Tuesday, April 21, 2009



I should not be more tired after a weekend in which I feel like I didn’t do enough.

Don’t get me wrong. I got a lot of stuff done. Cleaned a lot, did all the laundry, took the boys to the carnival and let them play in the pool, bowled, etc, but I would have liked to get a project done instead of just the recovery of a week’s worth of clean up needing to be done. I suppose I did a couple of small projects, but still, I would have liked to do more.

Yesterday, the hot of the day prevented me from moving much. I had plans of doing some shopping, getting my oil changed, just a few minor things. I went into the kitchen and I about passed out it was so hot. Apparently my living room was the place to be. So I opted to stay in there all day. I watched the rest of Sober House with Ken while he was home, and then when he left, I got to catch up on 90210. Holy crap, I love me some 90210. It is getting better each episode!

When my second number show was done, Ken happened to call and asked if I could bring him a couple of paychecks for his people, so Lycos and I met him in Carson to get them to him. It was fun driving around with the dog, since I had not done that in a while. Sure, she goes with us on walks and up north and stuff like that, but this was just me and the dog, so I enjoyed that. The absolute joy a dog has when they stick their head out of a car window is so cool.

When Ken got home, we all packed up and headed out to get my car’s oil changed and washed. Now Barnum is all kinds of clean and happy. The boys also liked watching the wash from the outside since both of them are terrified of the drive through car wash.

Oh, I suppose I should mention my chop job! So I had been threatening to cut my hair for about 2 months, and I finally did it. On Sunday, I just made the call. Ken measured out the 11 inches you need for Locks of Love, and he did the cut. I didn’t trust some Supercuts yahoo to not cut too much or to just hack it wrong. So Ken did the measuring, he did the initial cut, and then I went to Supercuts for the minor touch ups. Actually, the Supercuts lady was shocked at how good of a job Ken did. She even said it took less than a quarter of an inch clean up, so this was awesome! I colored it dark brown Sunday night, and now, it is pretty dark, not horribly short, but it looks good. It is a little different for me. I don’t normally have it this length. I used to get it shorter and undercut. This is straight across, and past my shoulders. Plus, I have bangs. In the past I didn’t. So it is slightly Cleopatra like, with a twist of Diablo Cody. I can still pull it back, but it is short enough that I can sleep with no hair tie. This in itself is worth it. No more tying it in a knot on the top of my head. Heck, no more buns. But the plus on this is that it means I can be lazy with my hair, and it still looks good, and I don’t look slobby. So far, folks at work love it. Even Tammy, who has previously threatened bodily harm for a cut, loved it and was pleased that I donated the hair to a great cause. That actually is way cool to have been able to do. I was originally going to do 6 inches only, but that would not have been a donation for a Locks of Love wig, just enough for them to sell to someone. Now, I was able to send them enough for an actual wig to be made from my hair. YAY!

On the down side, I seem to have finally caught the cold that has plagued my household since last week. Of course, it hit me this morning, when I had to be back at work. So now I can’t breathe out my nose, which sucks. I may need to raid the first aid kit for some nose stuff. I also will probably not be exercising tonight, now that I think about it. We will see. I am still going to my folk’s though. Also, if it is as hot as it was yesterday, exercising and being sick? Hmm…I would say not so much.

Cheez-Its are fantastic. Now get the ones where it is this combo of two kinds, one regular, and the other parmesan. Holy freaking crap. It is like heaven in a chip! This has been my snack the last few days. They had it for a while, then they got rid of it. Now it is back. I should of bought more boxes!

My plan is to look up some smoothie recipes that I can make that can be stored in the freezer. Last night, it was so freaking hot, and this means no appetite for the boys. Not that they will die if they don’t eat, but a nice nutritious smoothie for nights like that would be great. I know also that it so seems to be gearing up for a miserable hot summer. So if I make some good stuff for those nights, the boys will be set. I may even sneak in some veggies (baby food!) into it so they get that, too.

I don’t have another day off until the last week of May, which is Memorial day, plus one furlough day. I guess that isn’t that far away, but still!

I am going through my aging, calling folks I have called a zillion times. I have to admit, I find it hard to be inspired as I work. I would love another project. I have reports next week, which should break up my day a bit. I may prep the reports today just to get it done.

Non drowsy my ass. I took some cold meds, and I am a zombie now. Uncool!!!!

My neck now hurts in that achy way that tells you that you are sick.

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