Thursday, April 24, 2014



Yesterday I was super proud of my child!

I picked up the boys from school and Bobby came out and very seriously told me that he had really awful bad news. I was nervous but tried to keep steady, sure that he was in some kind of trouble or that I would be upset. Instead, he tells me how his friend Brody was sad because a relative was killed in a car crash. Apparently the two girls killed a couple days ago in an accident that was a big local news story had some kind of connection to Brody.

I asked Bobby how he found out. Brody had been sitting at recess by himself and looked sad. My sweet boy approached him and asked him what was wrong. Brody told him, but indicated that he didn’t want to go into super details on it. Bobby was respectful of this and told me how he spent a lot of time just trying to cheer Brody up. When their other friends approached them, Bobby kept making sure to steer the conversation away from the sad news, saying he could tell how it did seem to really bother Brody.

I was so incredibly impressed with Bobby’s assessment of the situation. He talked about how Brody seemed to be holding up ok, but that he still seemed distant. I have always known Bobby had this ability to connect with people on different levels and that he possesses an old soul. It is still one of those happy making moments when I get to see it in action.

I may need to rethink using Parenthood as my show of choice for my workouts. It is so freaking hard to cry while I am practically running.

I am sleepy today. I could not get comfortable much of last night. Trixie at one point curled up on my arm and in a foolish attempt to not bother her, I twisted in strange configurations to get sleep. Yeah, not wise.

Yesterday, Dax decided he was craving a viewing of Frozen. While Bobby was working on homework, Dax was at his computer, watching all the songs from the movie on YouTube. It was pretty funny, really. We had to wait until Ken got home since our copy was in the car. Luckily their new interest is my old one. Pokemon seems to be making quite the comeback. Really, it may have always been there but the boys have recently been dabbling in the Poke-world. Bobby has been playing my old Gameboy. The only games I have are Pokemon, and to be perfectly honest all of them are pretty much the same game, just different colored cartridges. Either way, he is loving it, and it is a game in which I am the primary source of information, not Ken. I played the shit out of that thing when I got it, so I have been able to help him on certain aspects. I also have a decent memory of the original 151 Pokemon, which allows me to be the cool mom right now.
We came across a container of many of the Pokemon knick-knacks I had back then and I gave them to the boys. They were thrilled. Both expressed interest in playing the card game again soon, which is way ok by me. Perhaps we will need to bust it out this weekend.

Today I have to get the boys to work on their laundry. It is a chore that although I don’t mind doing, it is something they should do. I mentioned to my mom how I do more of their laundry than I do of my own. My mom then pointed out this was about the time when she had Matt and I do our own laundry. She is a wise woman.

I was frustrated with some work procedures yesterday regarding the issuing of credits. After reading an email this morning, it looks as though it is going to be an upward battle to fix everything. I am not looking forward to this. 

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