Thursday, April 18, 2013

chucking junk


I need to learn how to meditate.

Brandon called me last night and told me that he is hoping to get Ken and I in a place today or tomorrow to look at that doesn’t hit the market until Tuesday of next week. If we can do a good offer, we may not even have to compete with anyone! HOLY FUCK YAY! Of course, who knows if the place is good, but from the satellite image, it looks like a good lot, so crossing fingers.

Papa Brenan keeps poo pooing the Walnut property. He is freaked out about the pool. He has emailed me and called Ken again yesterday telling him the boys would absolutely have to have swim lessons. Look, I am worried as much as the next mom about drowning, but for fuck’s sake, my kids have been in pools since they were newborns. I am not as worried about them as I would be about friends of theirs. That being said, the pool isn’t really a big selling point on the house for me. Sure, a pool would be kind of fun, but it is a lot of extra work. I told Ken last night we should pull our offer on it. I mean, why waste time on a property that makes our financer so nervous? Plus, this one is effing shakey as it is what with the seller not having any offers for so long and him living out in the forest somewhere with only snail mail. The place is truly too small, despite the charm and neighborhood it brings. I say let’s bail.

Hopefully there is a counter offer today from the happy making house. That being said, this new property we look at may negate everything!

Yesterday I was super productive! Since Bobby, in a shocking twist, has next to no homework this week, I opted to have him help me in the playroom while Dax was in there working on his homework. Bobby and I dove in to the gobs of toys and crap hoping to make a dent in the quantity that was there. Thankfully, the boys happened to be quite amendable to getting rid of things. I managed to also toss 3 giant bags of trash out. Along with that, there was 2 boxes, a bag and two hampers full of stuff going to Goodwill today. YAY! I emptied out two sets of dressers in there along with another set of drawers. It actually is quite a reasonable amount of stuff now. There are a couple of more large items I am hoping to get rid of. One is this full bucket of wooden tracks that you set up for marbles. Sure, it is cool, but they NEVER use the damn thing and it takes up so much room. The other is a giant bin of about 20 Mr. Potato Heads, complete with just about every costume they ever made for them. I understand how the boys really don’t want to get rid of them, but they also never play with those. Hell, at one point Jessica was helping me in there and she got excited about them and sat down to play with them. She got bored in maybe 2 minutes? I am hoping that now that they are in a bin they don’t look in, I can sneak them off to Maria’s house since her preschool kids would love those.
Jessica spent a lot of time hanging out with me yesterday. The neighborhood kids had been waiting not so patiently outside our house for my kids to be ready to play. Once I released mine, it was mass chaos of kid land at the Brenan house. 

Jessica being the only girl, was not feeling warm and fuzzy about a very active game of war. So she ended up hanging out with me while I finished the playroom. It was kind of fun having a little girl for an hour. It made me wonder what life would be like with a daughter.

My hope today is to clean out my dresser. I have so many things I just don’t or won’t wear. I will keep a couple of the workout worthy clothing and some comfy house pants and chuck the rest. Downsizing is surprisingly cathartic. I think when I go through some of the items I have left in the garage, I am going to just take pictures of some of the items and get rid of the actuals. I have old prom dresses in there. I suppose I hoped someday I would have a little girl who would want to go all retro to a dance. It isn’t likely. LOL! So I will chuck those. I have a few other things like that in there. I have Granddaddy’s letterman jacket that I want to make sure is put in a nice sealed bag so it stays ok. I have a couple other items that are out there that I also am going to get rid of. I have my Milwaukee Brewers stuff that truly doesn’t need to be kept. I don’t even watch baseball anymore. It is going to be a junk bloodbath!

I just finished reading the book Warm Bodies. Wow, quite good. I know there is a movie, but I wanted to check out the book. The author has promised a sequel, thank goodness. Well written and an intriguing idea behind zombie lore. Loved it!

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