Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Cast


I am unsure if the cast makes me feel better or not.

So the weekend, despite being without a player, was filled with soccer. We went to the Harbor Cup games at Field of Dreams in San Pedro in order to route on our CT Strikers. It could have been boring what with not seeing Dax in action, but in reality, it was good. Dax seemed happy to be there. He was a good teammate, cheering loudly and even warming up a bit with the team. I think that was actually the best part. Terrifying for me, watching him do so much of his normal activity, but in a sling. But I could see how happy he was, and how much really the soccer isn’t just something he does. It is something he IS.

Strikers did well, winning 3rd place in their pool of teams. They did well, passing so much better and really working together. I did see about a half a dozen times in which Dax would have scored easily, and really, not to sound biased, they would have done so much better with him. I didn’t tell the team or Dax this. I don’t want any of the kids to think like that. I also think the team was just thrilled we were there to cheer. I am getting to know some of these kids now and I really like them a lot. All of them are very sweet and to see their smile when I would tell them how awesome they were doing was bliss. Now to just countdown until I get to tell Dax how awesome he is out there.
Dax even got a medal!

I did manage to do some serious cleaning in the downstairs for Bobby’s party this weekend. We got the screen up and really, I think it is going to be a lot of fun. Now all the kid has to do is actually hand out his invites! He forgot on Friday, what with the whole Jog-A-Thon and Valentine Day parties. It was a little chaotic. I did get one yay from Nick, and really, I am assuming a handful of kids at the very least will show. It should be good.

Yesterday we went to see the surgeon to get Dax’s hard cast. They removed the soft bandages and I was able to see for the first time his incision and the pins. I didn’t know what to expect when it came to the pins and was surprised at how they looked. I guess I expected these giant nails or something very primitive, which of course is stupid. I didn’t spend a lot of time looking. I was mostly watching for Dax to be in pain or shock or anything like that. He looked concerned when he saw it and I knew it was a matter of time before it hit him wrong. He stayed brave for a while during the time it was exposed. I could see his right hand shaking a bit and I knew we were about to have a situation.
Chicks dig scars

He felt nauseous, which made sense, and he clearly went into a little shock. We got him water and were able to lie him down, which helped a great deal. I spent the rest of the time alternating between giving him water and stroking his hair. Once he calmed down, he was fine. In fact, the guy doing the cast was awesome, and they struck up an easy conversation concerning soccer. I think this all helped him calm down so I was grateful. He also gave us a nicer sling, even though ultimately he doesn’t need to wear it unless his arm is tired.

We go back on the 7th where they will remove this cast and do x-rays. The surgeon seemed to think it looked good yesterday and really didn’t say much, which didn’t surprise or bother me. He seems like the no news is good news kinda guy. What is funny is we are going to the same place he went for his leg all those years back. I suppose in some ways I expect to go back to this place in the future, too.
Last night was tough on him, though. Sleeping with the new cast was difficult if only because it was a different kind of itchy and bulk. At 1 this morning he came in all upset. We gave him some Tylenol, but 20 minutes later he was back, still upset. He curled up with Ken for a while and calmed down and went back to bed. He seemed to sleep ok after that, so this was a good thing. Still, I expect some more difficulties in general. I need to get online and find some advice on comfort.
Bolt also got a cast

Today, when I get home, I plan on doing some marathon cleaning. I figure with the party on Saturday and Andy coming into town tomorrow, we should have everything look good for people. I may just have Ken take Dax to practice tonight (since he can most likely do some of the practice) and I can work on things. Plus, it will allow Bobby to maybe go play with Ian and Parker. I also should take Bobby to Party City and see about things like decorations since he is very specific with his requirements. He wants certain colors for balloons and wants his cake to be white. If I could get him a big ole white coat I totally would just because I think he would enjoy feeling like royalty.

I am surprisingly awake considering I wasn’t able to get as much sleep from 1 on. I am sleepy, but I also feel like I have so much to do at home that it is making me alert. It kind of sucks that I am stuck at work. But on the plus side, Trusty is out and I have been able to get so much more done here than normal without him butting in. I did have to argue with a customer about a $7 credit on account. It looked to be an overpayment from a couple years ago and I told them it was theirs to use. So they wanted a full account breakdown for 2 years in order to know more about this. In my research I found that actually, they owed me $9 from some short pay that we in fact wrote off so if anything, they would owe us $2. She agreed to just let me write off the $7 instead of pursing it further. Mind you, this all came up because she is crazy past due on a ton of other invoices and has a pending order because of it.

Part of me feels like I should go back and watch all of the Walking Dead. The other parts of me aren’t sure that this is the most productive use of my time.

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