Friday, April 24, 2015



I wonder how long I would be able to sleep under my desk before someone noticed.

Ok, I am not nearly as tired as I thought I would be. We actually got home at a reasonable time after the movie. Granted, the movie destroyed me. I didn’t plan on the plethora of tears that would dehydrate me and render me spent. I don’t think most of the theater did, either. Even the boys were crying! This is a testament to the quality of the film. I’ll admit I was concerned the movie would be a bit preachy what with some of the central themes being religion. I joked with Jimmy before the flick about how I didn’t expect too much from it because of this. I did also hear him laugh at me in the middle of the movie when a central character made a crack to a priest about his “imaginary friend”. Yeah, that happened and quite honestly, it was the way they handled the fine line between faith in a god and confidence in one’s self that kept me riveted.

I am happy that this evening has no scheduled events which would prevent my melting into my couch. I have full intentions of making good use of my Netflix subscription and my comfy sweats. I know that tomorrow brings some hard work as I am going to clean the side of the house. I figure Ken will be working the tournament while I work the house. It will mean we both can be crumpled messes come Saturday night. Yay!

Ken colored my hair last night, which makes me all happy and purple. As much as I fanaticize about cutting my hair, having the longer locks with this shade is kind of fun. My intention for the next round is to put blue on the faded parts with the purple still intact at the bottom. It will be hopefully a fun combo of color and make for awesomeness.

Bobby has his I think 5th field trip of the year today. It is once again a fairly close location and I know Ken considered going with them. When we looked it up, I noted a Civil War museum not far from it which intrigues me. I am tempted to go check it out. Perhaps today I will spend some time researching it.

The other research topics of late have included some drought resistant hedge style plants. We had planned on bamboo around the backyard wall in order to keep the one neighbor from having to see us in our backyard. However, with California in yet another serious drought, it seems irresponsible to plant something requiring that much water. So instead we are looking into other options. Another part of this is the possibility of fake grass. I have never been a huge fan, but with recent improvements to the quality, it would actually not be a bad thing. It would make the yard look nice all the time, cut back on water, and maintenance would be hopefully minimal. Of course we have to consider the dogs, and by dogs I mean the one that feels the need to provide us with the start of an in-ground swimming pool when she is left outside for any period of time. Miss Lily is a digger, which isn’t a huge deal when dealing with real turf, but I am thinking it would truly suck to come home to the fake stuff rolled off to the side because of her antics. One of the companies I looked into indicated that they had deterrents that would prevent this sort of happening. Hopefully when we truly decide, we can find something that allows for Lily to not derail our investment.

I am proud to say I have already made it through 3 hours of my scheduled day. I am hoping the additional 5 hours flies by. It helps that the girl next to me is out. Recently she has taken to pouring an entire bottle of perfume on every morning before she arrives at work. Although the scent is not bad, it is overwhelming and hard to take in that quantity. I can tell where she has walked in the building based on the signature scent cloud she has left behind. Of course, I should be grateful that she did have this odor the other day. When I came in Monday morning, I was pretty sure someone had let a couple of skunks loose in the building. I know that we have a variety of critters right outside. I have actually crossed paths with a baby skunk in the parking lot and the other day I saw a Mama Soul Stealer (that would be possum to those of you who don’t know) with her litter of babies on her back. I would not have been surprised to walk around to my desk to see a skunk answering email. I suppose this is a lesson in being thankful for things as they could always be worse.

In some ways, it is a shame to not be able to see into the future since sometimes I really wonder what it is that the boys will say when someone asks them when they are in their 30’s about their mom. Will they say I was a crazy lady? Will they remember the purple hair as an oddity or just the norm? Will they question some of my parenting methods? Will they go all Alex P Keaton on me and slam my liberal agenda? The knowledge hopefully would not influence me in a negative fashion in the idea of changing who I am, but it would be cool to know how to plant happy memories for them.

Ok, time to wrap this up as I have clearly ventured into crazy territories. Ha! Happy weekend y’all!

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