Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekend of awesome


What a weekend!

I am deeply in love with the boys’ school. The carnival was a huge wonderful event. There were tons of games, food and music which kept us there for 3 and a half hours of carnival time, and about an hour of cleanup, which really wasn’t that bad. Dax and I made hats, which was awesome. It was just a paper sack that we put stickers on, but I think by my wearing it, more people went over to make them. I was pleased that the boys were comfortable enough to run off without us. I was so happy my face actually hurt at the end of the night from smiling.

Ken and I worked the duckie race booth for the last 45 minutes and I think because we are all enthusiastic about it, we had longer lines than previous volunteers. It was a blast. My throat hurt and I was soaked, but it was freaking awesome.

Dax’s ticket was pulled for a basket of pasta and other Italian themed things in the raffle. It was just cool to win something. The boys also didn’t get upset that they didn’t win the things they wanted, which is a win for me since it means they are getting used to the idea that they don’t always win.

We got home a little after 9, which was right before the rain finally decided to come down. We were beat and all crawled into bed exhausted. My poor arm was sore since I ended up walking home with the gift basket in one hand. I was just going to get the car so we could bring home the tables we had loaned the school. I thought it would be a good idea to bring home our stuff so it was out of the way of cleanup.
I should have slept in on Saturday morning, but I was much too amped to get things done. Ken walked out the door a little after 6 to go work the Founders Day tournament. This meant I could work on getting the house in order for his surprise party! I had invited people to come celebrate Ken. The boys and I spent Saturday cleaning, shopping and cooking for the evening. The original hopes was to be able to jump out with people to say surprise, but due to the wonky schedule of soccer, I was unsure of what time he would be home. I scheduled the party for 6:30 and he ended up getting home around 4:30 or so. Dax was pissed that we could not jump out, so instead the boys and I hid in the garage to say surprise. I was shocked that he didn’t suspect anything and he seemed pleased at the party. He also was pleased that he smelled lasagna. LOL!

Aaron, Jen, Chris, Kathy, Jerry, Nicole, Frank and Stephanie all came. Frank couldn’t stay long, but it was cool he made it! We all ended up playing Cards Against Humanity. It was a great group for it.  Food, drinks and laughter; it was perfect, really. The boys played downstairs with Ally (Jerry and Nicole’s daughter). Actually, I think Dax and Ally were pleased to have each other. Although both liked playing video games, they are both very active kids and they ended up playing some version of soccer. It was cute, the boys thought she was a boy since she had short hair. It was a nice lesson to explain to them how she most likely goes through what Bobby goes through in the idea that people assume. They liked her and I think the kids had a lot of fun, so hopefully they will all come back.

Poor Ken had to leave the house again at like 6 am. I stayed in bed for another hour, but Lily was not going to allow me to sleep much more than that. I crawled out of bed with a gnarly headache, no doubt from the copious amounts of booze I had consumed the night before. I really should have crawled back into the bed once I let the pups out, but I knew that was pointless.

The boys and I decided to go by the soccer field to see the new facility and to say hi to Ken. I also needed some checks signed so I figured that I could get that done, too. The sunshine actually felt quite good. It was gorgeous out and once again I started fanaticizing about a convertible.

We got back home and the boys disappeared into their own little 8-bit world and I sat down on the couch with the intent to relax. Sure, there was some cleanup from the night before ahead of me, but I was shocked when I noted it was only 9:30 in the morning and I had no plans ahead of me all day. I could actually sit around on my ass.

So I did.

I binged on the rest of the Parenthood episodes and had myself a nice cry (damned writers should put a warning on this show since you could become seriously dehydrated from watching this show). Damn, that is a fucking fantastic show. I love it so. I hope it has been renewed for next season.

I did manage to get up for a bit and clean up the party mess. It wasn’t too bad, so that only took a small amount of time. I played catch with Dax for a while and played with the pups. I was actually a little bored, but too tired to do anything about it. I normally clean when I am like that, but having done so much on Saturday to get ready I realized I was already done with so much. LOL!

Ken got home a little after 5 and we had some family time playing Apples to Apples and then watched some Pokemon. It was a good relaxing day for me. I am still tired this morning, but I often wonder if I am tired or just not wanting to be at work. In reality, work is fine, but let’s face it, there are better things to be doing. I just don’t get paid for those things.

The plus side is I get to use the gym today. I need to find a new show to watch since I watched all of Parenthood. Something funny I think would be a good plan since the crying and sweating is not a good combo.

When I get home I am going to walk up to the library to return my books and if I have time I will get a new one. I am hoping that this will give me a good idea of the length of time it takes me since I would like to be able to walk to the library and then on the way home I can pick up the boys. I might be able to do this at least once a week. Yay!

I have “training” this morning. Jean is out of the office for 3 weeks and I am getting a refresher course on setting up new accounts since I am her backup for those 3 weeks. I am not too concerned. Like I told Jean, I don’t mind doing the accounts since it just makes my days go by quickly what with me then being super busy all day. That being said, I don’t want to do too much in the way of training since I want to listen to Kevin and Bean. I have priorities, people.

This week looks to be busy again. Thursday night the boys and I go see Taylor sing in her talent show. Saturday is registration. Friday night we have dinner with my folks for Ken’s birthday. Ken’s actual birthday is Wednesday. I feel like I should schedule a nap.  

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