Friday, April 19, 2013

be nice


Hey bad guys! Take a fucking vacation!

This morning I stopped to pick up breakfast and a guy rode up to the place on his bike. The girl at the window clearly had taken his order many times in the past and he seemed like this nice, carefree guy who was in route to work. I was waiting on my food and his friend pulled up in the parking lot, so he walked over to say hello. I don’t know what it was. He just seemed nice and sometimes nice is all it takes. The lady handed me my food and I handed her a $5 and told her to put it towards his bill. I had heard what his order was, and $5 would cover most if not all of it. I had no reason to do this other than I just felt like doing something nice for someone.

We looked at a place yesterday that isn’t on the market until Tuesday. Cute neighborhood, ok house, but truly, it wasn’t home. Sure, I could see making the space work, but even with the stress of this process wearing me down, I really feel like we need to love the place, or at the very least, realy really like it. It is a bummer since it is a great opportunity what with it being unknown currently. Less competition is a plus these days.

The good news is we are still in the running for the place we love. There is only one offer in on that place and it is a FHA buyer. From past experience from not only Brandon but even us, we know that even though they have offered more, we are in a better position for the place. So we are holding strong on this one and keeping everything crossed. It is the one place that across the board gets 2 thumbs up (ok, well, Dax only gives one since he is still concerned in a big house that he will get confused. I know this is something else, but his apprehension is still noteworthy). Hopefully we find out something soon, but due to this being a more touchy place, we may not know until next week. So until then, I need to just breathe.

I am considering riding our bikes tomorrow. The baby shower is in Manhattan Beach, but we are going to my mom’s first. I think if we ride, we can then ride with my mom from their house, and then after, the boys and I can ride over to the Spring Fest. Ken will be able to meet us over there after and he can always put the bikes on the car, or what would be ok to is if he just took the boys and their bikes and I can ride home. I am really tempted.

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