Friday, February 12, 2016

I wish I could make them happy


I think some light depression has set in.

Dax seemed more down yesterday and actually surprised me when he said he didn’t want to go practice. I understand, of course, but it is tough to watch. It is pretty clear he isn’t getting as restful of sleep, nor has he had enough of an outlet for his energy levels. He said he could feel the pins in his arm last night and he actually took some Tylenol, which was strange. I think some of it was tired based, but it is till hard to deal with. They have the Jog-A-Thon today and I am going to go sit with Dax during (while hopefully cheering on Bobby) since he will most likely be very sad to not get to participate.

He will hopefully get to go get his hair cut today, also. Poppy wanted to take him to a barber just for the hell of it, and Dax really liked the idea so an appointment is being made for today. Ken is upset that he is going since he takes great pride in how he has been the one to cut their hair all these years. I understand the idea of being sad when the kids go elsewhere for something you have always done for them. I have this happen a lot, so it is hard, but it is also part of growing up. It isn’t meant as an insult to Ken’s ability. I just hope he understands that in time, because it is crazy hard on me to try and figure out how to make Ken feel better.
This is what Dax wants done

Bobby’s birthday party extravaganza has been a crazy scheduling nightmare what with soccer games and skate nights and registration events and birthday lunch with Grammie. Luckily, I think we have it mostly sorted out despite multiple date changes. Bobby will now do a screening of Guardians of the Galaxy in the downstairs area with a projection on a screen. Ken wanted to get one anyway for down there so it really should be fun. I will spend much of next week scrubbing the house. Tomorrow morning I will make Bobby do a lot of helping with it (it is his party afterall). I am glad we convinced (wrong word since I don’t think it took too much) him to do it inside. It means I don’t have to bother as much with yard work and if it rains for some reason (El Nino, where are you??) we are covered. We still have to contend with the cat situation, but I will be locking them up in the catio for the party and hopefully my crazy vacuuming will be enough to remove most of the dander.

Dax’s appointment for his hard cast can’t come quick enough. I would really like the extra protection for piece of mind. I am also very curious as to how the surgeon thinks the healing is coming along. I wonder if X-Rays will take place and I worry there will be some pain what with the manipulation of a new cast.

Not sure what time I have decided to leave work. The jogging takes place at 11:30, but I want to find parking and I need to stop and get gas. Yes, this is me being overly crazy, but look, it has been a long week. Ha! What’s funny is I considered leaving here after half day, and it just occurred to me it is now that time, but I will probably wait until at least 9.
Oh, Neil, if only it was this easy

Happy weekend y’all!

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