Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Two more weeks!!!


2 more weeks!

It was not surprising, but still very welcome news. There was always a possibility that he could have a complication or something crazy which might have meant more time, but Dr. Zinar said the break looks great and he was very happy with the progress.
Pins still in along with a bitchin scar

The pins were left in, which in some ways is probably a very good thing since it means it will just help the healing even more. Dax also received a brand new cast. He chose neon yellow, which really is awesome looking. It matches his one Messi uniform, which is partially why he chose it. I don’t know if he has fully decided yet if he will have kids sign this one, too.
I was stroking his hair-hence the epic bedhead

The appointment was much later than hoped. Our appointment was originally scheduled for 4, but pushed back to 4:30 because Dr. Zinar was in surgery. We didn’t leave the doctor’s office until 6:45. We were the last ones in. That being said, the staff there is super nice and really wonderful. They clearly have dealt with this kind of situation before and made sure to get all the things like X-Rays done up front so that the doctor could handle just the actual appointment. And even though we were keeping folks late because we still had to get a new cast, they were all incredibly lovely.
Waiting room cuties

A special shout out to Doctor Zinar. That man is wonderful! For a surgeon, his bedside manner is superb. Here is was, dealing with a scared 9 year old and he was kind and sweet and made every effort to keep Dax calm. He cracked jokes with him and yet didn’t talk down to him when explaining to him what was going on. I really appreciated how he worked. We had heard amazing things when we were going to have him as the surgeon, and it is clear that all the talk was the real deal. Of course, I hope we never have to have another surgery on Dax, but if we do, I wonder if we can request him.
Our amazing surgeon!

There wasn’t any talk of rehab or even a brace, so I assume that most of that will be tackled when we go back in 2 weeks. The guy who put on the cast encouraged Dax to move his fingers as much as possible, which made me feel better since I know I get nervous when he does do things with that hand as I didn’t want anything bad to happen. But it sounds like this is how he will start to work through some of the numbness and get things back to normal.

Dax did get a little woozy again this time. He held it together longer than last time, but he really freaked out when he wanted to lay down and yet at the same time, he was worried about moving his arm too much in the process. I think that he tried to be very brave with looking at the arm, glances at the X-Ray and just trying to joke along with Ken and Bobby. I was more worried about too much gross talk or even injury talk since it seems to make him more prone to being faint. In fact, I spend a good chunk of my time having him talk about anything BUT his arm. Who knows what the right answer is. Thankfully this time though I was better prepared. We had Bolt and one of his good water bottles. I think all of that helped a great deal.

Now we just need to make it to the 21st. I can assure you, it will be a well watched countdown. Hopefully it goes by super quick. 

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