Monday, May 11, 2009



I have reports I am supposed to be doing, but I have to wait for one thing to finish, so I figured I would write a bit. Besides, these ones are time crucial, so if I get them done by 11 instead of 10, I don’t think anyone will notice.

Busy weekend. Saturday morning, we went over to Wilson Park for numerous reasons. We stopped first at the Farmers Market. I like the feel of those things, even though I never get anything. The boys had a couple of samples, and some lemonade, and Ken had this burrito thing that was mostly onion.

We went over to the playground for a while, where the boys ran and had lots of fun. We didn’t stay there long, since we wanted to get over to the Fire Service Day events next to the park over at SCROC. We got over there at the perfect time since it allowed us a good seat to see the fire demonstration.

The problem was, it was hot, the boys were hungry and tired, and Bobby seemed to suffer from some dehydration. He got all tired and weird and didn’t want to see a lot of what was going on. Ken had to carry him out and got him some water. He seemed a little better. I was concerned since he had not peed all day, and he just seemed off. Let’s just say, with good reason.

At around 5, Bobby decides all of the sudden he has to go poop. He announces this and runs to the bathroom. Ken and I then hear him call out, “I made a mess!” Ken and I looked at each other, and we knew, this wasn’t good.

From what we can tell, he was in the process of pulling down his pants when all hell broke loose. It was a puddle on the floor, it was splatter on the wall. It was in his back pocket! If it wasn’t my kid, I might not have laughed as hard. The best part was that my little sensitive Bobby, who sometimes gets upset at stuff like this, was super calm and ok with the whole thing. He knew it wasn’t his fault and he was great! Needless to say, there was a lot of clean up involved, and Bobby felt gobs better after that. He had some oatmeal, which we figured was a good plan to help his tummy. He did have some more clean up for the morning, but it wasn’t too bad. Dax was also experiencing issues, but you certainly praise diapers once you have cleaned up an underwear mess.

Bobby must have felt sick all day, but when he and I went to the mall in the afternoon, he was great. We went to get my mom her gift certificate for mom’s day, and then over to the Disney store. Bobby even was excited about going to the car wash with me. He was always so afraid, but he loved this new place that opened up near by. It looked less scary than the little ones at the gas station, so I think that helped.

Sunday was mom’s day, so we headed out to Grammie’s for a day of swimming and BBQ. It was nice out, so the pool was great. I didn’t get to visit as much as I would have liked since with kids that small, you need to be in the pool with them. But it was ok, aside from the burn on my head. Um, yeah, don’t wear your hair in pigtails unless you have put sunblock on the part. Brushing my hair this morning wasn’t fun.

The traffic was bad coming back, so the boys didn’t fall asleep. Too much stop and go, so they didn’t get lulled into relaxation. They of course fell asleep maybe 20 minutes out from home. Not a big deal. When we got home, we set them up on the couch and chair with their blankets with Buzz Lightyear, so they were happy.

I know stuff happened that I wanted to write about, but I am still sleepy myself so I can’t remember. I am also still shook up from yet another bad Dax dream. This one was horrible. There was some company that would let you die looking good. They put you to sleep, and would put some preservative in you to make you look serene. For some reason, Dax decided to do this. I am telling you, it was horrible. I found out after he was already in the middle of the process, and seeing your child “sleeping” was too much for me. I woke up, and couldn’t get the dream out. I tried everything, so I finally went back into the dream and took control of it. I saved Dax, and yelled at the company saying that how could a 2 year old sign a form. They told me that Dax had complained of not being able to sleep enough at night, so he was ready for the process. I still yelled, and Dax was fine. I even added comedy when the Geico gecko was there. But even with all of that, it was disturbing on every level, and I can safely say that even though it is grand when the boys sleep through the night with no issues, I think I prefer them getting up at least once since then I know they are ok.

I am thinking I need to try to sleep without NyQuil tonight, since all of these freaky dreams came about when I have had some.

Stupid report doesn’t match, running something else.

We have to drive out to Grammie’s house tonight. Ken forgot his computer out there. I am not looking forward to driving out to Riverside this afternoon, but it should be ok. The boys can watch a movie, and Ken and I will listen to Kevin and Bean and chit chat. Should be ok.

