Thursday, February 11, 2010

yesterday's piddly blog


So much for being able to leave early tomorrow. The boss scheduled a meeting for 1:15 tomorrow afternoon. What really sucks is these kind of meetings always end up only being 15 minutes long, if that. So I end up having to stay for the rest of the day just for that. Lame. In reality, I don’t have too much to do when I get home tomorrow. I need to load the car, and just get the house finished up. Ken won’t get home until after 4, so really, I have about an hour and a half to get everything loaded, prepped, get the kids, and then be ready to go. I am considering going home early today instead to finish up some of the minor things like cleaning the boys’ rooms and house. It I left today at noon, I would get an extra couple of hours for everything. This includes washing the dogs!

Bad morning so far. My footstool just broke. It is a cheap little thing I have had for years and I am sure my kicking it a million times wore it down. It still seems to work a little bit, but it isn’t too steady anymore. Lame!!

Of course, I could bail even earlier, but I am not sure I need to do that. Then again, I didn’t say I needed to. I just would love to go home and get it all ready to go so that my stress levels go down. The earlier I leave, the easier it is to do so. I like to leave before the boss gets in. I have errands to run, too. Like getting my pills, getting litter. Hmm…maybe I should.

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