Tuesday, February 9, 2010



The net is back up!!!! YAY!! I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I was able to log into Facebook. With all of my games behind and photos to upload, I have a lot of work to do tonight. I did a very small amount this morning. I knew that if I got too involved I would forget to go to work. I just have comfort in knowing it is back up and running.

Yesterday was pretty basic. When I got home I did my workout, which was awesome. I bested several scores and I was pleased with the results. After that, I retrieved the boys while Ken did his workout. Bobby hung out with Ken, alternating between cheering him on and laughing when he lost. I worked on packing and Dax played out back.

I noticed Dax using the tiniest piece of chalk ever, so I broke out a whole new box of chalk for him. I went outside with him and he and I drew aliens and cats and dogs. I then drew a house with balloons coming out of it, to which he yelled, “Up Movie!!!” He then requested I draw Carl and Russell, which let me tell you isn’t easy for someone who has a hard time with stick figures.

Ken decided to walk up and check on the phone status, so the four of us went and took the dogs. It is always good to A) get some extra exercise, and B) work with Luna on walking. She does quite well, as long as she doesn’t see Lycos. She gets overly excited when she sees her. But even so, she was so much better on her skills.

Ken, Dax and Lycos hung out for a while longer watching, so Bobby, Luna and I headed home since I needed to start dinner and Bobby wanted to do his exercises. He loves doing the Wii Fit stuff, so since he is technically doing exercise when he does it, I have no problem with him doing those things.

During dinner, we all watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit since the boys had never seen it and wanted to know who Roger was when we went on his ride at Disneyland. It had been a while since we had seen it and I was impressed at how well it stood up after all these years. Bobby was a little scared at the scenes with the Dip. I don’t blame him. They were quite freaky.

Since we had no net still, and Ken wasn’t feeling 100%, we went to bed kind of early. We watched an episode of Better Off Ted (by the way, people, this is a show that needs to be watched. It is fantastic!) before I crashed out. Ken was not feeling well because he had done his doctor appointment that morning, which includes things like blood work which he hates. So he psyches himself up to have it done, and then they tell him he will need to wait until today. Poor guy. I am sure that is what contributed.

I hate that we always seem to bring so damn much stuff with us when we go up North. Between 2 grownups, 2 kids and now 2 dogs, it takes quite a bit of crap. So all morning, I have been going over in my head how it is that I can condense it as much as possible. In the past few years, I have gotten my own clothing and shoes down to fit into the same bag that Ken uses. As a girl, I am quite proud of this accomplishment. I am also thrilled that we now own two pretty good sized duffel bags (they look like you could fit a slightly chopped up human in them). One is for Ken and I, the other for the boys. But it isn’t clothing, or even toiletries that seem to take up the most room. Hell, that is only 3 bags. Even dog stuff, aside from the crate we have to take this time, is only one grocery bag. But it is other stuff. Like the Wii. We are bringing that with us since everyone would like to see the Fit. Plus, it means I can do some exercise up there. Then there are computers. Only 2 laptops, but it is still one more bag. We also have a box of Christmas presents. Sigh. Even with our mini van, we have a packed car.

So if someone shows you a picture of their kid or niece or something, is it rude to show them pics of yours? I ask because I resisted the urge just now when a coworker showed me pictures of her niece singing. Mind you, video was super cute and I was glad she showed me. She pointed out that her niece was only 3. So of course, the overly competitive side of me kicks in and I want to point out that sure, this kid may know Small World, mine knows a good chunk of American Pie at 3. But I decided that it was rude to one up someone. This woman never shows off pictures and it seemed like I would be taking her thunder if I whipped out pics of my gorgeous boys. Plus, let’s face it, she would look at my kids and see just how inferior her niece is to them. LOL! I know, I am horrible.

Ken took Dax with him for moral support this morning for his blood test. The boys are both very good at that sort of thing. They will hold your hand while they check things. When I was getting my blood pressure checked when I got my Effexor, Dax held my hand. When Ken got the flue shot, Bobby held his hand. It is all very cute.

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