Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Surreal times


I bathed two dogs yesterday.

That hardly seems note-worthy, but I can assure you, dog bathing isn’t a simple task when both dogs act like you are dumping death all over them. Luna, who will most likely die from drowning since she doesn’t always have the good sense to get out of the pool when she is tired, truly is a big ol’ wuss when it comes to bath time. Thankfully Lily is still small enough to manipulate, but she is getting bigger and I know that they will both be a pain eventually. The good news is that they are clean. The bad news is that it will most likely only last till today.

The more entertaining event of yesterday was taking a hit of pot in front of my parents to show them how it is done on the e-cig. Actually, it wasn’t too weird, just surreal. Ken and I spent some time going over different things we knew about the strains we have used before settling in on what my folks would like us to get for them. We got them two disposable vape pens with one strain of indigo and one of sativa. We got them the strain I have been enjoying and one that we have not tried. If they like either (or both) they can invest in the rechargeable pen and get cartridges of the kind they like.

Dax is getting an award on Friday! He is getting an award in creativity. His stories and artwork have been awesome which Mrs. Senechal thought would be worthy of mention at the assembly. Yay! In addition to this, Mr. Dax will be on tv this Thursday. Ok, he is hopefully on tv. Ken got a call from Dr. Smart yesterday saying that there was a mobile dairy farm on campus and the local access Torrance channel was filming some of the kids. She volunteered Dax to be interviewed (she just wanted to verify with us that it was ok). Dax seemed pretty excited when we picked him up and he told me how he answered questions. He was a nervous chatty when he talked about it which meant he was really jazzed about the whole thing. Thankfully they have a YouTube channel, too, so I should be able to share it with the world.

One of the other cool things to come out of him being filmed was that when I was looking into the channel, I contacted them regarding a story on our region and the registration events coming up. The guy emailed me back and said that they would totally get the word out, which is fantastic. We have an ad in the local paper and we are getting the word out to the masses. Hopefully all of our efforts will pay off with more kids signing up.

Ken power washed our bathrooms, which made them look great! He also spent a lot of time getting up as much of the cat fur from the carpet as possible. In hindsight, even though I love the blue carpet, it probably would have been better to get a tan color since it would hide the cat fur better.

I managed to work-out in the gym yesterday and even take a walk with my clean pups last night. I feel quite good this morning. I will still try to walk tonight again, but my primary objective is my desk as it has become the dumping ground when paperwork from the school or things for soccer need to be put away quickly. I would like to get it all back to the clean and organized I have had it in the past. It shouldn’t take too long, but it will take some time.

Well, time to rock this Tuesday! 

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