Monday, December 13, 2010

getting back to normal


What a weekend!

After a crazy work week, it was nice to be busy with home stuff. On Friday I managed to get in some Christmas shopping, which was way good. I ordered some things on line, and then the boys, Ken and I headed out to various locations in search of presents. We got quite a few done. I still have to go out this week for a couple more for Bowlby Christmas on Saturday, but it shouldn’t be too hard.

Saturday morning was spent wrapping presents and getting the tree looking more Christmasy with them under it. The boys had each picked out a present for their brother the night before, which was very exciting. I liked how much they really were excited about what they got the other.

Saturday evening we went out to the Christmas lights in Torrance with my parents, my brother and his friends. It was a lot of fun. The lights there are always amazing, and the boys are getting to an age in which they really appreciate them more.

But boy, is that a lot of walking! LOL!

Sunday morning I went into work. It was actually pretty cool. The 3 hours I was working flew by, and I got a lot done. Plus, the man in charge of training called me to pick up donuts, so I felt all important. Of course, it meant that when I came in this morning that I had already done most of the morning work for today. LOL! But that’s ok, as now I get to work on stuff I have neglected the last week or so.

When I got home, we tried to force the boys to nap since we had been out past their bedtime both Friday and Saturday night. Plus, we were going to head down to Manhattan Beach to let them play in the snow. Yes, that’s right, snow! They got to ride a sled down a little run they had made, throw snowballs at Ken, and the highlight I think of their time was the free Sketchers bag they got. They are obsessed with Sketchers.

I am tired and not wanting to be here. I would like to go back to bed.

Tomorrow I am taking an early lunch to go watch Dax sing. Woo hoo! On Thursday I get to watch Bobby sing. I am a proud mommy this week.

Friday night I get date night. We have tickets to see Tron at 4 at the archlight. The boys will be staying the night at my parents’ house so we drop them off right before the movie, and then go do grown up stuff. My understanding is that there is booze at the archlight. I think perhaps I need a cocktail. Or I should just breakdown and buy a flask so I always have it on hand. LOL!

After movie magic, we have discussed going to dinner. Not sure if that will be Cozy’s, or just Taco Bell where we can go home and vege out, sans kids. Either way, it will be a nice evening.

Saturday, Ken has a tournament, so I will hang with the boys, my parents, Grammie and Matt at the house for Christmas with them since we are at the Compound for actual Christmas. We are making cookies and opening presents and having lots of merriment. I am jazzed.

Sigh. One of the screens I use is different due to the upgrade, and I have been explaining this for the past 2 weeks, and now, and only now, once it is all done, a fucktard in this dept gets all uppity about it. Sigh.

I should get some work done.

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