Friday, April 29, 2011



So freaking tired! I would like to say it was because I was up all night having fun. I was up all night, but after 9, it was not fun. Insomnia hit me like a ton of bricks, and it was horrid. I don’t know how folks deal with it on a regular basis. I found myself just lying there, super tired, unable to drift off. I listened to the standard shows in the background, assuming one of them would help. I know that I did sleep a little since I don’t remember how Data ended up solving the mystery of the sick villagers aside from his suspecting the radio active material he had with him. I do remember too much of the evening. I tossed, I turned, and now I pay the price.

Before this point, I had a lovely dinner with Brandy at Kamal Palace. I not only tried Indian Food, I enjoyed Indian Food! Yay!

The only problem with coffee this morning is that the office is once again in the high 70’s and now my core temperature has increased due to the warmth of my drink. I may need to turn on the second fan.

My poor Dax was especially heart broken that I went out last night. He was fine when I said goodbye, but as I was getting situated in the car, my boys came out, Dax in tears. I opened the van door and he crawled in, saying he had not gotten a kiss goodbye (which was untrue, but I didn’t think it mattered). I hugged and kissed him several times and then returned his shouts of “I’ll miss you” and “I love you!” Thankfully, Ken said he was fine later. Although, he was up when I got home, and seemed to be suffering from the same insomnia that I was.

This may be a hide in the bathroom kind of day where I can just zone out. I even brought in my headphones so that I could listen to music in there.

In the day and age of Tivo, who in the fuck would actually stay up to watch the royal wedding. Well, and while we are questioning wack jobs, why watch at all??

I will admit that part of me would have liked to gone to the wedding if only to be able to wear one of the crazy wacky hats.

I never cared much for the song Landslide. I don’t know why. Maybe because I had heard it so much and it was almost shoved in my face in the idea that I should enjoy it. Only when I watched it sung on Glee did I truly appreciate it. The moment in the episode that the song was being played, and Santana looking at Britney, there is something incredibly touching and tender about it. I know, I am getting sappy about a show, but honestly, there is something so amazing about Glee that I am hooked for life.

On May 5th, I have an appt that I am going to hopefully have my IUD removed. I put down that the reason I wanted the appt was removal, but I don’t know what kind of prep needs to be done for this. Hopefully it is just a matter of throwing me in some stirrups and a little tug. Either way, we have decided to let nature decide, at least for one year. If I am not pregnant come my 37th birthday, Ken gets snipped.

I took some of my cough meds later than I should of last night so I am in a slightly foggy haze. It doesn’t help that I am in my long, flowy dress and I feel slightly hippie like. I realize now that the earrings I needed today were my daisies. I also have a desire for this old scarf I used to have that was purple and orange and bold. I don’t know what happened to it. I want it right now.

I hate the bathroom here. I don’t know what it is, but I hate looking in the mirror. I feel gross and ugly. I don’t feel that way at my desk. The mirror on my desk doesn’t seem to scream mean things at me here. But the one in the bathroom is not kind.

Purple eye shadow is awesome.

I have the desire to re-read Harry Potter.

I want a squishy, soft scarf. I just wish it was cold out to use it.

It has been too long since I watched Kill Bill.

I feel peaceful.

Ken and I talked about getting chickens. It would give us our own eggs, and the boys could raise chickens. The jury is still out on this.

I have recently felt a desire to have a farm. Nothing huge, just a house that has farm capabilities.

I need boy names. I already have the name for the girl. But I worry Ken’s baby seed is only filled with boy seed.

Is Sirius too obviously geeky?

I am a little insulted that Dax likes Maria’s enchiladas more than mine.

I want a top hat.

I have determined hippie dress not for work. Unless of course a couple it when a shirt under or get some kind of shrug.

Heat in office getting to me. Second fan is on.

I really do not care for Donald Trump.

I have zero work motivation today.

Pipa is a cute name. Don’t worry, it is not on the table for the daughter I would like.

I became angry at my lack of motivation. I started doing some work.

I am hungry. I don’t really have any appropriate snacky items. I suppose it will not kill me to wait till lunch. Besides, I can always heat lunch a smidge early.

I wonder if Pot would be an appropriate Father’s Day gift.

“The only thing straight about me is straight up bitch!”—Santana “Glee”

Can Lupin be a first name?

My mom once suggested I name a boy Chandler. As much as it isn’t a bad name, I think my love of Friends might be a little too apparent. LOL!

It is a shame the name Benjamin is so damn common. Then again, I could always just call him Hawkeye.

The other day I actually started mixing up Brenan ancestry with Harry Potter ancestry.

Hmmm…Crosby is a cool name.

Should I bust out Branch again? LOL!!!!

Ken is coming to lunch! YAY!

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