Thursday, January 29, 2015



Good morning, Thursday!

It seems that the study group sessions for homework these last few days has significantly improved the speed in which homework is finished. There is humor, there is the occasional banging on the table to get their spaced out attention, and overall there seems to be learning. I have also been pushing the boys to do a little more than what is asked of them so as not to fall behind or have work sent home that wasn’t complete enough. It looks as though the system has also helped our new group member. The boys and Sabrina almost seem to compete a bit to see who finishes first, which bodes well for us moms who have to monitor the festivities.

Tonight is the airing of the last episode of Parenthood. I am quite sad because I love this show so very much. I won’t watch it live, despite the fact that the net will be filled with spoilers all morning tomorrow. Instead I will gear up and view it when I get home from work tomorrow. I will make sure to hydrate fully beforehand so as not to pass out from all the tears.

Closet cleaning didn’t take place yesterday as I spent the first part of the afternoon at the store and the second part chatting with Sabrina about the drama of her friends. Boy, little boys can be mean to little girls. I am hopeful that my boys don’t act like such poo poo heads when they are dealing with girls in their class. I don’t believe they are, but I also hope that if they saw someone saying mean things to another kid that they would stand up for them. I know that Bobby would. He is a defender of the people.

I am all kinds of excited that next week Trusty will be out of the office both Wednesday and Thursday and I will be out on Friday. It means I have 5 full days of a Trusty-Free work place! YAY! It is important to always have something awesome to look forward to.

Ken ordered me underwear! I got the package addressed to me and I was all confused having not ordered anything. I opened it and saw that it was for Sexy Mama Joe! YAY! I am all kinds of excited being that I really needed to go get some new underwear, but the fact that he did this as a sweet surprise made me all giggly happy.

Ken looks to be gone much of the weekend reffing at the Extra playoffs. The cool news is that he gets to finally be evaluated at the U14 level so he can get his next badge, which rocks! I have some minor soccer activities. I am going to help Jimmy move some goals from Levy to Hull Saturday morning. Should be fun. I will drag the boys along so they can kick the ball on the field. Dax will appreciate this.

Dax is really happy to have Sabrina at the house. It is another active kid who likes to kick the ball around and play. I am considering taking the kids up to the park this afternoon once homework is done so they can run around. Plus, the pups get an outing. Crossing fingers that homework is minor tonight.

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