Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Beware the Dumb


There is a certain satisfaction to completing a Costco run.

It’s nice to have options in the house for dinner (breakfast and lunch as well!). I am actually all anxious to make some of the things I got. We didn’t just get food, either! They had a sale on trees so we were able to pick up a lemon tree and an orange tree, both of which are super happy making. Of course, planting them will be interesting since I am super concerned that Lily will play retarded gardener and dig them both up. Stupid dog.

The Costco trip was good because my day was craptastic before that point. I was tired due to being woken up at about 2:30 to tons of fire trucks racing down our street. There was a big fire at one of the homes in the trailer park. We could actually see the flames from our bedroom window. The firemen had to actually knock on the doors of the homes across the street from us to get them out of the house since the fire was so close. We drove through the trailer park yesterday to look and boy, what a shame. The place was destroyed. From what the paper said, there was no one in the place (and no one next door since the trailer had an eviction notice on it) and the fire was difficult to deal with because the owner was a hoarder. We saw all the debris tossed to the side. It was crazy. I am glad no one got hurt.

Sadly, I get up at 3:50 normally, so being jolted awake only about an hour before you have to get up truly sucks beans. I looked out the window a bit and considered going out to talk to our neighbors like Ken did, but I opted to try and rest for that time. When I did wake up to the alarm, you could still smell the smoke, but luckily it was all done. I was happy that the boys didn’t suffer too much from all the commotion. Dax was sitting up in bed when Ken checked in on them, but he has no memory of this, nor does he remember the conversation he had with Ken. Clearly the kid will be a sleep talked like his mother.

Work started ok since I kicked some reporting ass, but then I had to start talking to people and I was appalled at the level of stupidity I was dealing with. Seriously, I worry about humanity when seemingly intelligent people are that clueless. I transmit invoices to a couple of customers, and one of the customers was not receiving the transmissions correctly. This was due to the way the data is being populated in the system before I push the button to send. The programmer has already indicated it was an issue, and not something I was doing wrong. Yet she didn’t want to fix it and wanted me to deal with it. I emailed her boss, the VP of IT and explained that AR shouldn’t be involved in a programming issue and he actually said that it was not IT’s problem. Sigh. Sometimes the dumb hurts my brain.

Between that and the dealings with other morons, I left work frustrated with humanity. Thankfully I was able to vent a bit with Stephanie when I got home. Woo! I felt bad since I kept her from work for a bit, but even though she lives with us right now, I don’t always get to hang out with her. It was a good bit of frustration vomit.

Today looks to have far less drama and anger. I am anticipating minimal work stress and this afternoon I am likely to laugh a lot since my folks are coming by around 2. They have things for the boys for barter day at school, but they come by early enough to visit with me and my dad will partake in my offers of chemical debauchery. Always a fun time! Also, Dax is crazy excited to go with Ken this evening to his soccer game. Dax has been asking to go with him to watch again for a while, but most of Ken’s games have been too late. Tonight’s game is at 8, so I am happy to allow him to tag along. Apparently Bobby is going, too, so I will be able to crawl into bed early and get some extra snooze time. Yay!

Now I just need to get through the next 6 hours of my work day since that is the only thing between me and chilling at my fab home. Wish me luck!

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