Monday, January 17, 2011

Awesome Weekend


Yay for a great weekend!

Although I would gladly go back to bed this morning, I am awake enough to know that the weekend was filled with good. Not only did I manage to accomplish a ton, I also had some incredible down time. How often does that happen?

On Friday night, Stephanie I and I went out for bad Chinese food and then to a local brewery for good beer. Yes, that’s right, I had beer! It was a little strong for me, but for a beer, not too shabby! I figured that it was a fun thing to try.

This was the first weekend in a while where we had no family obligations or work related activities. It was refreshing. We ran a couple of quick errands and then hung out at the house.

Ken ended up spending a bunch of time next door since our neighbor was re-doing his driveway. It was pretty basic until they ran over a water pipe. Yie! Thankfully, our neighborhood is filled with good people. Ken and Tony helped Mike out and the boys played up front.

I took the time to work on the house. I put up some screws in the living room in order to properly hang pictures. I also put one in the hallway to hang up my clock. I cleaned house, but at a pretty leisurely pace so as not to get burned out. What it produced was a super shiny house, and a really content, but not exhausted resident.

That night Ken and I finally got to watch Inception. Thank goodness for Netflix. That flick was really amazing. I did go into it expecting that all the hype was too much. I was blown away. It was a tremendous cast, and the music was awesome. It was nice to see Ellen Page being wonderful since she was so great in Juno and I would have hated to see her be only a one hit wonder.

The only issue with watching Inception before bedtime was that all my dreams were Inception based.

Sunday morning kept the Brenans in jammies until almost 10. So cool!

The rest of the day had us doing a bunch of work on the driveway in order to prep for both the arrival of Barnum and the birthday party for Bobby next month. We got so much done! We have to call for a bulk pick up, but that will be a good thing since it will mean that we will be able to rid ourselves of quite a bit of crap in one visit.

I cleaned out my car, and even took possession of the guyly box that had been residing in the driveway. It is awesome since the tools and other items in the back of my car now can be placed nicely in a closed container that looks good. After we did this, we took the car to the Elmo car wash and vacuumed and scrubbed. My car looks new!

We watched the truly wonderful Chris Colter take home the Golden Globe for his portrayal of Kurt on Glee. I almost cried I was so happy about this.

Bobby says to me on Friday, completely out of the blue, that he wanted to talk to his Great Great Grandfather. I was surprised since it isn’t like we talk about any relatives that far back. He asked me how to talk to dead people and really wanted to visit the grave of his long since deceased grandfather. I explained that I didn’t know where he was buried or else we could go. It dawned on me that we were going to visit the grave of Ken’s sister this week being that her birthday is today. I told this to Bobby, and he was thrilled. It also dawned on me later how freaky it was that the Great Great Grandfather would have been a Robert Brenan, too.

My temporary bunk mate is here today. She is supposed to be here for something like 2 months. She looks nice, but I am sure I have terrified her already with the odd combination of pink skulls and kid pics. Hopefully she isn’t offended easily what with my music selections today.

She hasn’t heard me chattering to myself yet, either. LOL!!

Ken got me tickets for Clerks on Wednesday at Archlight. Anyone want to watch the boys for a couple hours?

Yes, I know, my blog seems uninspired this morning, but I don’t care. LOL!

It is hot in here.

Challenge Accepted! Last Sunday, I tried several dishes at Brandy’s brunch. This included a quiche with broccoli in it! Yesterday, I had this chicken salad at CJ’s that had tons of super green veggies and low calorie. Stephanie suggested that I try at least one new veggie dish a week. I think I can manage this.

I am so pleased that I am so close with Ken’s sibs. I have been emailing with Holly all morning, which is freaking awesome.

Bunk mate just informed me her daughter’s name is Jenna. She is named after the porn star. Awesome!

My right arm is sore. I don’t know if it is cleaning related or computer related. I also have been feeling a little light headed off and on today. I am sure it is nothing, but that doesn’t make it less annoying.

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