Thursday, March 24, 2016



Sometimes schedules work themselves out.

Tonight is one of those times. There is no Striker practice (much to Dax’s dismay) tonight due to it being spring break this week for LAUSD and I know a couple of the kids have this week off. Christian indicated to me that he had some camp today, so I am assuming that coupled with no game this weekend having a night off is ok.

This works out well for us because not only is this afternoon an orthodontist visit right after school, but it is also the science fair tonight. I wasn’t really going to worry too much about the fair, but now that we will actually be home during fair hours, it works out quite well.

Luckily Dax got in a different kind of practice what with having been able to play at Ken’s soccer game last night. The game ended up being a mashup of 3 teams divvied up into sort of a pickup game, and when those nights happen, Dax is able to play, also. Bobby and I had ended up going (much to Bobby’s dismay) to the game because it was at 7 and I know how much it means to Ken when we go watch. I ended up being able to watch both Ken and Dax, which although didn’t mean much to Bobby, it was cool for me.

It was also sometimes difficult. Dax fell a couple times, what with the floor being different than turf, and truly the correct futsol shoes are the one thing to help that from happening and until he is on any kind of team there, I am not buying him shoes for the place. The first time, once he got up, he quickly looked over to me, giving me a little nod and thumbs up. He knew that he needed to convey to me as soon as possible that he was ok. He fell a little later, the one that truly made me gasp in fear as he fell on his arm. Dax assured me he was fine, again with a nod and a thumbs up. After the game, he told me neither time hurt at all and he told me he was fine. He was beyond fine since that game really gave him a great workout and he couldn’t stop smiling. One of the players from the other team came up to him after and told him how great he was out there, and then asked me how hold he is. He was shocked! He said Dax has skills like a professional. He even seemed sincere about these words, so it was nice to hear. I love how the grownups out there really do like Dax being around, and I see them all giving him pointers, which Dax listens to intently.

Bobby and I have decided he and I are going to go on an adventure. Mind you, I have no idea what said adventure is, yet, but I think it would be fun to take a chunk of a day to go do something. We discussed a couple options, including him asking about going to car lots that have his fancy ones that we can look at up close. I was thinking a little more different, like finding some museum that has his cars instead. Not sure, yet, but I am now in research mode, looking for the perfect thing for the two of us that won’t have the other two horribly jealous.

It has been decided and agreed upon that an exercise machine is being purchased for my morning workouts. Now the question is what kind. I had assumed a bike would make the most sense, but Ken pointed out if I wanted to, I can get anything from a treadmill to one of those stair machines. I think based on this encouragement, I may do some other research to see if I can find a machine that gives me the most bang for my buck. He suggested we even go to some of the places local that sell those machines so I can take a look to see what the best route is. I don’t have to get the machine from those places, just determine what I want so then I can price shop.

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