Thursday, January 14, 2016

Week of sad


Well this day is stating poorly.

I noted when I got into my car that the glove box was open. This is the telltale sign of someone clearly was tampering with my vehicle. All of the change was still there, though, and my ipod adaptor so I assumed they were hoping for more cool stuff when really there is nothing truly of value in my car. I also noted that the driver’s side visor was slightly down, but it didn’t occur to me until I was driving that my garage door opener was missing.

It is amazing what will completely wake you up in a jolt. The realization that my house had been compromised was that very incident this morning and any amount of lingering groggy that was happening was quickly lifted and I was wide awake.

Luckily, Ken was able to reprogram the remote and opener so that the one gone stolen would no longer be functional, therefore keeping the house safe for now. The desire on Ken’s part to invest in one of the camera systems for the outside of the house is starting to become more of a priority in my mind now, especially with the recent tagging of our wall.

I arrived to work, still kind of flustered when I noted the breaking news this morning that Alan Rickman had passed away. I am still kind of reeling from the death of David Bowie but this particular actor truly hit me hard. I have loved him in so many roles, two of which are holiday classics in our home. We had also just watched Galaxy Quest in the last couple weeks. On top of it all, he was a huge part of one of my favorite films of all time by my personal lord and savior, Kevin Smith. Dogma still is one of those flicks that can incorporate deep thought with fart jokes. It is a fine line to walk, one in which Kevin does often and having Alan Rickman don giant wings and spitting tequila out was part of that magic. Mr. Rickman, as Snape still is the only image I can get when I am reading the books. I am hoping these important people in my pop culture existence stop dying on me.

On the plus side, I was able to finally locate a digital copy of A Little Life, a book my mom has loaned me that is on many of the top lists of last year. I was hesitant to read it if only due to how incredibly sad it made my mom after she read it. I have had my share of devastating books of late and I wasn’t anxious to dive back into that pit of sad that results from fictional characters tugging at my heartstrings. However, to have it available to me at work is a stroke of wonderful luck. It is very long which allows for a longer time to read. Hopefully it doesn’t result in me having to make excuses for tearing up at my desk.

My afternoon looks clear with another Python practice in the evening. Bobby and I are going to walk to the practice, leaving around the time Dax and Ken do. The plan is to stop by the library on the way as I need to renew my library card and I also have a book on hold there. Yeah, cause I don’t have a large enough stack of reading material at my disposal I felt the need to borrow another one. However, this one in particular has also been on my list of to read for some time and I would like to ingest its goodness sooner than later.

Dax was finally assigned his mission and it is up in Sonoma. Bleah. It is farther than San Francisco. It means we will most likely leave on Friday the 29th right after school and come home Sunday. It will be a lot of driving for one day of exploring. On the plus side, we won’t have to take too much stuff and really, Dax will be quite happy. Over this next couple weeks we will need to write up his report so that it is actually done before we go. The trip will mostly be for pictures to include what with the report being due that Wednesday after we get home. I figure he can write an additional 2 paragraphs or so when we get back talking about how it looks now. That would be a nice way to end the report overall. However, it looks to be a crazy couple weeks what with soccer and report writing.

I am thinking that I am ready for this week to be over.


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