Friday, February 20, 2009

My new favorite place


Party City is awesome.

This being my first real foray into the children’s birthday party industry, I was shocked at everything they have. I now can understand a little bit as to how the cost of these parties goes crazy. They have themes ranging from Cars to Darth Vader to pirates. And let me tell you, each theme has a million little things that go with it to make it even more fun. The pirate theme had table cloths that were pirate maps! Every theme had party favors, cups, hats, even lunch boxes! It was crazy. The goody bags, as pricey as they get, were so freaking cute I was even tempted, and I am pretty sure there will only be 3 kids there, including 2 of my own!

Just party stuff in general was awesome. I want to throw a luau, a disco party and maybe a party for someone over the hill just for the hell of it now. What was great was how many things I was so going to come back for just for rainy day kids stuff. It wasn’t crazy expensive (although I am sure if I went in there with no self control I would end up shelling out like $500). It may become my new favorite place.

After the adventure at Party City, we walked over to Petco to get crickets for Leonard. Leonard is Bobby’s lizard that resides in his room. Bobby loves him, but I think that the crickets may even be more exciting to Bobby. This particular Petco had way more animals than our normal stop of Petsmart. They had giant rabbits, turtles, birds, and one of the cutest rats ever. This one was surprisingly curious of Bobby and I and even climbed up on the glass to peer at this giant nose pressed up against his home. The boys are getting old enough that we may look into the world of small critter ownership again. We had rats for a couple years back when we first lived in the apartment. We also had fish, which is another possibility. Of course, our house needs some reorganization before any new Brenans move in, but our eye is on this as a possible way to teach Bobby some responsibility with things like feeding fish. He may be a bit young, but with a fish, at least they don’t take much in terms of food.

The boys were wild last night. It was like they were rock stars in a hotel. They were throwing random things, running around, fighting with one another over nothing and just causing general ruckus. Finally, we made them go into Dax’s room to play, which seemed less destructive. Shockingly, this worked. We were able to watch them on the monitor and both seemed content to play with less blunt force trauma than previously exhibited. It does make me relieved that we are going to my folks tonight since it means they can run for a while.

Tomorrow we are heading to Riverside to do lunch with Grammie for her birthday. I am unsure if Ken is going or not since he does have a birthday party scheduled for 4. The only real problem with going out there is that it does kill the day. Granted, the only thing I need to do is clean the house from the trip clutter. I guess that will be my Sunday! I have to prep for Bobby’s birthday, so I need to get cracking!

I need to work on some minimal stuff this morning. It means I have time for my Wikipedia selections for the day. Today is former presidents Truman, both Roosevelts, J Edgar Hoover, and a random with Mickey Rourke. I know, random, right? I haven’t downloaded Elenore Roosevelt yet, but I think I may. She sounds interesting, too. I wish I was this diligent in school.

I just bumped into a co worker who says to me, “What, you came back for one day of work?” I pointed out to him that I was here yesterday as well. He thought for a second, then goes, “Oh yeah, I guess I did stick my tongue out at you yesterday.” LOL!

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