Wednesday, April 29, 2009

busy day


I am done! With my reports, that is. The final one that I did this morning is one of those super easy, but filled with tons of steps that need to be done in a certain order or it all gets messed up, and there are 12 spreadsheets with 6 reports from the system for each spreadsheet. No joke. But it is done, and I am relieved.

Other than the fog my brain is in, I am ok. My throat is starting to hurt from the evil cold that is still lingering in my body. I don’t think it is the pig sick, but you never know. I will keep a close watch to make sure I don’t get more symptoms because that is all I need is to get some funny named illness.

American Idol has wronged me. I never actually watch AI. The closest I ever came was the season that happened when I was on maternity leave with Bobby. I was able to watch the Fox news in the mornings, and since it is their network, they would have all of the highlights of the performances, and they would even have on the person who was voted off. It was great! I didn’t have to invest a ton of time on the actual bullshit the program airs, yet I knew all the scoop.

Every year we do watch the bad singers. They are fantastic. I instantly fell deeply in love with Adam and Danny, and so we decided to watch the hell week auditions. Next thing you know, I am committed to this stupid ass show. Adam continued to wow me, and still does. Danny has been disappointing, but that is ok since I now love me some Allison. But despite my affections for my two rockers, I hate this fucking show. Seriously, it is horrible. Ralph from KROQ went on a rant last week about the horrible editing and silly crap they pull to fill time. I agreed, whole heartedly, and laughed my ass off at his frustration. Now it is my turn to vent about how bad it is.

The straw that broke my back was their choice in mentor this week. Every week is a theme and they have someone from the genre to mentor the kids to show them the way to greatness. In the past there have been everyone from Gwen Stephani to Whitney Houston to random country folks I don’t know. All of them, though, had a background in music, and truly they were appropriate for the night listed. I suffered through the mentor a couple weeks ago that was Quentin Terantino only because I love him. But in reality, he had no business telling Adam how to sing a song. He is a director and writer, and yes, he makes amazing song choices for his flicks, but he doesn’t write any of them!!!!!! He doesn’t sing the songs. They are all songs that were done when he was in diapers that he happens to respect. But last night, they took it too far.

It was Rat Pack week, which meant plenty of crooners were turning over in their graves. I am pretty sure the Chairman of the Board himself, Mr. Frank Sinatra is wishing he was a live so he could have the producers of AI wacked. And do you know why he is screaming profanities six feet under? Because the mentor the opted for since most of the greats are dead, was Jaime Fox. Yes, THAT Jaime Fox. The arrogant ass that happened to win an Oscar by playing Ray Charles. Look, I know that it was a good performance and he sang and all that jazz, but a mentor to other singers? Are you fucking kidding me? So because he played a guy that had nothing to do with the Rat Pack? If it was Ray Charles, sure, I would be less upset, but this is just a fucking guy who played him on the tv!!! And he had the balls to actually go through with it as if he was a living fucking legend. Oh. My. God. No words, seriously, no freaking words.

I am down to the final 5, with one of those going home tonight, so I will suffer through the next 4 weeks just to watch them obviously present Adam with his prize. I won’t be happy about it, but I can’t pull away from the train wreck at this point. I am weak, but Adam makes it tolerable.

They are tripping on a woman who didn’t know she was pregnant until 2 hours before she spit the kid out. As much as I understand their (their being the Kevin and Bean show) shock and awe, I can understand a bit of it. Many of the girls who called in said they didn’t feel any symptoms that were red flags until almost 6 months. The guys of K&B were in shock. Clearly, they have never been pregnant, or a woman for that matter. I was nor surprised at any of the stories, especially once I heard the background. Women on Depo who had no periods anyway. Women that didn’t really show, women who to some degree were in a place in their life where they just assumed it was adolescence. All seemed reasonable, and I just found it all fascinating. Apparently there is some new special on TLC (not surprising since they have been milking the birthing stories for years. A side note to that, don’t be pregnant or on maternity leave with that cable channel at your disposal.) that covers women who have had this happen. I guess I need to go and Tivo that. Along with the Demise and Rise of Steve-O, I have some interesting programming for this weekend.

They just took down email for a bit. Ok, like 10 minutes, but it amazing how much that messes with my job! When it came back up, I got emails from like 2 hours before! I guess it was having problems!

I watched a bit of my 90210 last night, and was shocked at how much sex there is. I know I was a bit of a prude in high school having not given it up until I was 17, and I know that as a 33 year old, I am probably way out of touch with exactly how much sex 15 year olds are having, but you still don’t expect for them to be so blatant, especially since how overly sensitive some groups get over shows. Kudos to 90210 for going forward with it, but still, it is shocking. Naomi is having sex everywhere she sees this one guy, and Silver and Dixon had sex and unbeknownst to Dixon, Silver had filmed it in all its glory and proceeded to include it in her pre bi polar diagnosis film project and screened it for several other students and a teacher. It makes for awesome viewing since has there been anything so mindless and stupid that has truly caught my attention in such a long time that truly has no flaws for what it is? Realistic? Don’t know, don’t care. Witty dialogue? Nor particularly, but I have laughed out loud at least a dozen times an episode. Does it make me feel creepy old? Not a chance what with Kelly and Donna back to their old tricks and in their old stomping ground. Sure, both with kids in tow and failed marriages, but how freaking awesome is that? I miss me some Brenda! And even though I know that Brandon was behind the camera for the best episode of the season, I would love to see him on the screen, in all his sideburned glory. And Dylan, David, Andrea, all of you! It doesn’t make you a sell out to come back to the cash cow that gave you life for so long. It makes you awesome on every level imaginable. So please, make a girl’s dreams come true, and make a couple of cameos on the show of all shows. I am telling you, it will be the best thing I have seen in ages.

Despite being swamped all morning, I keep having giant breaks. It is crazy. Nothing here is steady. Either I am busy for like an hour straight, or I am twiddling my thumbs for 30 minutes. If one of the things I had in the prior hour happened in the 30 minutes of down time, I think that the day would go by at a better pace. That being said, I am stoked that it is almost noon.

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