Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Return of the Gena


I haven’t written in a while.

Ok, sure, I posted something yesterday, but it was in the same vein of the last couple posts more than a month ago. I wanted my writing to be more polished in the idea of choosing a topical subject to dive into head first where I could pick it apart. I like doing that and I thought that it would make me a better writer over all.

Yes, this may be the case. I know that I actually would spend time doing some research on topics I chose and I really tried to make it good. This is all fine until you run out of topics. Sure, I can talk a whole lot about just about anything, but sometimes I just wasn’t feeling it. So I would close the word document and not write that day. The problem with this is that every day it became easier and easier to not write. Then, when I got a hankering to just talk about the weekends’ events, I remembered my plan and wouldn’t write anything. It was kind of sad, really.

So I think that this was clearly a misstep on my part. One of the things that has been therapeutic in general to me was the fact that I could type out tons of things, some interesting and some not so much, and it was no longer just bouncing around in my head. It was my release valve and I truly have neglected it.

It is with this realization that I am jumping back in. I need to write about how homework has been less of a headache. I have to write about the movie screening tomorrow night. I need to write about soccer registrations. I need to write about our trip to the Compound. I need to write about not picking my fingers. All of this needs to be documented. Mundane, silly, boring life, that ultimately should be captured in a Word document for all of posterity. How else will my boys be able to have me committed without proper evidence of my insanity?

Today I don’t know that I will dig in at length. I have to pace myself lest I get overwhelmed again and stop for a longer period next time. So please enjoy my return to the forum that is better than Prozac. Happy reading!

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