Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Night time adventures


I am all proud of my mommy powers sometimes. I am also shocked at the comfort a slice of bread provides. A little after midnight last night, I heard Bobby crying. So I went in his room where he was quite upset. I couldn’t figure out why, but I calmed him down rather quickly. I even had him laughing, which I took great pride in. Lately, when he gets into this kind of crying groove, he is inconsolable. In fact, he seems to cry harder. Maybe I caught it early enough, I don’t know, but I was thrilled when he finally asked for more juice (despite the fact that his cup was full) and a piece of bread.

Bread for some reason is the cure all for these boys. Ken has been giving them a piece of bread for distraction for a while. It isn’t messy if they have it in bed, it isn’t filled with sugar like a cookie. If anything, a slice of bread is pretty decent. I do sometimes feel bad, especially when they also request water and there is this feeling as though I am keeping prisoners.

He seemed to settle and I headed back to bed, feeling all smug that I managed to calm him down pretty quickly. About 10 minutes later, I heard his door open and then I heard him whimpering. So I went back in to the room and found him frantically looking for something. I asked him what he needed, but his little tired, upset self could not enunciate any words. I thought he was looking for Blue, but every time I asked, he melted a little. Finally I figured it out. His slice of bread was missing. I thought perhaps he had eaten it, but I found it in his blankets, and was able to settle him down again. I stroked his hair for a while as he drifted off, and fortunately, he seemed to be sound asleep, still clutching his bread like a security blanket.

I think he made it through the rest of the night. I don’t remember hearing him again. However, I sometimes don’t hear them because Ken gets to them first, so who knows. I don’t remember Dax getting up, despite one minor outburst this morning when I was getting ready to leave. It didn’t require intervention, so this is good.

Even though I didn’t hear any noise, I felt like I had been up all night. You see, the previous night was a long night with Dax being up for 2 hours. In addition to this, what I had hoped was the cats running through the house was actually Bobby’s little feet. He had ventured out probably in search of something to drink, but ended up stopping in the bathroom for some trouble. When I got up to shower, I noted his room was open and there was no Bobby. So I went into the living room and found him. He went back to bed and I went into the bathroom where I found the evidence that he had been dinking around in there.

I have this tube of red temporary hair color. It is like a gooey hair spray style that I had yet to actually use. I found it on the floor, and evidence of a few drops of it on the bathroom rug. Not a lot, so I wasn’t too concerned, however, it seemed like if some got on the rug, thee was some other places, too. I didn’t see where, and didn’t think much about it until last night.

Monarch was on my lap and I was petting him I noted this random clump of something in his fur. Sure enough, Bobby had colored the cat’s hair. Man, my cat is patient.

So knowing this, even though I was exhausted, I didn’t want to have the kid running through the house without me knowing about it. I am now running on fumes.

I did an outstanding workout with the Wii. I broke some of my own records, and every time I do that, I really feel like I accomplished something. I also am sore again, which rocks. I know, I shouldn’t be sore, but I am not sore like in pain, I am sore like I did some good exercise.

Dax proved that he truly is my son. He was playing in the yard and showing my mom things like, “Look, Grandma, I am a bunny rabbit!” This was followed with him jumping around like a rabbit, complete with his little hands curled like paws. Way cute. So then, he looked to me for suggestions. I offered up different animals, and all of them he said no to. Finally, I randomly said, “How about a bowling ball?” Shockingly, he said, “yes!” Next thing I know, I am watching my kid pretend to be a bowling ball. He didn’t roll or anything, but his interpretive dance was fantastic. I couldn’t be prouder.

The boss is back today, so I know I will have a headache within about 20 minutes of his arrival. I would imagine he will come in early since he did take yesterday off. I am not looking forward to it. I suppose if I get myself super busy right now, I won’t have to deal with him as much. So I guess I will get to it.

1 comment:

Ken said...

Its hard to see red streaks in the black hair that is "The Monarch"