Thursday, February 4, 2016

Chaos is back


I think I get more excited about the boys’ field trips than they do.

Ok, that is probably due to me getting a day off from work. I also found the missions pretty interesting, even though I had already been to this one multiple times. I am looking forward to the drive there since I get to hang out with Ken. Really, the only thing missing from this adventure is Bobby. Although the good news is when we get back we will take him to the U-Code place to set up his party, which will be all kinds of awesome!

I read the book Stargirl this week and found it to be quite charming. I have this desire to be as groovy this the character the book is named for. Although I am reading the sequel now and find it to be not as great. It is cute and all, but really some of the best part of the first book was that you didn’t know what she was doing aside from what the character whose point of view was. I think I will need to find a meatier book for my next literary adventure, but these two are great for just a simple way to escape.

I am annoyed. I am annoyed that I am annoyed since the reason I am annoyed is that someone keeps taking the cinnamon out of the lunch room and I use that in my coffee. I am annoyed that I need to use cinnamon to make the coffee good and I am annoyed at my dependence on it. I am also annoyed that I used the wrong creamer in my coffee and now it is much too sweet, especially what with the lack of cinnamon. Seriously, this is just sad.

I opted to go by the DollarTree yesterday after work. That was a lot of fun, which I know sounds odd. However, since I wasn’t in a hurry and I didn’t have family in tow, it was very pleasant. I wandered all the aisles, something I don’t tend to do. I discovered multiple things that I will go back for when I run out of the item at home. They had things like astringent that is normally a few dollars at Target. They had floss sticks! I probably had a strange assortment in my basket for the cashier. I had new goblets, catnip (5 packs mind you), a cat collar, a toy guitar, St Patrick’s Day hats and glasses, Valentine’s Day headband and glasses, fake flowers and other assorted items. Yeah, goofy combo. But I am quite pleased. I managed to obtain new outfits for Leeroy. Toph now has a pretty new collar. And I got the boys some Skittles that resulted in cheers from both. Yay!

Dax gets to go to practice tonight. Of course it is the one day in which we have other things going on. Ha! At this point, I will most likely be the one late to the meeting/registration. Ken will need to head over when he gets home so that he can set up a couple of computers for the registration for Winter League. I will go to practice and then show up when we are done. Not ideal, but we will manage. Dax also gets to most likely have a practice on Saturday afternoon at 2. So this would be after the registration at Rizzo’s, which means one of us will leave early from there since the registration ends at 2. We will see how all of that goes.

Now if only this day would hurry up!

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