Monday, January 24, 2011



Weekends are too damn short. Either that or I just wasted too much time.

In all fairness, I feel as though I accomplished a lot. I also feel as though I could have done more.

My mom joined the boys and I for the library book sale. It was awesome since we got there at the perfect time to allow us a minimal wait, and got us first in line. We stormed the kids section and gathered as many cool books as we could carry, which was a lot. In fact, I wished that I had more arms! We focused on books that were for a younger age group. The plan was to donate to both of the classrooms, not the library this time. The books ranged in marked prices of 25 cents to a dollar.

We took our piles up to the register, and found out the marked price was actually being split in half! My pile of books came to $12 and my mom’s was $7. I wish we had got more! The good news is there is another sale in June. My mom and I decided we would hit it up then, and leave the kids at home. We would also fill up our bags first as we shopped and pretty much just grab everything and I could then give everything straight to the school library. At those rates, if I spent $50 I would be getting something like 150 books! Maybe more!

I also picked up some books for us for later. I found the first two books in the Bunicula series. I picked up a copy of a Wrinkle in Time and Trumpet of the Swan. I also noted that the library has a little store there all the time! I need to go back. I also need to check to see when the Torrance library does their sales.

The rest of Saturday was spent doing work around the house. Ken worked on Lego organization. I bathed the dogs. I also did some housework.

Ken had gotten something in his eye on Friday which irritated him all day. I finally convinced him to go to Urgent Care. The wait was long, so we hit up Costco, first. Then after that we went back. Turned out, he had a good sized scratch on his eyeball. My poor wussy man had to have eye drops. There are only two things that fuck with Ken when it comes to medical shit. Needles and eyeball issues. On the plus side, the doc was cool and even showed the boys the scratch. It was cool, also, to see Ken with the black light and special drops since it looked like he was bleeding green. The kids thought that was awesome.

Sunday was a little more leisurely. Ken went out to see a movie with Aaron, and the boys and I went shopping and then did crafts with clay. We had a lot of fun with that. Carol had given us like 7 boxes of craft stuff, and there was a lot of clay that had been opened. So we played with that stuff since really, it would need to be thrown away since it had mostly dried out. It was perfect for us.

We had to take Ken back to Urgent Care for a follow up. Thankfully, the boys entertained themselves and even found a little friend. They did get a little crazy and loud, but I suppose they were cooped up. We were probably a little hard on them. Luckily, Ken’s eye was healing, but it is going to be a couple more days is my guess.

I am rockin my new Sketchers this morning. I got those Shape Ups. I had been eyeing them for a while, and when Costco had them for half the cost, I was more than a little intrigued. Then on Saturday, I noted not only did they have my size, but they had them in black with little sparklies. Seriously, I had no choice.

So far, they are comfy. I needed walking shoes anyway, so I am ok with this. I also have noticed that my calves feel it. I think most of it is because I feel like I am walking with purpose. I am walking with my heel first and rolling my whole foot with the rounded shoe. It is cool, actually. I of course got myself an outfit together to make them look good today. Tomorrow I don’t intend on this only because I also got a pair of cute heels that were $6 at Target. But my hopes is to wear them as much as possible, and at the very least I will wear them when I get Bobby each day.

I think that this week is finally a get back to normal kind of week. I am jazzed. I am looking forward to having time to cook dinner and to work on things around the house. It has been really nice not having plans the last couple weekends. I think today when I get home I will help Ken with the laundry and get some other things in order. I also need to call and make my appt for Luna.

Hee hee! The president of our company has emailed me and asked me for permission to use the picture I took of a piece of MQ equipment for a magazine that is published in Japan that advertises the equipment. YAY!!!!

Luna has an appt for Sunday. My pup is getting cut open that morning. This is perfect since it means I don’t have to take off from work. Woo hoo! I have to be down there by 6:30, which means my ass is going to be down there at 6. I figure I will leave Ken and the boys at home while she and I go down. We pick her up at 3. Yay!

Poor Luna. She is so going to have to wear the cone of shame.

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