Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Scam Artists


Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.-  A.A. Milne

We saw two more properties yesterday. The first one was a reminder that even though it is in a good school district, the block it is on is not all that great. The second house, though, showed that online pictures really do not give some houses enough credit. This place was charming and large. It is in Hawthorne, but a block away from the middle school and down the street from the elementary school. The new high school is going to be right there, too. The only issues with this place (aside from being in the city I am not as thrilled about) is that it needs a bit of work. It will need a new roof soonish, and there is some flooring damage. Other than that, it has a charming 70’s vibe with a huge master suite and 3 additional bedrooms which are pretty good sized.

I am hoping to have appointments to view 2 other places in Torrance. One isn’t in an ideal location, but that being said, it might be ok. Once again, we are persuaded to start looking at places that seem like they wouldn’t work out since those sometimes are the most interesting.

We are considering putting in a low offer on this one place we liked. I am going in to that one knowing we will most likely not get it, so this makes me less worried. The place has been on the market 2 months, which is an eternity in this market. It had fallen out of escrow due to the owner having died in the place. It was natural causes, but I guess that gives some people the creeps. It is a great area of Torrance so who knows. Stranger things have happened, right?

Dax was all kinds of happy yesterday morning since the Tooth Goblin left him a TMNT Splinter Lego keychain. It was a tooth that was stubborn and I actually had to help it along the night before. I don’t know that pulling teeth is ever listed in any of the parenting handbooks.

I am in the process of messing with an online scam artist. I came across an ad for Golden Retriever puppies. I was intrigued, specifically because they were only $200. I emailed the guy who proceeded to tell me, in really broken English, how he has 3 pups that he needs to find loving homes for because he and his family are moving. The catch? He works in “Community Work in British Cameroon”. I was dying laughing. He basically wants people to send him $200 and he will ship you the pup from Africa!!! So of course I have been emailing him asking him questions. His “wife” emailed me from the same address talking about how they are Christians and blah blah blah and how they just want good homes for the pups. The last emails I sent told them that my husband was going to be able to redirect his return flight to pass through there and he could pick up the pups. Yeah, no word yet, so if I don’t hear anything soon I will be flagging the shit out of the, wait for it, 20 or so ads he has posted all along the west coast. He always uses different pictures and yet he has been using his email address since at least January. Sheesh. The last email from them actually quoted the bible: The Lord directs the steps of the Godly-Psalm 37:23

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