Wednesday, February 20, 2013

all I wanted was some sleep


Perhaps I can get some sleep tonight.

I don’t know if it was stress, the loud wind, or my nose which has been in a great deal of distress of late. No matter the reason, I was unable to get into any kind of a good sleep mode last night. I finally fell asleep at some point because I know that I was dreaming about some kind of indoor pool that I was at. Luna was a puppy still and she was with me. I also know that a group of people I was with had all decided to go to this Indian food place.

I was hoping the evil evening would have knocked me out. Ok, in all fairness, it wasn’t evil. It was just one of those nights where all these small things kept happening that were super annoying. The remote’s batteries were dead. The show I wanted wasn’t on. It was almost comical after a while.

I was stressed and grumpy by the time I got home from work. Thankfully, I was able to take the dogs and walk up to meet Ken and the boys. I am always impressed with how easy it is to walk two dogs at once. I know it is because my dogs rock, but either way, it is always awesome to be able to do it.

We got through homework and then headed out to Costco. I gotta say, I love going to Costco. I don’t know what it is. I know it seems to be filled with idiots, but there is something always comical when I am there. At one point, there was a sample table. The guy was setting out little cups of something from a bowl. The problem was that I didn’t see what the food was. The only thing around him happened to be a jug of kitty litter that seemed to be prominently displayed next to him. Part of me kind of wanted him to be handing out samples of cat litter with pretend, um, waste in them. It was not in fact this, but I did tell him that I was a little concerned what with the unfortunate placement.

It is also fun to cart watch. Sure, there are the folks that are clearly buying for their business. Then there are family carts, filled to the brim with lots of kid friendly food options. Then there was the lady I saw yesterday. All she had was 3 giant jars of pickles, a case of Ensure and a package of paper towels which has about 8 rolls in it. Dude, what kind of parties does she have?

Bobby’s report was well received. It was liked enough that Ms. Jenkins even asked Bobby if he would like to present it at the assembly they were planning. He told me yesterday he really didn’t want to. He pointed out his stage fright issues, which I can 100% relate to. I know I should probably encourage him to do it, but the butterflies in me are swarming up and offering their support for Bobby’s swarm.

The good news this morning is my real test results are finally in. YAY! My premature jubilation concerning my A1C’s were justified since I am still below the 6 number that is diabetes. YAY! The only thing that needs to be worked on is my cholesterol. It isn’t horrid, it just needs to be lowered. I have gained some weight back, so I need to get back on track. I actually have lost a few pounds in the last week or so because I have been trying to be better again. My biggest issue is dinner these days. When I am at work, I have a limited supply of grub. When I am at home, I can do things like seconds or have more snacks than I should. I need to start slapping myself. The night time walks have probably been quite helpful along with making sure my walks at lunch time are at least 25 minutes of 3.4 mph at full incline. Today I think I am going to try and go for 30 minutes since the boss is out and no one will miss me.

With only three more days of prep time for Bobby’s party, I have to admit I am getting anxious. I am going low key with no real activities planned. Bobby does want to play Heads Up 7-Up while everyone drinks 7-Up. Don’t ask. The kid is a nutball. Ken is getting a bouncer slide, which always delights the kids. Other than that, I figure we don’t need much. Between our backyard and the countless toys at our disposal, we are pretty much set on entertainment. I think I will even have Star Wars playing in the living room for kids who just want to chill and watch. Either way, it is a gathering of people, and I get anxiety. Of course this makes zero sense being that 99% of the people are my close friends and family. These are people that even if they are judging me are doing it out of love. LOL!

Well, with at least a little good news under my belt and no boss today, I am hoping everything runs smoothly for another day of me. 

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