Monday, May 2, 2011

Death of a Symbol


The hair is dark. Not sure if I can pull this off.

The weekend was good. Pretty mellow for Ken’s birthday. I made him lasagna and brownies. We did a couple of errands, but mostly chilled at home.

I am sleepy. I waited around for Obama to confirm Osama bin Laden’s death for what seemed like forever. I had just crawled into bed when Ken came in to tell me that the president was supposed to come on the tv with some big news. We turned it to CNN and they kind of stole his thunder since everyone already new the news. Still, I wanted to hear what the commander in chief had to say.

I fell asleep right after, pretty easily. I woke up perhaps an hour or so later, needing to pee, and I could never really get back into a nice, deep sleep. I did have some more funky ass dreams, though, so I know I slept a bit.

Ken put a screen door into our bedroom so now it is the best room in the house. Ceiling fan, plus window and open door equals awesome. Hopefully it will make this summer more bearable.

I have not decided if I am just going to call out on Thursday or work for a bit then leave. I suppose a lot depends on how tired I am come Wednesday night.

Dammit. I forgot earrings today. I hate that.

As I assumed last night, a country like ours cannot stay united for too long. News broke last night about Osama dying, and this morning there is everything from conspiracy theories to jokes like, “Oh, you said Osama. I thought you said Obama was dead and that would have been cool.” Sigh. We are a stupid species.

I also don’t think this is as important as some people are making it out to be. This doesn’t take away all the people that hate the US. This doesn’t make us less vulnerable. This doesn’t bring back our loved ones. Katy Perry tweeted “ I believe in justice…but don’t you think that an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind?”

Please let me clarify. I am glad the man is dead. I would have liked him to have a trial if only to get into his brain somewhat. I am fine with the idea that he personally cannot hurt anyone anymore, but I have that whole torn thing with death penalties and stuff.

I am impressed the government respected his religion by burying him so quick.

I really wanted Obama to say “Suck it, Trump” last night.

I am a crappy American.

Hopefully Grammie’s new pool is ready for people to go in. We are heading out to her place on Sunday for Mom’s day.


Ken has a favorite gun. I cannot relate to that.

I love Barney Stinson.

We got food from a new place last night. I think I will really enjoy our food adventures.

The coworkers will arrive soon. If any of them actually uses the phrase-“Did you hear?”, I may have to kick them.

May 18th is the big day for Madelyn. They will check to see if they got rid of those evil cancer cells. Please have some thoughts, prayers, a hail mary and whatever else you can come up with on that day, folks.

I saw some footage of Aaron on Ambien. Yie. I am thinking this med should really come with special straps so that when you take it, someone has to strap your ass down.

Bobby is doing so well in school that Mrs. Fasheh even said that he is close to citizen of the month! YAY!

Our roof will be fixed in August. Andy and Papa Brenan are coming down to help Ken. Our house is getting some much needed TLC. Perhaps it will increase the value, allowing us to sell it some day to get us a bigger and better home.

Part of me wants to take Bobby to the KROQ Weenie Roast. Linkin Park is playing.

It is teacher appreciation week at our school. They gave us a list of things to do each day. Today was to bring fresh fruit to them. We got them each a pineapple. We got one for Miss Jeanette, who is the aid in Ms. Lira’s class, too. She does a lot of work in there, too! Tomorrow is a picture they draw of the teachers.

I am so sleepy!!

I tried to break my ankle this morning. I stepped into the sprinkler hole on the way to my car, and I swear, I thought I was down. LOL! Luckily, by the time I got to work, it didn’t hurt anymore.

I love that Obama zinged Trump at the correspondence dinner, and then pre-empted his show on Sunday. LOL!!!

Sigh. More conspiracy crap. And I like conspiracies, but come on folks.

Luna has an owie on the inside of her ear. I don’t know what she did, but it is swollen and raw. She has been scratching at it. It is from yesterday. I will keep an eye on it for a couple days and then if it doesn’t get better after the cleanings, we will have to take her to the doc.

They are describing today as a “cool day” on the radio this morning. I don’t know how I feel about that. Once again, bad guy is dead, which yes, is good. But celebrating the death of a bad guy seems in poor taste. This coming from the chick who is fascinated with death. Of course, I am not military. I didn’t lose anyone on 9/11. I wonder how I would feel if I did have that frame of reference. Military folks are trained in this, and they are looking for the bad guys and their mission is to take their asses out. They are excited about this since it is in their head that this is correct. And I suppose if you had someone die as a direct result of this guy, yeah, I can see celebrating. I also am looking at this from the standpoint of a mother who has to explain this to my boys at some point. I don’t want them cheering for something that has such a sad history.

Luna hurt me. Silly dog jumped up to get the water from the hose and landed on my thigh. She then slid down, leaving what looked like a little road. I am bruised now. Not cool.

Now there is debate in the white house on if they should release the pics of him dead. These are folks that flipped out at pictures of tasteful coffins, and they are considering showing a picture of this dude with a hole in his head, brains and blood showing? Neat.

The backlash for celebration has begun. Someone pointed out that singing “God Bless America” is inappropriate right now since God didn’t condone killing in his name.

A random flashback of the dreams I was having. There was a very HIMYM and Friends feel to it, and I seem to recall being Robin in HIMYM, and somehow Ed was there and we were involved. Odd.

I think for Halloween I need to make a costume for my alter ego of Captain Overkill.

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