my results. I am all kinds of proud now. I like to make sure I keep myself as a valuable employee. Especially on the heels of a couple more layoffs. There were three of our salesmen that were let go yesterday. I don’t know if it was because they sucked or because of our restructuring that has been hinted at for some time, but either way, these were guys who have been here for 20 years. It is still nerve racking, even though we are almost to the one year mark of everyone getting the boot.

Who knew the boys would enjoy pictures as much as me? I printed out some snapshots from my collection and taped them up on Bobby’s wall. He was thrilled. Dax was then slightly pouty since I had not done the same for him. I promptly printed out several for him and also made the photo collage for him in his room. Both of them tell me every day how much they love the pictures. I think I will need to print some more. I have included pictures of Ken and I, pictures of the boys, pictures of various family members, the cats, the dogs. Dax has a picture of Sabrina on his wall. Bobby has a picture of the battle droid painting. I am thinking I will start adding one or two when they don’t see me do it to see if they notice. Should be a fun game.

Thank goodness there is a department meeting this afternoon. It is something we have needed to do for a while, and it tends to help speed along the final 90 minutes of my day. I should be out of here before I know it!

I have been obsessing on M*A*S*H. I just put the final episode on my Netflix. I had not realized it was 2 and half hours. It has been some time since I saw it last. I know that it seems like a waste of time to enjoy programs I have seen several times when there are so many great shows I have not seen. But just as I enjoy looking at old photographs, old shows seem to make me feel warm and fuzzy.

NPH is getting a star on the walk of fame!!!!!!

Maryann has been put on strict orders to check on me from time to time today to make sure I didn’t fall asleep.

There is part of me that kind of holds out hope that Ken and Bobby will surprise me and take me to lunch.

I keep getting closer to trying a banana again, until m progress is derailed when I have to deal with an overly ripe starting to go bad one. Then the squishy fear kicks in again.

I need a screen door.

I want a deck that is right outside our bedroom that could be screened in so the cats can go out there and Luna could sleep out there.

I don’t want to build said deck only because I don’t want to make something really cool on this house since I want to move.

I still really think that Bobby would benefit from having his own critter, but we just have too many right now.

I saw 5 month old kittens in my parking lot today. I think its time to bring the trap.

I adopted a party duck.

Only Ken will laugh at that.

“Dolphins are just gay sharks”. Seriously, how am I going to make it for 3 months until this comes back???

No, when I type in bolis icesticks I do not mean Boris Icepicks.

I am getting my dad booze for Father’s Day. I feel like I should include it with a little construction paper heart that I made so that there isn’t a complete loss of innocence.

OMG-Build A Bear is thinking about adding a Glee critter. HOLY FUCK!!! I am so excited I might pee.

I like Lily and want to be her, but if I was a lesbian, I would so pick Robin.

I wonder if Luna would stay in a boat.

I think I want to be the dude from Hell’s Kitchen for Halloween. Then I could just go around cursing at people all day.

You know that kids have no problems with body issues when their drawings of people just include a head and limbs.

Ken and Bobby did not come for lunch.

Dax has decided he wants orange shoes.

I miss Pixel and Saavik.

Shhh…don’t tell anyone but I think my hoops are too big for my head.

Do people eat pickles on their burgers because they like them or is it just something that always seems to be on them so they got used to them?

Bobby’s awesome red hat doesn’t look as good on him with his short hair. He kind of looks like a cancer kid.

Why are butts so fascinating?

With that, I present, the end.

1 comment:

Brandy said...

Butts are fascinating because they are the last thing you see when a person walks away.

When I type "okey dokey" in an email, Outlook always suggests that I change it "okay donkey". I know I could add "okey dokey" to the dictionary, but where is the fun in that?

You forgot Goosh and Panda. :) I miss Nigel and Clorox, and Velcro and Sadie.

Yorick is almost 14.

I have a headache, but I bought a new pillow yesterday (to make up for the one Aloysius contaminated) so my head isn't as bad as it could be.

Yay for making the bedroom a haven. I have been working on that too. I bought a modest sound system for my room yesterday and I was listening to new-agey-meditative music with the background noise of ocean waves.

Which made me dream I was being pursued by a pod of Orcas. LOL!

A cat room would be good. I have thought similar things for my house. Really, though, I don't have the money.

I am glad that the Archivist gene seems to have been passed down. That's pretty awesome!