Monday, February 22, 2010



I am at work, even though it is only for a short time. Bobby’s doctor’s appt is this morning, so I am only at work to make sure everything was in order this morning before I go with Bobby and Ken. I am crossing my fingers that he has no shots. After the doc we are heading to breakfast and then at 11, I have an appt with the local beauty school to have my hair done! YAY! It will be about $100, which isn’t bad. I went in for a consultation on Saturday, and they all seemed more than confident to make it happen, but they did say there was a lot of work. The lady who is doing my hair loved my research and photos and description, and seemed jazzed to do it. I liked her, too. She seemed like one of my people. LOL! So Bobby will hang with me while I get it done. Should be fun!

My weekend was awesome in terms of how freaking productive it was. Saturday morning, we got all the supplies for the party this Saturday. We got goody bags, a piñata and other items. Thursday night we do the Costco run to get food and cake.

Saturday afternoon, I worked on the house. I scrubbed my kitchen, even doing the floor Cinderelly style. It looks great! We got lots of laundry worked on, and then I looked up to see when Planet 51 was playing at the cheap movies. We took the boys to an afternoon showing and then out for ice cream. It was cool!

Sunday we had bowling and then Ken had a birthday party to do. The boys and I returned a tree trimmer to my folks and then while they “napped” I worked some more on the house. I reorganized all of Ken’s Lego into a better arrangement. I also took out the final shelf in the entry way, leaving it completely empty. YAY!!!!! Ken got home and fixed and finished the tiling in the entry way, so it looks really good! We have more work on it in general, but the section we didn’t do requires moving a lot more stuff, and frankly, I wasn’t having it yesterday.

After that, we removed the old table that held the cat’s food and water and replaced it with a shelf and cleaned thoroughly the area and made it look so much nicer. No more clutter over there again! The kitchen as a whole looks great now. We swept the living room and moved Lycos’s crate back into Bobby’s room. The boys and I cleaned their rooms and all the laundry in our house is done and put away. Then, I worked on the back yard. I cleaned up a lot of the driveway, tossing a lot of stuff, and sweeping up the sand Lycos has kicked out of her sandbox. The driveway is so open now, the boys were riding their scooters, which they loved. We have more work on the yard since we need to throw out all the old toys back there and we have a bag of wood chips to put over the muddy areas. Plus, we need to do a few more minor things, but we needed trash can space and from all the cleaning we did this weekend, we ran out of room. LOL!

Of course, the worst part of all of this is, it still has rain in the forecast for Saturday. I am quite upset about this. Of course, it could change. Hell, it was supposed to rain this weekend and it barely did. The rain is coming Wednesday, but that is fine with me. I just really hope the storm doesn’t come until Sunday.

We reserved a bounce house for Saturday, we have a Star Wars game we got at Party City and the Darth Vader piñata. Plus, we got supplies to make tiny light sabers for the goody bags.

I still have to scrub the bathroom this week and Ken has to take a printer to the shed and put a couple of boxes in the closet, but it is coming together quite nicely. I don’t think our house has looked this nice in 10 years. Specifically, I think the last time I was this thorough was actually for our wedding. LOL! At this rate, I even think our bedroom will be clean. I was concerned it would end up being the dumping ground for a few things, including the dogs. Although at this point, since the people coming our mostly our friends, I am going to just let the dogs be outside with us. If the daycare kids end up showing up (no RSVPs!!!! GRRR!!!) then I may need to put them away. I was going to even lock up the cats, but 2 of them will lock themselves up, if Monarch gets out, he will come back, and Ittles will walk outside and then collapse. She doesn’t like to be out.

At this point, I have confirmed 5 kids. Sabrina will be there. My boys, and also Alyssa’s kids, Logan and Peyton. Peyton, though, is only 15 months or so. She probably won’t be running as much. I have a pretty good crowd, though. My folks will be there. Stephanie, Brandy, Alyssa, Chris, Doug and Elizabeth. Andy and Scott have said there is an outside chance they will show. I don’t expect it, but it would be fun. The good news is, even if Bobby’s little friends from daycare don’t show, he will have fun. He doesn’t care since he is only 5!

My email at work isn’t working, so I am slightly annoyed at this. I can’t send my boss a note saying I am leaving. I think I am heading out at about 7.

Another cool thing about it being my friends coming is that it is more relaxed. We can have some drinks, have a laugh and really have a good time.

Between having funky dreams about dying on Saturday night and last night not being able to settle down, I am so tired. Last night was mostly just me going over all of the things I still need to do before Saturday. I know it will be fine, even if we end up being in the house due to rain. Ken pointed out that the kids could even play the Wii and they would all be happy. Luckily I also have the piñata and the other game along with cake, and since I only put 90 minutes of party, if daycare kids show, they might not stay as long anyway. My friends can stay as long as they want. LOL! Isn’t that funny? Although Ken pointed out that really, the 90 minutes is just so I don’t have to stress about entertaining for too long, plus, it gives people an out if they are bored. But the people coming so far, I would be more than happy for them to stay longer.

Being this tired, and feeling a smidge icky aside from that will really help when I walk over to the only other person in the office to tell him I am leaving because I am sick. Of course, he may question me when I have my hair different tomorrow, but I can point out my appt was in the afternoon and I felt a little better. I am running with it. Maybe I need to just say Bobby has an appt. Honestly, he doesn’t give a crap either way. He knows I bust my ass on stuff and rock, so it is all good.

I know Ken didn’t think I should get home before 8. But I think I may leave earlier so I don’t have to deal with the boss. I might stop by the Super K since they are open 24 hours, and maybe I can look for pants for the boys while I kill time.

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