Friday, February 19, 2016

I really need to stop forgetting this part


Gah! How can someone be such an idiot and yet in a high paying position?

Yes, Trusty is back, and he has been in the office no less than 2 hours and I already want to ring his neck. Between his inability to remember things and his insistence at bending over backwards for the sales team over the obvious risky accounts that will undoubtedly make my portfolio suffer, my respect for him is at an all-time low. It is 10 am as I write this and I can assure you, my departure at 1 pm is the only light for this tunnel of a day.

Luckily, I have my proud mommy moments keeping me filled with a happy spark. Ken was able to attend the award assembly this morning where they both were receiving an award for Character. I wasn’t there, but this information was relayed to me. He said there were about 30 kids getting awards and they were both up very close to the end. Dax apparently received the biggest applause and Bobby was not only rewarded with his certificate, but also a chant of “Bobby! Bobby! Bobby” was given to him from his peers. Ken said it was really surreal. It is wonderful to know that they are both well liked and that people truly see that they are good people. It fills my heart with this knowledge and I am grateful that we are in a community that recognizes them both for all of their strengths.

On the plus side for my day of annoyance, I did find a new book to read. I read one yesterday, too, which turned out to be quite good, surprising me in multiple ways. I ended up opting to finish it last night, which worked out in my favor simply because tears and work do not mix. I anticipate this book having a similar outcome in terms of my fragile tear ducts, but for now, I am just happy it is long and will provide me with adequate distractions.
Today's reading

Yesterday's selection

I have two confirmed party guests as of right now, but based on this morning, it is possible that anyone not coming just had other plans. I will keep my fingers crossed that if anything, we have too many kids and not enough pizza as truly, that would be the best thing ever!

We are leaving the boys home in the morning tomorrow, which I know will produce gobs of anxiety on my part. It isn’t as if they aren’t ok on their own. Sadly, that stupid cast has set me back quite a bit in terms of free range parenting. I worry I have even made it back to the helipad. I know he will be fine, but I don’t want him in any situation in which we can’t get to him quickly. We will be at registration most of the morning, just over at Hull, but Ken and I both are running over to the cannabis doc for a bit to renew our paperwork. Yeah, like that makes me sound responsible. Ha! Either way, I know it will be a bit nerve wracking for me, but I know that ultimately I need to trust that he will be good and not kick the ball too much while I am gone and that Bobby understands he will be needed for assistance in some matters.

My evening looks busy, but kind of fun. We will head over to Costco when the menfolk arrive from their respective schools so we can stock up on birthday supplies. Hopefully it won’t be too insane what with it being a Friday night. My other concern is cake selection since one never knows what they will have on hand. Bobby is very insistent that his cake be white through and through, and I don’t know the wait time on something custom. I suppose we will figure it all out, as we always do.

Now to continue my countdown till this work nonsense is over and I am back in an environment of standard chaos instead of aggravating chaos.  

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