Tuesday, December 9, 2014

my mini Friday

My foot really really hurts.
I assumed it was just being on my feet all weekend. Ken looked at the bottom of my foot and it looked bruised. I have vague recollection of stepping on something wrong during my reffing because I also know I twisted my knee a bit. Whatever that was has stayed with me and now I am a hopalong.
It’s my mini Friday being that I have tomorrow off. I am really looking forward to being able to go to this funeral. This may sound so wrong and creepy, but in reality I just have strong feelings about the idea of making sure these people, many of which are babies (137 to be exact out of 1428), have someone saying good bye as they are buried.
Yesterday was parent/teacher conference day with Mrs. Van Wie. She is a delightful woman who told me how funny she thinks Bobby is. He seems to be one of the only ones who really gets her silly things and he has some amazing comedic timing. That being said, my child also has amazing slowness on his side. He is so incredibly chill in life which means he has no sense of urgency with his work. Some of the test she showed me were done fine except he clearly didn’t finish most of it in the allowed time. She knows he is smart, but she needs him to get his bootie in gear and get crackin. I agreed with all of this.
Yay early release days. It means the boys should be home by about 2:30 today so we can set in on homework. They have practice tonight at 5:15, which I will attend. After the practice, which will hopefully include a scrimmage, we will head over to Islands for dinner since it is a fundraising night for John Adams.

Now to just make it through today at work. 

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