Friday, December 5, 2014



Good morning!

When I heard the sirens and the Christmas music blaring outside, I was devastated. I knew Santa would be around last night, but I was unsure of the timing. The boys were not home. They were over at Wilson Park doing a practice.  I was getting ready to go up to the board meeting. Our window seemed to be closing!

Luckily, when Ken and the boys got to the board meeting, Santa was at the park. Yay! In fact, the boys were down waiting for him so I was able to excuse myself and run down there to see them and take a couple of quick pictures. They were kind of rushing kids, which I totally understood. Either way, I was giddy with this visit and so were the boys.

My meeting was fun, and perhaps it helps I went into it with a kind of new look on things. I was telling Ken that if I could make this my paid full time job I would take it in a heartbeat. I love the people and I enjoy the process. Despite us going much past my bedtime, I didn’t mind last night. In fact, I had planned on staying till the end but Ken pointed out I should get the boys home.

This afternoon I need to go get a small Olaf stuffed animal for a box of happy we are giving to Becky, Big Lou’s wife who started chemo this week. My mom put the whole thing together since she puts Hallmark to shame with her thoughtfulness. I figure I can at least add a couple things, such as Olaf.

Mr. Chin comes to the house at 5:30, so I need to do a quick once over in the house to be ready to hear Dax’s report. It tends to take about an hour, so hopefully it is mostly good.

I am appalled at the general public. You want cops to protect you. You want them to come out and make everything better. Don’t assume that they are all out to kill minorities. Plus, don’t any of you assume to know what it is like to deal with a suspect. Sheesh. I could go on and on, but seriously, I am starting to wonder about how evolution is taking idiots into account.

Soccer tomorrow! YAY!

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