Last night, I felt faint. I know I didn’t drink enough fluids being that I was in the sun two days in a row. I took a shower last night, and I think the hot water with my coughing, just made me faint. I really need to take it easy!

I think I have a busy week in front of me. The weekend includes taking my dad to get another tattoo, and a possible visit from my brother, Doug. This of course means I need to get my house clean this week. If I chip away at it each day, I should be ok. It isn’t too bad. I can get the boys’ rooms done in the 30 minutes between getting home and getting them. Dishes, keep up on them.

Oh! So we found a house. I don’t anticipate a post saying that we are moving, but it is exiting. We were heading to Target when we saw a yard sale. We went to turn around, and noticed this open house by our “dream street”. Ken ran in to get a flyer, and then comes out and tells me I need to come look. I was impressed. It was about $500K, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, good sized yard, super cute, walking distance to Wilson Park, kids would go to West Beverly (ok, Torrance High, but let’s face it, I would call it West Beverly) and it is practically on the street we want to live on. It is on Carson, but the back of the house is an alley, so that is the way to really get in and out. We talked to the neighbors who have kids the same age as ours and rave about the place. Ken called our real estate guy, and they are seeing what we can do. We were not pre qualified, so that it a problem. Plus, there are two bids. The thing that may help our case is that this is a house that a father and son have worked on their whole lives. The dad bought the place for $800 back when it was built, and he and his son rebuilt it. He passed away recently, hence the sale. But since the space is zoned to be able to be torn down and turned into apts or a duplex, the bids may be for developers like that. Perhaps the son would rather sell to a nice family. So keep fingers crossed as we will probably know more today.

If we move, can I just leave all my old stuff behind and get new stuff? Packing doesn’t sound appealing. Maybe I will get rid of more stuff that way.

I wish I could feel less sleepy at work.

The boss is being stupid today.

I don’t like the new gum I got.

I wish my cough would go away.

They are talking to someone who can talk to dead people. I find it interesting that she said the number one way people talk to deceased loved ones is through dreams, and based on what she said happens in those dreams, I seem to have spoken to Grandaddy not long after he passed. Cool!

I fund it fascinating to watch or listen to the people who say they have a connection with the dead. You hear them rattle off information to the living person about their loved ones. It always seems to be in strange code. Like this last chick, her father kept mentioning something about one of three. Dude, who the hell talks like that? Is there a new language you have to learn when you die? Is it some elaborate game of charades? I was impressed that the medium chick actually came up with a couple of things, especially when it was over the radio. I don’t know if I believe. I know, I have now admitted being a hint crazy, but I just love the idea of people being able to talk to you once they died. I think that I need to come up with some kind of code word for people. So if you die, and I go to talk to you through a medium, remember to tell me…Hmmm what would be a good code word? How about Salsa Shark? Ok, so remember, when you want to talk to me when you are dead, tell me Salsa Shark and I will believe anything this medium tells me.

I feel a little better now that a bit more of the day has passed. I had some lunch, and had a couple of the brownie bites I made yesterday. All kinds of good. I was glad to hear that the boys had a fab morning, and although yes, I always look forward to seeing them, for some reason, right now I have more of a desire. My pictures at my desk help (it looks like a freaking shrine to them) but it just isn’t enough.

How much Viagra do you think actually gets sold from spam advertisements? I get the emails at work all day long, and you wonder, who is clicking on these and saying, hmm, Viagra at only $.25 a pill? Awesome! I think I will stock up, maybe give some for Christmas. I just can’t see people doing that. Then again, I can’t see how people give money to televangelists. Infomercials, hell yes, I understand. I still really want a snuggie, despite having a stellar blanket that Ken got me. Isn’t that sad?

I watched a Spongebob with the boys yesterday and for the first time in a while, a cartoon made me gag a bit. Patrick ate this disgusting piece of gum, and I am telling you, it made me want to hurl. Maybe I was just still woozy from having seen yet another one of those stupid King-on commercials from Burger King.

1 comment:

Brandy said...

PleasepleasePleasepleasePleasepleasePleasepleasePleasepleasePleaseplease warn when you are going to have explosive poo talk. >gack<
